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Guest Pirate

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Scary horror movie you posted there, Woody.

This is what happens when the Federal Government encourages schools to interfere with the education of students.

The highest levels of SAT (college entrance examinations) scores in the United States were last seen in 1972. It took several years for the Feds and the leftists to gain control, thus fulfilling the goals of the 2nd and 3rd ComInterns, and the product produced by the massively expensive socialist school system is now worthy of great derision.

The concepts of individual liberty, responsibility and human attainment are officially dead.

I would suggest my European friends either build up their military defenses or learn Russian and Arabic quickly.

The nation that championed the liberty of the individual and sealed the fate of Hitler and Hirohito is long gone.  :'(

(And yes, KK & NL, the grammar Nazi in me caught the use of "us" in the beginning, when in fact he should have said "we Americans" instead of "us Americans." I knew it would be downhill from there.)

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It's an absolute disgrace!  And where the schools fail, you have to wonder where their parents were during all this time?

How can anyone who isn't a complete moron themselves ever let their kids grow up being so ignorant?

And as a post note:  Can you imagine going to school for say five hours a day, (accounting for their lunch time and play time in gym), and over a stretch of twelve years, and still being so stupid that you don't even know how many letters make up our alphabet!  One idiot in one video said 46!  That tells me that that person couldn't even recite the alphabet.  How pathetic!

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It's an absolute disgrace!  And where the schools fail, you have to wonder where their parents were during all this time?

The parents are 1) the new American Middle Class, each busy working two or more part-time jobs trying to survive, 2) the new leftist Upper Class, busy shopping at Whole Foods buying 6 things for $86, or 3) the socialist Lower Class, busy working the system for all it's worth.

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Aw,.. Aren't they cute.  Just look at them, all standing and squatting around in their little boy tennis shoes looking so mean,.. so tough.

Times sure have changed Woody, they sure don't get the respect some of the old guys do.

Now we just laugh at them as they waddle down the street with their pants crutch hanging around their knees.

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It's nice that they thought ahead: posting their bullshit online so that, in the off chance that one day they might grow up and want to get a job, this will be there for the prospective bosses to see.  Good job!  Reminds me of this:

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It's nice that they thought ahead: posting their bullshit online so that, in the off chance that one day they might grow up and want to get a job, this will be there for the prospective bosses to see.  Good job!  Reminds me of this:


A prospective boss might try the one with her tongue hanging out to actually see if she really knows how to use it.  LOL
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It's nice that they thought ahead: posting their bullshit online so that, in the off chance that one day they might grow up and want to get a job, this will be there for the prospective bosses to see.  Good job!  Reminds me of this:

A prospective boss might try the one with her tongue hanging out to actually see if she really knows how to use it.  LOL

If that tongue is good enough for her dad and brother, I'm sure the boss will find it just fine. 

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What a classless brood they are.  Not my kind of people.  Did you ever notice though how so many of them are all non descript, one is just the same as the other.  Like I said,.. Classless.

I think that they all have their own special congregation where they have all been blacktised. 

"I blacktise you in the name of ignorance and stupidity." 

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