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What The United States Has In Store For Their Citizens


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I have wondered for long time why some of the U.S. right wing conservatives want to gather here on a voyer site for praising the right to own and use arms and for scolding President Obama who in our European eyes has managed to improve the lifes of lower and middle class people, in spite that conservatives do their best to prevent every change. I guess the name "The Old Dudes Board" is very locking, but isn´t there a "Tea Party" chat site on the web also - that would be more dedicated to these opinions?

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I find interesting all these conversations about different topics, politics, included. Moreover, since RLC has literally destroyed the best part of the  fun: sharing among us voyeurs (dirty old men/women) I think we don't have much to talk anyway...

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President Obama who in our European eyes has managed to improve the lifes of lower and middle class people, . . .

Speaking as a former member of the middle-middle class, our lives and our chances of improving them have been destroyed under this administration. The rose colored glasses you wear over there in Europe have deceived you. Even American liberals are embarrassed by Obama and won't defend his lies anymore.

Our medical insurance system is now more expensive, no more people are insured than before, and poor people with our government's "Bronze Plan" can't possibly afford the deductibles, anyway -- if they can find a doctor. Then, when tax time hits, any subsidies are considered taxable income by the government.

Our socialist retirement program is demographically & mathematically unsound (yes, it's a Ponzi scheme), and our socialist Medicare system is even worse. Public pension liabilities are already bankrupting our cities.

It's not cake and ice cream over here. These are not "right-wing" CC members (Tea Party is not 'right wing,' and neither are Libertarians, incidentally) these are just pissed off Americans who have lost their businesses and jobs and therefore have the "luxury" of time to screw around on this board.

Maybe European Marxists should stop their ridiculous idolization of Obama and start dealing with Putin and the new Islamic Caliphate directly. Obama's military contraction and your enemies' military expansion should be a cause of alarm for Central and Western Europeans.

I really don't have the money to pay for my government any more. www.usdebtclock.org

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I applaud your patience in trying to educate a liberal my friend.  Whereas I have given up on that futile task a long time ago.  As you know, these are people who with their rather juvenile school yard mentality just float through life with their eyes closed.

They refuse to see what is placed there before them, or what to anyone else with at least half a brain is made obvious.  They do not think things through as to cause and effect, and possess no logic to any of their pre-conceived notions, other than to them they sound good and makes them feel somehow superior or noble to their equally stupid friends. 

I have found that trying to enlighten or debate with one of these deranged ignoramuses will only leave you with a headache in the end, and usually accomplices nothing.  As they remain unmoved by facts, or with logic, or history, in what I once termed to someone else some time ago as being "Stubbornly stupid". 

I really believe that a person is far better off in just picking up something hard and just throwing it at them instead. 

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Being a bend-over for Bama kind of dink, I have wondered for [a] long time why some of the U.S. right wing conservatives want to gather here on a voyer site for praising the right to own and use arms and for scolding President Obama who in our European eyes has managed to improve the lifes of lower and middle class people, in spite that conservatives do their best to prevent every change. I guess the name "The Old Dudes Board" is very locking, but isn´t there a "Tea Party" chat site on the web also - that would be more dedicated to these opinions?

"Mmmmmm!  Dat Kool Aid show due tastes summpin

mitey good, Massa!  Gimme 'nother taste!  Mmmm, mmmm,

mmmmm!  All four ones in ones fur all!  Mitey find I say!

Yuuuummmmm. I juds loves me dat Kool Aid.  Yuck, yuck yuck.

Now, wheres me cum frum, we don't like you know, spell reel good,

like witch dem werds like 'voyer' and such.

Ann like I sed, peoples shudint use their arms at all

unless  you usin dem to clap for da man, Massa BamBam"


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President Obama who in our European eyes has managed to improve the lifes of lower and middle class people, . . .

Speaking as a former member of the middle-middle class, our lives and our chances of improving them have been destroyed under this administration. The rose colored glasses you wear over there in Europe have deceived you. Even American liberals are embarrassed by Obama and won't defend his lies anymore.

Our medical insurance system is now more expensive, no more people are insured than before, and poor people with our government's "Bronze Plan" can't possibly afford the deductibles, anyway -- if they can find a doctor. Then, when tax time hits, any subsidies are considered taxable income by the government.

Our socialist retirement program is demographically & mathematically unsound (yes, it's a Ponzi scheme), and our socialist Medicare system is even worse. Public pension liabilities are already bankrupting our cities.

It's not cake and ice cream over here. These are not "right-wing" CC members (Tea Party is not 'right wing,' and neither are Libertarians, incidentally) these are just pissed off Americans who have lost their businesses and jobs and therefore have the "luxury" of time to screw around on this board.

Maybe European Marxists should stop their ridiculous idolization of Obama and start dealing with Putin and the new Islamic Caliphate directly. Obama's military contraction and your enemies' military expansion should be a cause of alarm for Central and Western Europeans.

I really don't have the money to pay for my government any more. www.usdebtclock.org

Pearls before swine, Sr. S.

Iggy list just around the corner for that asshole.

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Official State Liar, Susan Rice, is too stupid to realize what an embarrassing idiot she is.  Remember when she went on the Sunday TV shows and knowingly lied, saying that the slaughter in Benghazi was the result of a spontaneous demonstration brought on by that horrific YouTube video?  This filthy dirt bag will be issuing more useless vomit later today.  What will she say?  Who knows?  But you can be sure that no matter what the text of her speech will be, it is most certainly to be a compilation of falsehoods that she and her bumbling boss contrived.  These two couldn't keep a job doing housekeeping at a Motel Six.  So, this worthless sack-o-shit is going to extoll the virtues of our fabulous SUCCESSES over in Iraq, where we are killing lots and lots of ISIS soldiers (read: they both died the first day of the air strikes when they ran out into the street and were accidently struck by a passing Child Rape Convoy truck).  Of course, she will refer to these Muzzies as “extremists” or “barbarians,” but she won’t call them radical Muslims or Islamists or Muslim terrorists.  Nope.  That’s because she wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of her lazy and shiftless boss, who admits he “was” a Muslim but…. Blah blah blah.  I would rather watch re-runs of Mr. Ed than watch that stupid and mendacious bitch. 

