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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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Biden is promising more strikes on ISIS. Joe, why didn't you strike ISIS before they killed 13 U.S. service members? And why did you withdraw American troops on July 1st before you evacuated American civilians? Not surprising though, since Biden has done everything ass backwards his whole government career.:dodgy:

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8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No way can they possibly get all Americans out by 8/31 let alone the thousands of Afghan allies that the Taliban will hunt down and kill if they are not evacuated. Right now the gates of the airport are closed because of the threat of a terrorist attack. 

Anyone who has troops left should just pack up their soldiers and get them out.  Fuck the Afghani's they've brought enough of them already. They're undocumented, unvaccinated and ready to live off the Taxpayers dime.

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9 hours ago, jugghead said:

Just this statement alone lets me know all I need to know. I haven't read that dude's shit. I don't need to. It is your seething responses that bother me. Please tell me I have nothing to worry about.

      I notice that I missed your response here to some of my comments earlier. Let me take the opportunity to respond to your missed comments. Your statement above stating that you haven't read any of that dudes comments seems to be something that occurs more than it perhaps should on this site because it's not the first time that it has been noticed to have occurred, but only one of a number of times, and this is not the first thread that it has occurred in either. Perhaps you may have been somewhat wiser to have read someone elses comments enough before interjecting yourself into a matter that you obviously were supposedly not aware of. But since you obviously did,  in other words, according to you, not knowing more of what any certain matter is actually about gives you a right to get involved in a matter and seem critical of someone without knowing more of what the matter is actually about. That being the case, I could care less if that's what bothers you here jugghead. Perhaps you should have not been concerned or worried about getting involved in a matter that you supposedly were not aware of why such comments were being made in reference to the matter to begin with.

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Vor 3 Stunden sagte Nicholas:

      Ich stelle fest, dass ich deine Antwort hier auf einige meiner Kommentare zuvor übersehen habe. Lassen Sie mich die Gelegenheit nutzen, um auf Ihre verpassten Kommentare zu antworten. your obige Aussage, dass. SIE keinen dieser Kommentare von Kerlen gelesen Haben, scheint etwas zu sein, das auf dieser Site mehr vorkommt, als es vielleicht sollte, weil es nicht das erste Mal ist, dass es passiert ist, sondern nur eines von mehreren von Malen, und dies ist auch nicht der erste Thread, in dem es aufgetreten ist. Vielleicht warst du etwas Klüger, die Kommentare anderer genug Gelesen zu Haben, bevor du dich in einer Angelegenheit einmischst, die dir offensichtlich nicht ganz oder gar nicht bewusst warst. Mit anderen Worten, deiner Meinung nachIf you nicht mehr wissen, was in einer bestimmten Angelegenheit tatsächlich geht, haben SIE das Recht, sich in einer Angelegenheit einzumischen und jemandem kritisch zu wirken, ohne mehr darüber zu wissen, worum es in der Angelegenheit tatsächlich geht. Wenn das der Fall ist, wäre es mir egal, ob dich das hier stört. Vielleicht könntest SIE sich keine Sorgen machen sollen, in einer Angelegenheit verwickelt zu werden, von der Sie vermeintlich genau wussten, warum Bezug auf solche Äußerungen in Bezug auf die Angelegenheiten gemacht wurden, von der Sie vermeintlich nichts gewusstn. 


Viel Lärm um NICHTS. Viele, viele blaue Worte in Dauerschleife ohne auf den Punkt zu kommen um was es denn konkret geht. Da lobe ich mir eine Symphonie von Beethoven, sterben nach vielen intelligenten Variationen in der Coda zur Auflösung führt.

Anbei als plastisches Beispiel die letzten 4 Minuten der 3. Sinfonie von Ludwig van Beethoven, der "Eroica" 😊



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18 hours ago, happyone said:

The Texas House passed new voting restrictions Thursday night in a bill that would ban drive-thru early voting; ban 24-hour early voting locations by setting limits of 6 a.m. to 9 or 10 p.m.; add new voter ID requirements for absentee voting; prohibit local officials from sending unsolicited absentee ballot applications to voters; prohibit using public funds to help third parties send unsolicited absentee ballots; and enable partisan "poll watchers" to harass and intimidate voters, while limiting their oversight by imposing criminal penalties on election officials for attempting to prevent poll watchers from interfering with voters.

How is banning drive-thru early voting, banning 24 hour voting to 6:am to 9 or 10 pm racist?

How is requiring voter ID for any voting racist?

Why is banning sending unsolicited absentee ballots  by local officials or by third parties racist?-  Usually a registered voter requests an absentee ballot.---so that unregistered persons do not receive that ballot.

Where in the law did the partisan "poll watchers" refer only to Republicans or Independents, not allowing the same right to Democrats??  

The left is just using this and other voting regulations that insure that registered and people to vote are who they purport to be, thus eliminating fraudulent votes. 

don't be a fool. you know who is being targeted by all of these new laws.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Intelligence was able to locate this guy so easily after the attack at the Kabul airport they must have known about him before the attack, so why did Joe Biden not order a strike on him before the Kabul attack and thus maybe prevent the Kabul attack.:dodgy:

you'll have to ask him.

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

 The CDC does not have constitutional authority to write laws. If Democrats want a rent moratorium then they need to pass rent moratorium legislation. 

the article is about other things. the things that you refuse to learn because you don't read at all & get all of your info from donny traitor. 

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15 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Chris Wallace is a member of the Washington, D.C. swamp dwelling establishment. He proved that during the 2020 presidential debate that he moderated. He kisses the asses of Democrat politicians and government officials so that they will appear on his Sunday shows.

chris wallace is an actual newsman which is why i am surprised that he still works at fox entertainment pretending to be news.

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