KarenKraft Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Quote from KarenKraft: I may disagree with the gentleman, but I will defend, to the death, his right to eat shit and die on his birthday. First, I am very sorry, KarenKraft, I had not noticed before that you are female and should be treated like a lady (??). I could not tell that from the numerous insults that you use in your communication - I have always thought that women do not insult so openly, they do it in a more indirect, treacherous way. At least in the diplomatic society insulting is not that typical, but maybe you have been a rebel and needed to fight hard against your parents. I have been named liberal, an Obama fan, whatever. I don´t mind. Our backgrounds may be very different, which could of course be fruitful for exchanging opinions and experiences, could. My daily life is in a big corporation and in international trade organizations. I am used to negotiating and lobbying, not used to insulting, it just wouldn´t work. The problem of this political discussion on the Old Dudes page is that those of you that actively participate have a very strong feeling of being right. If other opinions appear, such people should rather be shot. Some discussions remind me of the TV news that I have sometimes seen from the Egyptian Parlament, where the MPs shout, attack each other and start hitting. A real chaos. I happily withdraw from this stage and try to see Leora. Oh. So, now we want to be civil. Okay, I do civil as well as anyone else. I never chastise people in discussion threads for what they say per se. I am perfectly willing to discuss the flaws and virtues of your political postings. Had you the wits, manners, or honesty to reflect on what's been said by you and by me, you will notice that what angered me was not your political position but (1) your ignorant lumping of all those with whom you disagree as "Tea Party" people; and (2) your telling me (and others) that this is not the proper venue for expressing our beliefs -- that we belong in some other (read: right wing) venue. With respect to that sentiment: Fuck You. (got that?) I don't mind arguing with you over politics. I do that sort of thing a lot and I still enjoy the company of those with whom I disagree. However, when a person who is only tangentially articulate wants to silence my free speech, I temporarily set aside my "sweetness" and defend my right of free expression with vigor. I realize that I have to cut you some slack when it comes to things like free speech, because you come from one of the defenseless nations where some aspects of free expression are banned. You and those places enjoy the luxury of being defenseless because America has guns -- lots of them -- both publicly and privately owned. You come from a culture where, perhaps, it is acceptable to tell people in a discussion venue that they ought not be present. Where I come from, those are fighting words. Tell me I'm wrong and I will ask why. Tell me I have no right to express myself and you'll get a fight. That's what people do when they live in a non-defenseless country. I can stomach your senseless latte-sipping misconceptions; I cannot abide your telling me and other conservatives that we're in the wrong place. Again, with respect to that: Fuck you. You are shocked to see that a woman would not be polite and demure in the face of her superiors, so it seems. That says a lot more about you than it does about me. I'll bet dollars to donuts (that thing next to your latte) that you are divorced. I can smell the misogyny wafting up from your posts like the steam from a fresh pile of dog shit on a cool spring morning -- defouling the intellectual landscape. Your being shocked at my lack of lady-like comportment actually means "shut up bitch, bring me a beer." It is typical of those who share your disorders to swagger about, name calling, and insulting people with differing points of view, telling them to go post in some other place, far away from you and your likes. THEN, when they are rudely told to fuck off, they suddenly become the apostles of proper, civilized discourse. Funny how that works. You sling your bullshit and depart the battle the minute someone with some guts puts it to you. In short (no pun intended), you are a coward. That said, once you have become housebroken, I may reconsider your worthiness to communicate on my level. Until then, Fuck you.
