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What The United States Has In Store For Their Citizens


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This may not be the right place to put this, but I don't care.  When a tree gets struck by lightning there's no telling which way it may fall.  So here goes,..

My mother was the most remarkable person I ever knew.  Everything about her was genuine, from that famous sweet smile that she would so often wear upon her face, to this serene, quiet wisdom that at times would pierce you straight to the heart.  Everybody that ever came in contact with her would fall under her spell and would truly come to love her.  I've never seen anything like it before in my life.

And whether it would be a waitress at a restaurant who only just met her, once again, even though my mother didn't speak much, that waitress would find herself suddenly confiding in her like she's known her for years.

I'm telling you, it was profound to watch this happen over and over again with that wonderful woman.  And I remember when a certain girlfriend of mine once said to me in a rather stern, matter of fact way, that if this thing between us doesn't work out some day, that she was still going to come by to see my mom, because she said she decided that she was her mother too.  What could I do but smile at this.

She truly was an amazing person.  Someone who lost her whole family when she was only eight years old, and yet though she was very close to them all, never lost herself in a gin bottle, or moaned to anyone about it openly.  She had such wit and charm, and a heavy dose of grace.  Generous in every way you could ever imagine.  And she never spoke vulgarly or said things that were unkind behind anyone's back.

I told you, She was the most amazing person I had ever known. 

And when she died, the nurses were all crying while they told me how sorry they were to me.  And I just nodded my head, as I felt I had to leave before I too would burst out in tears.  When one of them called out my name and said "We really loved her."  To which I turned away and tried to leave when yet another one grabbed my arm from behind, and as I turned to face her, with all of the nurses there in the hallway all bawling, she repeated, "I'm telling you we really did love her."  And I again just nodded my head to it all.  You see, I knew from a very early age just what an effect my mother could have upon people, so she really didn't need to stress that to me just then.  Though I just took it once again as something that had always impressed me so very much about her. 

Think about it,.. Nurses are accustomed to watching people die, and yet they were all deeply moved by this.  A truly noble woman.

Here's a little sample of her charming wit.

When my oldest brother was fifteen and was just learning to drive with a learners permit.  My mother was in the front passenger seat of the car, while I was sitting in the back seat.

Well, My brother kept drifting over the line, instead of being able to head straight down the lane.

And there was this business man that was quite irritated by this, and when he pulled up along side of us he shouted out,.. "Just which lane do you want!"  To which my mother just leaned forward passed my guilt ridden brother, and with that beguiling smile of hers she said,.. "We're not really sure, we kinda like them both." 

She once told me to try not to say things in anger that you might later regret.  And so I thought that maybe between two good people that might be a nice thing to pass on here, even though I have been guilty of doing that very thing so often in my past, and many times when I knew in my heart it wasn't something that was truly justified, I have regretted it. 

I am still learning from the people of that generation.  We are all son's and daughter's of the past.

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How twisted will the next [nearly] two years be with this clown at the helm of The Good Ship America? 

The mistake of allowing the development of a super-executive branch has yet, I'm afraid, fully shown its teeth.  So much damage can be caused when that much power is vested in a stranger with a hidden past.

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How twisted will the next [nearly] two years be with this clown at the helm of The Good Ship America? 

The mistake of allowing the development of a super-executive branch has yet, I'm afraid, fully shown its teeth.  So much damage can be caused when that much power is vested in a stranger with a hidden past.

Barry Soetoro, I mean Barak Obama has a real deep hidden past.

He got one thing for certain. He'll go in the History Books as the First African American President and also be the last.  America won't be as foolish the next time.  Also keep the Bush's and the Clinton's out of the Whitehouse as well. Twenty Two more months of Obama then he can stick his head between his legs and kiss his ass good-bye if he doesn't have all Americans doing it before then.

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Did anyone see what Obama has done now with immigration.  He is allowing those who are in the U.S. illegally file refugee status for their children.  This means that more of my tax dollars are going to help those who are less fortunate to a free way of life. They won't have to hold a job because of all the free monies and assistance they get. Which in turn, means they will never pay a dime in taxes.  They will also be allowed to cash in on my Social Security when I finally get to the age where I can collect it.  I am not worried about it though cause see I am 30 years old and won't ever have the opportunity to claim it anyway.  These little poor children from the cesspools of this great earth will also be allowed to bring all of their immediate family with them and hold them here because of their refugee status. So this means I can not only support one innocent but all 20 of their brothers and sisters as well. Each one of these children will get free monies which is only fair as because the U.S. did so much to turn their home countries into third world toilets.  I will also get the opportunity to learn a second language as I will have to because these poor lost souls  almost always refuse to learn English.  Nothing makes me happier to see  a 4 year old in a store translating for a parent and older siblings because they refuse to learn English. This is not always the case though. I actually worked with a fence jumper and she spoke perfect English when she wanted to, and never to anyone while at work.  I can not blame her though as we need to conform to them not them to this country who mistreats everyone who isn't white and rich. (sarc off)

WTF? I  know I am young, but this mother fucker is screwing with mine and my kids future and this will never be able to be corrected.  any one want to go in on a property deal with me, I hear Belize is nice year round. 

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How twisted will the next [nearly] two years be with this clown at the helm of The Good Ship America? 

The mistake of allowing the development of a super-executive branch has yet, I'm afraid, fully shown its teeth.  So much damage can be caused when that much power is vested in a stranger with a hidden past.

Barry Soetoro, I mean Barak Obama has a real deep hidden past.

He got one thing for certain. He'll go in the History Books as the First African American President and also be the last.  America won't be as foolish the next time.  Also keep the Bush's and the Clinton's out of the Whitehouse as well. Twenty Two more months of Obama then he can stick his head between his legs and kiss his ass good-bye if he doesn't have all Americans doing it before then.

I think that's right.  He will go work for some anti-American global warming pro-terrorist new world order outfit -- like the U.N.

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How twisted will the next [nearly] two years be with this clown at the helm of The Good Ship America? 

The mistake of allowing the development of a super-executive branch has yet, I'm afraid, fully shown its teeth.  So much damage can be caused when that much power is vested in a stranger with a hidden past.

Barry Soetoro, I mean Barak Obama has a real deep hidden past.

He got one thing for certain. He'll go in the History Books as the First African American President and also be the last.  America won't be as foolish the next time.  Also keep the Bush's and the Clinton's out of the Whitehouse as well. Twenty Two more months of Obama then he can stick his head between his legs and kiss his ass good-bye if he doesn't have all Americans doing it before then.

I think that's right.  He will go work for some anti-American global warming pro-terrorist new world order outfit -- like the U.N.

No doubt there.
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A few minor corrections to the discussion regarding the current POTUS.

1) He is not the first African-American president. He's the first president of European-African genetic heritage. Some would say he's a Halfrican-American president, but race is irrelevant and over-hyped in this country, anyway. Anybody who voted for a candidate because of their color is a flaming idiot.

2) He is, however, the first full-blown Marxist president. That's the part that troubles me. And anybody who voted for candidate because of his or hers totalitarian ideology is dangerously deranged.

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I love the fact that, presuming Bush I doesn't die right away, when they auction off those autographed photos of the living Presidents, they can offer a special premium one where Barry's likeness and autograph are missing.  It would go for twice the price as the one with ALL of them.

I love the fact that on the day we got confirmation that Kayla Meuller was killed by Obama's buddies overseas, he made a couple of comments and did this:


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