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KarenKraft, when you quote me, please do not add your own text in front, like "Being a bend-over for Bama kind of dink", as you very well know, I never wrote that.

You old dudes seem to be very introverted in your opinions. Have you ever been outside of the U.S.? In how many countries? Learning some other cultures and ways of living would do you good, open your eyes, help you see the whole forest, not just the trees. Maybe you would also notice that the U.S. World Police is not that popular everywhere on the other sides of the big seas.

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If they don't think that the U.S. world police is a good thing, then why do other countries cry foul when we let things be?  As a member of the service I would gladly go back to the M.E.  I met quite a few Iraqis when I was there and most of them actually loved us being there.  And as for ISIS this is what happens when you do not let the military do their job. They turned the war into a political carpet shoot and the rest is history.  Trust me I know.  If they would have let us do our job it wouldn't be this way.  I will give you an example.  R.O.E. stated we were not allowed to fire on anyone unless they were directly engaging us.  As a 240b gunner, I was not allowed to shoot unless there was troops under fire. I would see guys walking around with RPGs and couldn't do anything about it. hearts and minds they say.  Ask any normal everyday Iraqi and he would say to shoot the bastard.  (can't ask the females as you would get them beat to a pulp)  You everyday citizens of the U.S. say we don't need to be there whoopdy doo.  We need to finish the damn job. The military needs to be allowed to take what steps they need to take to wipe this J.V.ers (see what I did there) off the map and send them to Allah.  Saddam was a bad cat that we put into power to fight Iran, so we had to fix our mistake then our arm chair quarterback sitting in the oval decided, to hell with it and sent us home during the fourth quarter of the game. 

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KarenKraft, I just love it,when you quote me, and you add some truth and wisdom to the senseless crap I post.  Yes, I certainly am a bend-over for Bama kind of fool", and everyone agrees.

You old dudes seem to be very introverted in your opinions. Have you ever been outside of the U.S.? In how many countries? Learning some other cultures and ways of living would do you good, open your eyes, help you see the whole forest, not just the trees. Maybe you would also notice that the U.S. World Police is not that popular everywhere on the other sides of the big seas.

Diplobrat.  Brought up in the U.S. diplomatic corps family.  Been there, seen lots of cultures.  You are misinformed about many things, Asshat.

I am neither a "dude" nor am I old.

Your writing skills are so poor that I suggest you go copy and paste some DailyKos posters to express what your pathetic brain can't put into words. 

You are a typical left wing douche bag.  You make lots of presumptions about the people who express points of view you are unable to understand.  You were probably right leaning until some boy you liked a lot convinced you that you need to move left to be cool.  Well, now you're cool; you can put on those knee pads and service the entire ISIS army, you're so cool.  Have at it.

Then, you become the thumb-sucking baby when someone challenges your bullshit directly.  Your mood is, most likely, governed by the foul taste of the sucking thumb -- you know where it's been; we can only guess. 

Being an obvious hick, you thought that living overseas somehow instilled some form of sophistication in you.  It did not.  It just made you the butt boy for the likes of ISIS.  Wouldn't you just love to go over there and rape some kids along side your butt-buddies?  Sure you would.  That would make you even more cosmopolitan, right? 

You are a joke.

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Looks like our darling dominatrix Karen has put on her black vinyl suit and is having a rollicking good time with our dear friend kalevipoeg.

We'll watch them have their fun.  :P :-* ;D

As for me, I don't like policing the world. Everybody hates the US for it, just like they hated the English Royal Navy and the Romans armies, but yet they depend upon it to sustain their commerce and economic systems. If Euros would be happy with Putin or Red China being the world police, fine; I'm happy with that. We've got adequate resources here, we still remember our pioneering ethic, and we can go back to business as a free country once again. All we need to do is to dump our State Capitalist system [read: Socialism] and go back to Free Enterprise Capitalism, and watch the Middle East and Europe go back to their usual tribal conflicts.

I'm cool with that.

Besides, the US is comprised of cultures, religions, societies and genetic strains from all over the globe, and contrary to false media reports, we get along quite well with one another in a civilized manner.

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Looks like our darling dominatrix Karen has put on her black vinyl suit and is having a rollicking good time with our dear friend kalevipoeg.

We'll watch them have their fun.  :P :-* ;D

As for me, I don't like policing the world. Everybody hates the US for it, just like they hated the English Royal Navy and the Romans armies, but yet they depend upon it to sustain their commerce and economic systems. If Euros would be happy with Putin or Red China being the world police, fine; I'm happy with that. We've got adequate resources here, we still remember our pioneering ethic, and we can go back to business as a free country once again. All we need to do is to dump our State Capitalist system [read: Socialism] and go back to Free Enterprise Capitalism, and watch the Middle East and Europe go back to their usual tribal conflicts.

I'm cool with that.

Besides, the US is comprised of cultures, religions, societies and genetic strains from all over the globe, and contrary to false media reports, we get along quite well with one another in a civilized manner.

(Pix Not Related):

Just having some fun with someone who takes himself too seriously. 

And actually, Cap'n Squirrel, when you talk to ordinary folks, not in the media and not at the universities, you find that people overseas love America and American strength.  What they dislike now is the duplicity of American leadership.  They've been screwed almost as much as we have.

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