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Martina and Alberto - home activities #32


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2 hours ago, omedo said:

Martina has more friends who live in her hometown, apart from Elena who has been in the apartment recently and is also very close.
Nelly was not her friend before their first sexual encounter, this took place, if I remember correctly, the second time they met and it was provoked by Nelly because Martina really liked Holly...

The language of truth once again ☺️ Always a big help to remember the things ☺️

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That is a big change in her daily routine. But I'm sure that she will manage it after some time. That could also have been a reason why she partied so extensively until early in the morning last week. This is a little more difficult now. We will see...

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16 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

First off, congrats on 53 years of marriage!  My oldest brother and his wife just celebrated their 55th anniversary.  Secondly, I respect you for coming forward with your story and I'm glad it worked out so well for you.  Even though you and your wife "got away with it" so to speak, it doesn't work that way for a lot of others.  I know of several couples that have divorced/split up over such openness and it wasn't pretty in the end for any of them.  I also know of a couple of marriages that survived such an ordeal and good for them.

With respect to you and JM, I personally ain't buying any of the Nelly & Martina side show.  If what JM believes is real between the two women based on what she has observed,  then the whole we're gong to just be friends is a load of malarky in my opinion.

I find it strange that from what I've heard and read that Nelly is on her second night of sleeping at Gina's apartment....for some reason I thought she was married!  I've been told that it's pretty obvious that what Nelly & Bogdan had at one time is now becoming more and more distant.  Nelly leaves at least once a day and on some days several times and not for just an hour I'm told but for several hours.  My question is why?  Why does she leave her husband for extended periods of time and even sleeps away from him many times?  Is their sleeping apart a normal thing now days because it wasn't when my wife was alive. It would have felt weird not cuddling up to my wife and going sleep at night, and she felt the same way.

It's quite obvious from the party they had in B4 with the IT techs, when Nelly gets drunk/high she is an easy target for any guy around.  I believe she is as unfaithful as they come!!

At any rate DWI, a good, thoughtful, honest post!!

Thanks Harley. And you too bring up some interesting questions on your post. Its all one big soap opera. The big question has always been "is it real" ?

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I think it's a mix of both only the balance between real and fake varies in the different apartments. Pure real life might be a little too boring for the voyeurs. But in this appartment the real life percentage is much much higher than in most of other ones.

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34 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

I think it's a mix of both only the balance between real and fake varies in the different apartments. Pure real life might be a little too boring for the voyeurs. But in this appartment the real life percentage is much much higher than in most of other ones.

It has always been this way , the couples apartments have always been the “ real life deal “ let’s say .. it is just that they aren’t so many nowadays like in the past and if the content isn’t this interesting ( Kitty and Smith , Mirukawa and Dantez for example ) , the posts are always a bit more strict .. but in general , that’s how the couple apartments “ work “ ☺️

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1 hour ago, DWI said:

The big question has always been "is it real" ?

You guys hate long posts from folks like DD and I ... but then you dangle red meat in front of us like this one!

Of course that is the BIG question!  And fundamentally the answer is obviously NO IT IS NOT REAL.  

We can peel back the onion on this.  At the highest level the view looks like this:  There are several billion homes/families/singles living on this planet.  How many of these families have homes that are wired with cameras that broadcast on the internet?   I can't imagine there are no more than several thousand ... maybe even 10 or 20 thousand ... but the point is, this is infinitesimally small.  So from this perspective, it is not real.  Very few people live like this on the planet.

The next question is ... ok, within this context, what does it mean to be real, and based on that, is this real?  I have said several times, a better word is "authentic".  Imagine two people deciding to "try RLC" and the expectations going in of this couple could be just about anything.  They could be fuck buddies that decide to do this for fun.  Or they could be a couple in a committed relationship.  Or a couple with an open relationship.  Who knows.    So, is Martina and Alberto real?  To me the answer is YES as long as this truly is a couple that is very open, committed to each other, and trying to make a life together.  That is what they want us to see.  If that is the reality, then I say yes this is real and authentic.  But if they are just old friends and fuck buddies doing this for fun and they don't really intend to have a life together, then this is as fake as what we saw in Leora and Malia's apartment.

Having said this, I do think Martina and Alberto are authentic.  But OMG they give us so many reasons to question this ... as we watch them as a couple and map what we see to what OUR OWN experiences being in couples relationships.  How many couples are there where one party sleeps alone at night and the other is OUT from midnight to 6AM?  How many couples allow one partner to have free and open sexual relationships with others?    These are not common behaviors, at least among the audience here (important point BTW).   It doesn't mean they are not an authentic couple because couples have all sorts of ground rules and what works for them won't work for other couples, etc etc.  But these behaviors really do make it difficult for us to get to the truth, don't they?

Sometimes I wonder if RLC could incorporate something you see in reality TV shows.  In such shows, often you see the "cast members" talking directly to the camera about how they feel or what is on their mind ... in such a way that they communicate to the audience directly without the other cast members knowing or seeing.  This could really enhance the experience ... but I wonder if it would destroy other aspects of the experience.  The other enhancement I would ask for is closed captioning in multiple languages!

I don't think contributed anything new to our collective understanding of Martina and Alberto ... but I enjoyed writing this.  I'll stop here so DD can easily go bigger 🙂 .  I am trying to practice a LESS IS MORE strategy!  EDIT:  Just saw DD beat me with a two line post and I have egg on my face now.

Edited by JenniferMom
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Personally JM, I think Martina and Alberto are authentic f@ck buddies and nothing more.  They came to RLC for the lazy, easy life which has kept them employed for all these years....I would say the same for Nelly & Bogdan but I won't waste my breath.

Even though your last post was long and a tiring read, it did bring up some good questions to ponder.  It will be interesting to see what the viewers that watch them have to say.

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2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Personally JM, I think Martina and Alberto are authentic f@ck buddies and nothing more.  They came to RLC for the lazy, easy life which has kept them employed for all these years....I would say the same for Nelly & Bogdan but I won't waste my breath.

Even though your last post was long and a tiring read, it did bring up some good questions to ponder.  It will be interesting to see what the viewers that watch them have to say.

Thank you.  I like the Kinder, Gentler Harley Fatboy!

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