Brokk! Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 23 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said: AND YET - Let's flip it the other way, she hasn't stopped out overnight for almost THREE weeks now. And even if she does this weekend, that will be 3 weeks. Why? If a certain person is Mr. Perfect, why be at home for so long? Snatching time, a few hours here, a few hours there. Again, who's choice is that? Tanto perfetto non lo deve essere se sono quasi 3 settimane che non rimane a dormire da lui. è anche vero che quando dorme fuori casa dorme male ma non è che negli altri giorni dorma così poco e male a casa... 2
Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 31 minutes ago, Brokk! said: He doesn't have to be so perfect if he hasn't been sleeping with him for almost 3 weeks. It is also true that when he sleeps outside the home he sleeps badly but it is not that on other days he sleeps so little and badly at home ... Funny you say that, she was up looking at her phone until 3am, then had trouble sleeping, tossing and turning - So looked at her phone again for a while!! But yes, she doesn't sleep well elsewhere, she has said this, but still, no getting away from the fact she is at home so much. She has somewhere to go, if she wants to get away from Malia for a while, and would be welcomed with open arms there, but very often doesn't. Again, that's her choice. Leora does what Leora wants, we know this.
Gerald Knauft Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 Antwort auf Marco6742 Auch hier bin ich mit den Kernaussagen voll einverstanden. möchte aber trotzdem meine eigene Meinung und meine eigenen Gedanken zum heutigen ganz miesen " Verhältnis " der beiden Frauen zueinander ( ein Miteinander gibt es schon länger nicht mehr ) mal äußern. Auch hier kein Anspruch auf absolute Wahrheiten, nur etwas Subjektives. Vorausgeschickt: Ich weiß nichts über die Gründe des plötzlichen Verlustes der russischen Wohnungen und auch nichts über die Gründe die zur Trennung von Leora und Paul führten. Das ist in diesem Zusammenhang auch nicht wichtig, es zählen nur die Fakten als solche und die Tatsache daß dies dramatische Folgen für RLC hatte. Denn die Abonnentenzahlen sanken usw . Es mußten also schnell Lösungen für diese Situation her. Da kam Leora zurück, allein. Ein absoluter Glücksfall, für RLC und Leora. Sie wurde zum Star und RLC konnte die Einnahmen und die Abonnentenzahlen steigern. Ein gutes Geschäft für beide Seiten und alle waren zufrieden. Und irgendwann später reichte das Ganze nicht mehr. Ob RLC oder Leora oder beiden Partnern weiß ich nicht. Man wollte die Erträge ( Abonnenten und Verdienst von Leora ) steigern. Nun kommt ein wenig Psychologie ins Spiel. Die Steigerung konnte man leicht erreichen indem man einer starken Persönlichkeit eine schwächere Persönlichkeit an die Hand gibt. Das war dann Malia. Die muckte anfangs nicht auf, war froh über den regelmäßigen Verdienst für ein wenig Überwindung ihrer Schamhaftigkeit usw. Jeder weiß was ich meine. Die Aura und der Mythos von Leora stiegen, ebenso die Abonnentenzahl. Leider hat heute Leora vergessen wem sie zum großen Teil ihren Ruhm in Prag zu verdanken hat. Eigentlich müßte Leora Malia dafür auf Händen tragen . Stattdessen behandelt sie ihre " Freundin " oft grottenschlecht und so daß es manchem Zuschauer Schmerzen in der Magengegend verursacht. Ich bin einer von diesen Menschen. Malia fing an selbständiger zu werden, forderte mehr Beachtung ihrer Leistungen usw. Und ist überhaupt nicht zufrieden mit der Beachtung und Würdigung auch durch uns Zuschauer und Kommentatoren im Forum Denn sind wir mal ehrlich: 99 % der Kommentare gelten Leora und nur der Rest bleibt für Malia. Auch das macht sie unzufrieden mit all den Folgen. Das gefällt nun Leora wiederum nicht so sehr und damit ist das Zerwürfnis, was noch wachsen wird, je länger die beiden noch zusammen in der Wohnung sind, vorprogrammiert. Malia ist nicht mehr das Heimchen am Herd und Leora akzeptiert das im Grunde nicht. Dazu kommen auch bei Malia die gleichen Sorgen um ihr weiteres Leben nach RLC, wie ich sie bei Leora im vorigen Kommentar heute beschrieben habe. Also : von mir aus keine günstige Prognose für das weitere Zusammenleben in der Wohnung für die beiden Frauen. Es steht eine baldige Lösung, so oder so, düster am Horizont., wenn nicht noch ein Wunder passiert. Aber Wunder gibt es nicht. Auch für die Hoffnungen von uns Zuschauern des Dramas auf eine Besserung besteht wenig Anlass. 3 1
Hard on chris Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 13 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said: Funny you say that, she was up looking at her phone until 3am, then had trouble sleeping last night, tossing and turning - So looked at her phone again for a while!! But yes, she doesn't sleep well elsewhere, she has said this, but still, no getting away from the fact she is at home so much. She has somewhere to go, if she wants to get away from Malia for a while, and would be welcomed with open arms there, but very often doesn't. Again, that's her choice. Slip should be I worried about you you watch them sleeping I got,a fine for that a few years ago in a hotel 1
Gerald Knauft Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 Bitte bei Nonne Leora den Originaltext lesen . Sonst lächerlich und absolut sinnentstellend.