shaggy84 Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Wow this thread really took off! I love reading all of the back and fourth. I couldn't agree more with Karen KarenKraft: (1) your ignorant lumping of all those with whom you disagree as "Tea Party" people; and (2) your telling me (and others) that this is not the proper venue for expressing our beliefs -- that we belong in some other (read: right wing) venue. With respect to that sentiment: Fuck You. (got that?) It's refreshing to find like minded people even in a forum like this. I would consider myself a conservative republican who could care less about the social issues. Or maybe I'm a libertarian who wants a strong military. Hmmmmm I'm not sure now. What am I? Ooohh yeah I forgot. I'm a right-winger clinging to my guns and religion.... well scratch the religion part, but the guns for sure! kalevipoeg: I have wondered for long time why some of the U.S. right wing conservatives want to gather here on a voyer site for praising the right to own and use arms and for scolding President Obama who in our European eyes has managed to improve the lives of lower and middle class people, in spite that conservatives do their best to prevent every change. I guess the name "The Old Dudes Board" is very locking, but isn´t there a "Tea Party" chat site on the web also - that would be more dedicated to these opinions? The Bamster and the democrats have not improved anything for the lower and middle class. In fact it is now far worse for the lower class then ever! The lower class is more dependent on the government than any time in US history. When they live on government handouts (My hard earned tax dollars) they'll never try to improve their own situation by getting a job or better education. Even though the education for them would be free. Their kids learn from them and do the same thing. Creating generation after generation of Mind numb democrat voters who don't know how to support themselves. Democrats aren't lifting them to a higher level! Democrats are keeping them at the bottom rung and making it extremely hard to climb up! Why do you think they want to give so many illegals citizenship? It's pretty easy to figure out... more dependent voters for the democratic party. Why do you think were always told not to feed wild animals? Momma bear doesn't bother teaching her cubs to hunt. She shows them how to find food at the city dump. When the dump is filled in with dirt, the cubs can no longer feed themselves and die! -Now If I could only decide who I like better Nora or Diana. Hmmm well I guess if I have to put a label on myself I'll be a Diana fan..... Yep I'm a Diana-tarian I vote for Diana as Queen of the world! ... or should I go for Nora... Hell I can't decide...
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 The Old Dudes Board was specifically created to discuss politics, music, culture, religion, wine, and to share stories and anything else off-topic for the main RLC boards. The idea was to reduce the clutter over there and get away from all the jacking-off teeners. This is a perfectly good place to argue politics. Go for it. I, too, am accustomed to watching train wrecks and beat-downs...
woodworker Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 As I've said to a good friend recently. I am just sick and tired of being lectured to by these liberals. Especially since they are no one at all to look up to or respect.
Guest Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 The Old Dudes Board was specifically created to discuss politics, music, culture, religion, wine, and to share stories and anything else off-topic for the main RLC boards. The idea was to reduce the clutter over there and get away from all the jacking-off teeners. This is a perfectly good place to argue politics. Go for it. I, too, am accustomed to watching train wrecks and beat-downs... I start to understand why politics is so popular in the Old Dudes Board. I write comments every now and then to opinion boards of some newspapers, business papers and LinkedIn discussion groups. These boards have the kind of administrators who check the comments before publishing (kind of censorship, you say), because substandard language and insulting other contributors is not allowed. KarenKraft and some others would be banned on those sites, but the CC site is so LIBERAL that any kind of comments are possible. I am glad that I raised your interest and you could show your true opinions - that is freedom of speech (there have been many Charlies around here). And I am also glad this conversation is restricted to the CC site and has nothing to with true life, well maybe yours, but not mine.
KarenKraft Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Hahahahaha! Nice try KleptoPig. Your attempt to place the thin edge of the wedge where it can never exist resulted only in it ending up in your arse. But you WIN a PRIZE! A joke just for you. Ready? Okay!!!! Here it is: Kalevipoeg walked into a bar the other day and, in loud angry voice, shouted out, "I've got got a 9mm Glock. I've got one in the chamber and 8 in the clip...now I want to know...Who's been fooling around with my boyfriend?"...A voice at the end of the bar responded..."You're gonna need more ammo..."
KarenKraft Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Welcome, Shaggy84. This is a fun place and not nearly as "junkyard dog"ish as it may appear today. You are among friends. -Karen
Ozi Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 The Old Dudes Board was specifically created to discuss politics, music, culture, religion, wine, and to share stories and anything else off-topic for the main RLC boards. The idea was to reduce the clutter over there and get away from all the jacking-off teeners. This is a perfectly good place to argue politics. Go for it. I, too, am accustomed to watching train wrecks and beat-downs... Doesn't actually happen though. Opposing views are just responded to with insults rather than logical debate.
KarenKraft Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 While we're at it: Why, thems ain't "facts," by golly. Thems be "Hate-Facts!" How racist!
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 Facts are not useful tools to those participating in Alinsky's philosophy. In fact, facts are the enemy.
KarenKraft Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 Facts are not useful tools to those participating in Alinsky's philosophy. In fact, facts are the enemy. Good point, F.T. On the left, "facts" actually consist of non-causal correlations. That is the coin of that realm. Since they major in Feelings at school, they never learned that correlation never suggests causality. To wit.:
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