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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #49 (May)

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Doesnt appear to be a truce, Holly fucked off to he room, nothing spoken, Masha hung around As Viv came down, greeted Meg like a a long lost pal.

Masha now shower then guessing another night on Hollys bed, maybe the kitchen as now its empty so H can return to eat.

Meg running a bath, fruit plate and a bottle of wine and some fanta with a Viv by the looks.

The drama continues.

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2 minutes ago, mspanker said:

Non sembra essere una tregua, Holly è andata a farsi fottere nella sua stanza, niente parlato, Masha è rimasta in giro mentre Viv è scesa, ha salutato Meg come un'amica perduta da tempo.

Masha ora fa la doccia e poi indovina un'altra notte sul letto di Hollys, forse la cucina è vuota, così H può tornare a mangiare.

Meg fa un bagno, un piatto di frutta e una bottiglia di vino e un po 'di fanta con un Viv per gli sguardi.

Il dramma continua.

Megan e’ soltanto una egoista manipolatrice per i suoi spettacoli

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2 hours ago, mspanker said:

Its a question that i dont think anyone can answer.

Thee was no big row, nothing obvious i think. Might have missed something or talked about. To me something happened either at the party that caused friction or just after. What no idea Meg was drunk, Masha all over her and Holly, jealousy? wouldnt of thought as Alek did them both.

Meg was pissed the time she came back from Ginas and outside  was a mess and the bathroom, but was that enough?

Masha has got into Hollys head and now they are never apart. Yep Nelly has moved in on Meg, something else that is a mystery, not sure its a sex thing.

Masha is the centre point, wasnt welcomed by her best mate Nelly, they dont really speak. 7 days until Masha goes home, if she goes, or has she got other plans?

Is the tent Boggy put up just outside and then moved down the bottom of the garden still there? M and H have spent time down there off cam.

Only so many cigarettes you can smoke:angel:

Nelly had a big breakdown the other night after returning from Ginas, Boggy was going to go out and leave her by the looks, eventually settled down but something is wrong in said Villa.

No stupid parties, no more darts/cards..

Been told not too? if not why the sudden no drinking, gone teetotal now without Gina

The family dinner the other night was 5 people sitting around waiting to be allowed to leave.

Not speaking the language makes it impossible to get the picture

Thats my take, right or wrong

Thats an interesting output mate, thanks for sharing, you made solid points there and as of now, the most immediate thing to see is how things will evolve after Masha's departure (if it happens).

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dans une semaine jour pour jour , Masha devrait quitter la villa, que va faire H, rien ne va plus, faites vos jeux , un départ en Italie est-il possible administrativement ? Sinon H, ne fera pas de vieux os, comment rétablir le courant ?

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What has been your most favorite cast of La Villa? 


Mine personal is Damira, and I've enjoyed the days Olya, Dianne and Kim were around. I also like Megan when she's with her boyfriend, cause they are very open to try new things and that spices things up.

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Megan is looking for allies
having Vivian by her side is a great advantage for the time after Masha
The question is, what did Pam Vivian say and which side does Vivian switch to

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