RAGNAR Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 5 hours ago, ddhm said: I don’t know what’s your problem with me , I don’t even know why you keep on analyzing so much my thoughts and opinions since you obviously have a negative approach on anything i say at any thread here . I don’t give a damn since a long time what you or any of you “ cultists “ have made this thread look like , your ignorance on things happening and you trying to reduce people that try to have a voice here much different than what the “ Queen and the loyal disciplined Princess “ wishes to read , it simply makes me even more determined to keep on having with all the strength of my will my voice heard no matter what .. people like you by praising all the time and not “ seeing “ the BS that is presented and playing with most of the subscribers common sense , have made great posters and contributors to the forum and on this particular apartment disappear . Unlucky for you , I am too stubborn and will continue with my bitter comments when I think that they are deserved to be mentioned and will praise with all of my strength when I see incidents like earlier today . The rest is just occasional words based on several comments that have been posted at occasional times from occasional things that have been happening at occasional times in the apartment . It's really no use @ddhm,they are like mindless zombies (cultists) here, just following the leaders who are leading them towards a cliff. If they were told to drink from a dog dish on hands & knees,,,,i'm sure they would. 1 1 1
Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 Looks like 2 are wanting 'to hook up' on here tonight.....Gobble gobble....
Gerald Knauft Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 Das mag ja alles so stimmen, wie sie sagen, Pantoffel Guyquad. Man kann aber auch sagen wir haben einen Vorgeschmack davon bekommen, wie es aussehen wird wenn das wahr wird was einige im Forum ständig von Leora und Malia fordern . ( das angeblich pseudolesbische Gehabe und Getue lassen ). Außer der standardisierten Rückenmassage war in der Tat keine zärtliche Berührung, keine Ganzkörpercremmassage und keine gemeinsame oder gegenseitige Masturbation. Soll das jetzt Standard sein, dass jedes Mädchen einzelne Aktionen macht und im Bett nur mit Abstand nebeneinander gelegen wird ? Nun mag der vergangene Abend nicht exemplarisch gewesen sein, Leora hat am Nachmittag wunderbar performt und Malia hat am Wochenende gleich drei Mal masturbiert und heute war eben etwas Ruhe angesagt.. Kann man sagen . Wenn aber die Mädchen diese ständigen Forderungen gelesen haben und nun zeigen wollen was das bedeuten könnte sieht es schlecht aus in der Zukunft . Jedes Mädchen wird Soloaktionen starten und gemeinsam wird fast nichts mehr passieren. Eine Horrorfestellung , sicherlich.. Trotzdem sollten wir uns alle immer wieder fragen welche Konsequenzen unsere Forderungen und Vorstellungen die wir an die Mädchen richten, in der Praxis haben können. 1
Gerald Knauft Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 Leider ist der Text nicht volständig wiedergegeben. Sinn aber klar.
Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 21 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: It may all be true, as they say, Guyquad, the slipper. But you can also say we got a foretaste of what it will look like if what some in the forum are constantly demanding from Leora and Malia comes true. (Leave the supposedly pseudo-lesbian behavior and fuss). In fact, apart from the standardized back massage, there was no tender touch, no full body cream massage, and no joint or mutual masturbation. Should it now be the standard that every girl does individual actions and is only lying next to each other at a distance in bed? Last evening may not have been exemplary, Leora performed wonderfully in the afternoon and Malia masturbated three times over the weekend and today a bit of rest was announced .. You could say. But if the girls have read these constant demands and now want to show what that could mean, the future looks bad. Each girl will start solo actions and together almost nothing will happen anymore. A horror statement, certainly .. Nevertheless, we should all ask ourselves again and again what consequences our demands and ideas that we address to the girls can have in practice. I understand what you are saying but think about it this way - Everyone who posts has a demand. That is, everyone has a preference. It is carry on as they are, Just do solo stuff, or do more together. Each individual has some kind of demand in that sense. Not actually 'demanding', but saying "I like this" or "I don't like that". So, if what is written is indeed read, which one do they do? See what i mean? For every 5 posts saying 'Do more', there is 1 post saying 'Stop it'. Leora knows what she wants and also knows what is popular. So whatever she does is her choice. And that has always been, and always will be the case. You just hope she'd take on board the fans thoughts, not the haters who want total change (And don't even watch her or Malia much anyway).
Nicholas Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 1 hour ago, RAGNAR said: It's really no use @ddhm,they are like mindless zombies (cultists) here, just following the leaders who are leading them towards a cliff. If they were told to drink from a dog dish on hands & knees,,,,i'm sure they would. I suppose it should be considered good that he has someone who must enjoy seeing his obsessive complaining in other threads while comparing two of the sites women participants usually referred to in these threads, to other of the sites participants in other threads when he's not doing it in these threads. 1 1 2
Gerald Knauft Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 Vielen Dank für die schnelle und sachliche Antwort auf meinen Beitrag . Natürlich wird jede Kritik und auch jede positive Resonanz vom Adressaten nie 100 % ig umgesetzt oder befolgt werden. Ich spreche auch keinem im Forum das Recht auf seine eigene Meinung ab. Ich wollte nur darauf hinweisen dass Wörter , ob gesagt oder geschrieben scharfe Schwerter sein können und Wirkungen zeigen können, die so vom Meinungssager nie beabsichtigt waren.
Guest Slipper Guyquad Posted August 2, 2021 Posted August 2, 2021 10 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said: Thank you for the quick and factual answer to my post. Of course, every criticism and also every positive response from the addressee will never be 100% implemented or followed. I do not deny anyone in the forum the right to their own opinion. I just wanted to point out that words, whether said or written, can be sharp swords and have effects that were never intended by the opinion-sayer. Of course, no one likes to read criticism about them. But there is a world of difference as you know, between 'Positive' criticism and downright name calling and claims of BS and fakery etc. Fans encourage what has already happened, it's not like nothing has happened, is it. So that can only be viewed by her as positive, because it says "We like it! - So please do it again".
pulo filipe Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 Sleep well beautiful girls leora and malia 👩❤️👩 😺 1
pulo filipe Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 Good Morning _ Buon giorno good evening _ buona serata Good morning Beautiful girls so cute Leora and Malia and sexy girl 👩❤️💋👩👯 great day for everyone Tuesday good work 🐨👯 🌟🐈 🐱🐴🦝🐿️🦍🗼💀🐊😁 😈🐶 🦨 🔭 🏍️ 🕵️🌶️ nick chris gag-her pautou brokk! gregg mchef56 marco 6742 nenemoh7 2
pulo filipe Posted August 3, 2021 Posted August 3, 2021 yesterday monday was a happy day Afternoon Leora in the relaxing bath In bed Masturbation with the new blue toy malia went running / to walk Night In bed watch TV / movie Back massage Malia para leora Leora para Malia Nice night love and affection together 💕👩❤️👩💕 😺 1
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