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Leora - Home Activities #51

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1 hour ago, Ste said:

Right lets see if I can get this right Leora went out with that bag on Friday and came home late that night with the same bag and put it on the chair. She didn't take it on Saturday overnight Dennis had moved it onto the floor so he could sit there to put on his shoes on after Leora left so she wasn't wearing that while she was away got a feeling she was with her friends .The only mystery to me is why take it on Friday and then come home seen all this from cam 8

Ah ! I understand now, the stockings were to put over her head as she was robbing a bank, the garter was to keep us in suspense and the bra was to keep abreast of what was going on back in the apartment.🙄 Elementary my dear Watson. !

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The Boy In Striped Pyjamas

Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Bruno, um garoto de oito anos, e sua família saem de Berlim para residir próximo a um campo de concentração, onde seu pai acaba de se tornar comandante. Infeliz e solitário, ele vagueia fora de sua casa e certo dia encontra Shmuel, um menino judeu de sua idade. Embora a cerca de arame farpado do campo os separem, os meninos começam uma amizade proibida.

a very sad movie 



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