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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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A federal judge on Monday threw out a major Trump administration rule scaling back federal protections for streams, marshes and wetlands across the U.S., reversing one of the previous administration’s most...

Streams, marshes and wetlands should never be drained and filled with earth to further any man made development.  They are too important to the ecology of the earth--as well as massive deforestation like is happening in the Amazon rainforests and others like it.

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12 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Gov. Kathy Hochul has decided to cast the US Supreme Court as the enemy of the state’s tenants...

Pay the Landlords  !!!

Going to be a lot of people freezing their asses off out on the street this coming winter.  

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In an Aug.18, 2021 interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC tv Joe Biden said there were 10,000 to 15,000 Americans in Afghanistan. Today at the end of our evacuation the State Dept. said we evacuated 6,000 Americans and that only 200 or less Americans remain in Afghanistan. So who is lying, Joe Biden, the State Dept., or both?  Also, in the Aug.18 interview Biden said the U.S. would not leave Afghanistan until every American had been evacuated.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

In an Aug.18, 2021 interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC tv Joe Biden said there were 10,000 to 15,000 Americans in Afghanistan. Today at the end of our evacuation the State Dept. said we evacuated 6,000 Americans and that only 200 or less Americans remain in Afghanistan. So who is lying, Joe Biden, the State Dept., or both?  Also, in the Aug.18 interview Biden said the U.S. would not leave Afghanistan until every American had been evacuated.


Verläßliche Zahlen von Staatsbürgern und Hilfskräften ist bei dem Chaos offenbar generell ein Problem. Da gibt es dutzende von Listen, die oft einfach addiert werden. Dadurch ergeben sich Doppel- und Mehrfachzählungen von 1 Person. Das wird erst bereinigt wenn die Person tatsächlich ausgeflogen ist. Das ist in Deutschland leider nicht anders. Von "Lüge" sollte man da nicht reden. Keiner weiß genaues, das sind zunächst alles nur Schätzungen.


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