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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #21 (August)

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2 hours ago, ddhm said:

Credit when they do things and praising ( like today in the morning ) and serious complains  as they have deserved all this time that they haven’t been offering any special content .. I think you are too strict with your comment and perhaps  for once you could give a good word .. it isn’t all the time bad as it was proved , I think you also recognize that ,  as things happened completely natural , no prime times , no shows .. I expect that you would be more fair when they deserve to be .. 


What do you mean by completely natural?!?

The moment at the beginning of the BJ when she accidentally sweeps her hair to the left and thus into a position that allows the camera to see the action, or the moment when she realizes her mistake and quickly sweeps her hair strangely to the front and the right just to make sure that nothing is visible. 🤣




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