cronus Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 4 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: Reply to Marco6742 Here, too, I fully agree with the key messages. but would still like to express my own opinion and my own thoughts on today's very bad "relationship" between the two women (there has not been a relationship for a long time). Here, too, no claim to absolute truths, just something subjective. In advance: I don't know anything about the reasons for the sudden loss of the Russian apartments and also nothing about the reasons that led to the separation of Leora and Paul. This is not important in this context, only the facts as such and the fact that this had dramatic consequences for RLC count. Because the number of subscribers fell, etc. Solutions for this situation had to be found quickly. Then Leora came back, alone. An absolute stroke of luck for RLC and Leora. She became a star and RLC was able to increase revenue and subscriber numbers. Good deal for both parties and everyone was happy. And at some point later the whole thing was no longer enough. I don't know whether RLC or Leora or both partners. One wanted to increase the income (subscribers and earnings of Leora). Now a little psychology comes into play. The increase could easily be achieved by giving a weaker personality to a strong personality. Then that was Malia. At first she didn't complain, was happy about the regular earnings for overcoming her modesty, etc. Everyone knows what I mean. The aura and myth of Leora increased, as did the number of subscribers. Unfortunately today Leora forgot to whom she owes her fame in Prague in large part. Actually, Leora would have to carry Malia on her hands for that. Instead, she treats her "friend" very badly and so that it causes pain in the stomach area for some viewers. I am one of those people. Malia started to become more independent, demanded more attention to her achievements, etc. And is not at all satisfied with the attention and appreciation also from us viewers and commentators in the forum Because let's be honest: 99% of the comments apply to Leora and only the rest stay for Malia. That too makes them dissatisfied with all the consequences. Leora doesn't like that so much and so the rift is inevitable, which will grow the longer the two are in the apartment together. Malia is no longer the cricket on the stove and Leora basically does not accept that. In addition, Malia has the same worries about her future life after RLC as I described them to Leora in the previous comment today. So, from my point of view, the two women do not have a favorable prognosis for further living together in the apartment. An early solution, one way or another, is bleak on the horizon, unless another miracle happens. But miracles do not exist. There is also little reason for the hopes of us viewers of the drama for an improvement. Wow intelligent conversation on the last few pages that is not met with condemnation - like it! Agree with most, but cannot stop watching for some reason... 4 1 1
Nenemoh7 Posted July 28, 2021 Posted July 28, 2021 12 hours ago, jimbo4 said: You are naturally entitled to your opinion and it's respected, but you are to an extent missing the point of the discontent. People do not expect them to scissor or eat each other, although they wouldn't not like them to I imagine. What they would like is for them to show some interest in what they are doing, instead of repeating the same formula ad infinitum, by the clock and without a sign of emotion or pleasure apart from the occasional orgasm. People are not demanding something they are not capable off, Leora has been earning her living doing this work for many years and is the most experienced girl on RLC, she has an incredible history of being innovative and enjoying what she does, her repertoire was extensive and varied and her imagination had no bounds....She is now for whatever reason stuck in this " Groundhog " situation that she appears to not be enjoying and many of her fans are not enjoying likewise. Variety is deemed the " spice of life ", that's all people are asking for, not for something that they would possibly be uncomfortable doing. But as an aside, you mention that " they are not lesbians " and you are of course correct, but I would remind you that Leora's own words on the forum years ago in reply to someone's post regarding this very subject were " No woman could honestly rule anything out" Some people on here 18 months ago stated quite categorically and arrogantly that " Never in a million years would Leora and Malia touch each other intimately" They were wrong weren't they? People on this forum are prone to being " over sensitive " sometimes. Whether it is criticising Leora or defending her, everyone as long as it's respectful is entitled to their opinion, it doesn't mean either side is right or wrong, just that they possibly have different expectations and interpretations on what to expect from a woman who earns a substantial salary and has a cosseted lifestyle through using her incredible body to it's best advantage. In summary: No one is demanding something that Leora is not capable of giving, she has shown previously what her capabilities extend to, in fact she had built an enviable reputation and legacy on doing so, it will be a pity if it were diminished. yeah u could be right, only time will tell 1
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