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A good summary Billycox. I put this situation down to the RLC project itself. It trys to show 'Real Life' but the very fact there are camera's everywhere watching your every move makes the life they are leading anything but 'Real Life.

I always wonder which member of each couple pushed to go into RLC. I assume one member of each couple was happier than the other. Then again some of them may have both members who are equally happy though I think there would always be a dominant figure. What I can't work out is which is which.

I would love to be able to interview each couple and discover more about what motivates them. Obviously money must be the key reason for entering RLC but I would love to know how they now feel about it.

Each relationship seems to have issues and I wonder if this is as a result of living life in a goldfish bowl. Sexual relationships vary but the common theme to me seems the lack of 'loving' in their love making. None of the men seem too concerned with pleasing their partners (Kiko is the exception) and simply take their own pleasure. The menfolk all appear very childish. Maybe 'modern' young men remain 'boys' for longer now because of computers and computer games. And of course everyone is obsessed with their mobile phones!!

The fascinating thing about all of the houses is the dominant role the computer, internet and mobile phones play in each house. Nothing is allowed to get in the way of them. Cleaning and eating and washing is something that gets done and out of the way quickly so they can get back to those devices.

As a result all the relationships seem damaged.

I guess that is why RLC is so interesting. Watching them have sex is of course interesting (I was going to say stimulating but in reality a lot of their efforts make me cringe!) but watching the relationships is more interesting!!!

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Guest bulgachica

I guess that is why RLC is so interesting. Watching them have sex is of course interesting (I was going to say stimulating but in reality a lot of their efforts make me cringe!) but watching the relationships is more interesting!!!

Definitely, once you've seen them have sex a couple of times the draw fades, now I find that I tune it just to see if they will do anything unique or original.  They don't really and I'm guessing that having the camera's on stops them from being spontaneous.

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A case in point is happening now with Leora and Paul. They are on the computer in the kitchen with Leora laying across Paul. Paul keep looking at the screen but then starts fumbling around her pussy (what does he actually do for god's sake!!! He doesn't know where the clit is.... drives me crazy!!).

Leora as usual is gagging for some attention and he fumbles and goes back to his PC!!!!!

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Guest bulgachica

A case in point is happening now with Leora and Paul. They are on the computer in the kitchen with Leora laying across Paul. Paul keep looking at the screen but then starts fumbling around her pussy (what does he actually do for god's sake!!! He doesn't know where the clit is.... drives me crazy!!).

Leora as usual is gagging for some attention and he fumbles and goes back to his PC!!!!!

That was painful to watch, for her too it seems!  I managed to capture it but I've not used the capture prog in years, am trying to upload now.

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Guest bulgachica

I need a computer tutorial to learn how to do video capture!! It's good to have forum members who know what they are doing.

Ha! I wouldn't say I know what I'm doing, I think I've managed it but I'm sure there's easier ways than the roundabout way I've just done.  I'll keep on trying tho and if I become decent at it I'll be happy to write a tutorial

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Van I also wonder who talked who into going on RLC  and on some of the couples that are not here anymore I wondered if they did to try and save a relationship that was dying.  I did not help so they went there own way.

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eso que usted dice es muy cierto , es la manera como pelean los gorilas en los documemtales aparentando fuerza y gritando solo si la cosa va a mas entonces si quizas usan la fuerza pero es muy raro.

PD, isabel no es española de sangre.

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Thank you all for responding from interesting points of view. I agree about the sex. As George Burns once said. "Once you've seen two, you've seen them all." We have many cases, it seems to me, of women cohabitating with boys. And yet, even the boys do not seem that interested. The Paul and Leora thing is absolutely amazing to watch. He paws and pinches and even slaps her for a bit, she starts to get aroused and he bolts over to his work station. He's definitely playing with the wrong antenna.

And how about the lumbering goon with Alma? What could she possibly be thinking? I had a German Shepherd who ate more politely than this ape. Sex is all about him.

I agree completely with the ideas expressed here about being able to interview them or to follow up and see where they have gone in life after this site.

But I watch anyway. I stumbled on this by accident and it's fascinating watching the daily train wreck. I don't have that much time for it, however, so I'm glad you guys are on guard duty.

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Guest Mortdisc

First time I saw this appartment with these two, I thought it was a minimalistic look they were going for. But having watche them for a while, I came to the conclusion they don't like to have too many things lying around that could be used as either missiles or murder weapons.

And as for that ham they have still lying on the kichen table since before Christmas, I am amazed it hasn't hoppe out the appartment by now.

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