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oui le chiot est plus la,hier ils on mis une laisse aux chien,ils ont ramassé la balle du chien ,ils on tout mis dans un sac est sont partie,depuis je n'ai pas revu le chiot,j'espere que le chiot sera mieux traiter maintenant

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No I think it's a great development if they have given the puppy to someone else. I thought that if RLC had any heart, that they might just throw the couple out.  That would mean that they would probably keep the puppy, move somewhere else and continue to abuse it.

With them still in the RLC apartment and the puppy somewhere else, then at least there is a chance that it has gone to a decent home.

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Guest asutaru

c'est très bien que le chiot soit donner à d'autres gens  qui le traiteront plus dignement.

comme je l'ai expliqué sur un topic que j'ai créer,le chien avait failli mourir asphixié l'autre nuit.

je dit merci à aubrey,van the man et les autres pour leur actions efficcaces pour faire bouger les choses,çà a fonctionner.

maintenant,il reste à être un peu patient pour voir comment çà va se passer.

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WEll done everyone that posted here about it. It's obvious the read these forums and I would like to think they took action based on your words.

It's obvious that they inhabit this forum, but I believe their decisions are based entirely upon the number of hits; the hit trends, and what the bottom line says at the end of the month.
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WEll done everyone that posted here about it. It's obvious the read these forums and I would like to think they took action based on your words.

It's obvious that they inhabit this forum, but I believe their decisions are based entirely upon the number of hits; the hit trends, and what the bottom line says at the end of the month.

I doubt that. It was a dog being abused, how do you put that into statistics?  Over the past month not enough people have even reached the renewal point of their subscriptions.

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WEll done everyone that posted here about it. It's obvious the read these forums and I would like to think they took action based on your words.

It's obvious that they inhabit this forum, but I believe their decisions are based entirely upon the number of hits; the hit trends, and what the bottom line says at the end of the month.

They obviously do monitor this forum. It's an interesting dynamic really, they don't have their own forum and really if they did it wouldn't be objective. This forum provides them a way to hear what their customers think, but at the same time they are against their content being shared. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's like they are shitty business people but have the wherewithal to set up seven apartments, cams, and a website to sell a product, but get mad when people talk about their product. 

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WEll done everyone that posted here about it. It's obvious the read these forums and I would like to think they took action based on your words.

It's obvious that they inhabit this forum, but I believe their decisions are based entirely upon the number of hits; the hit trends, and what the bottom line says at the end of the month.

I doubt that. It was a dog being abused, how do you put that into statistics?  Over the past month not enough people have even reached the renewal point of their subscriptions.

It's pretty clear that they know about this forum and monitor it. Even some of the couples have commented here.

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Other couples have commented on this site? Really? Do you happen to know when? I'm not doubting your word, I'm just interested in reading such comments. Has there been any back-and-forth between couples and people who contribute to this forum? That would make lively reading. Or am I just being naïve because I'm new to this? I find the whole prospect fascinating. Idiots aside, there seem to be people on this site who genuinely care about what's happening [the dog situation, e.g.]. The thought that the tenants might know what the people on this site are thinking interests me greatly.

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Other couples have commented on this site? Really? Do you happen to know when? I'm not doubting your word, I'm just interested in reading such comments. Has there been any back-and-forth between couples and people who contribute to this forum? That would make lively reading. Or am I just being naïve because I'm new to this? I find the whole prospect fascinating. Idiots aside, there seem to be people on this site who genuinely care about what's happening [the dog situation, e.g.]. The thought that the tenants might know what the people on this site are thinking interests me greatly.

some people here think that Angela was richard91. for example


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some people here think that Angela was richard91.

Angela being richard91 has already been confirmed.

Leora used to post here a lot as well. The people that run RLC stops all contact between tenants and these forum sites.

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