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US General Domestic Politics #32 Begins 09/11/21.

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According to a report from Politico, the decision of popular Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH) to not run for re-election in 2022 has Ohio Republicans -- as well as Republican Party campaign consultants --...


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This week, House Democrats released their proposed tax increases to fund Joe Biden’s $3.5tn social policy plan. The biggest surprise: they didn’t go after the huge accumulations of wealth at the top –...

What’s going on? It’s not that Democrats lack the power. They’re in one of those rare trifectas when they hold the presidency and majorities, albeit small, in the House and Senate.


Put simply, Democrats are reluctant to tax the record-breaking wealth of the rich and big corporations because of … the wealth of the rich and big corporations.

Many Democrats rely on that wealth to bankroll their campaigns. They also dread becoming targets of well-financed ad campaigns accusing them of voting for “job-killing” taxes.

Behind it will be this simple but important question: Which party represents average working people and which shills for the rich? Democrats, take note.

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11 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Biden just said recently that the world climate is at "code red".  So if Biden can mandate vaccinations and mask wearing because of a health crisis, what is to stop him from mandating  actions to save the world from a climate crisis?:dodgy:

Thankfully-he can only mandate in the USA--and some mandates will stand the test of being Constitutional.  So, the rest of the world can tell him to piss off---kind of like Macron is doing because of his back stabbing tactics.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

i respect your opinion because you do read & attempt to contribute information. ridge doesn't. he automatically labels articles as lies without looking past the picture. he can't form an opinion based on the info because not only doesn't he read anything but he refuses to read anything & says that he refuses to read anything over & over & over & over again. he is & will continue to be an idiot that contributes nothing positive until he starts to make an attempt to understand that there is an actual world around him that is trying to work out solutions to obvious problems that are hurting us all including him. while it is true that i have lost patience with him if you read comments from a few weeks ago you will see that i tried to talk sensibly & rationally to him & he answered with his usual crap. there can be no respect for anyone that wants nothing more than to argue about anything & everything all of the time while refusing to ever learn anything at all.

Here is a book for you to read and learn from. The book has been the #1 seller on both the New York Times and Amazon bestseller lists for several weeks. The book is entitled "American Marxism" by Mark Levin. 

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

good. when they become citizens they can vote for dems & you can cry more.

Except that because of the immigration crisis in Del Rio, Texas the Democrat mayor and residents of that city are so pissed off at the Biden Administration for causing this disaster that they will probably vote Republican in 2022 and 2024.:tongue:

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

vaccines should be mandatory for everyone. leaving out ANYONE allows the virus to hang around & mutate. maybe if congress could stop fighting for 5 minutes a plan could be worked out. but a certain party doesn't like any mandates about anything & continues to get in the way of any progress at all about anything. i think that it is way past the time that we stop blaming biden for everything.

So 'we should stop blaming Biden for everything'? But from Jan. 20, 2017 to Jan.20, 2021 and to this present day; you, the Democrats, and the news media have blamed Donald Trump for everything that has gone wrong in the U.S. and the rest of the world.  

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

vaccines should be mandatory for everyone. leaving out ANYONE allows the virus to hang around & mutate. maybe if congress could stop fighting for 5 minutes a plan could be worked out. but a certain party doesn't like any mandates about anything & continues to get in the way of any progress at all about anything. i think that it is way past the time that we stop blaming biden for everything.

As soon as he acts like a President--maybe we will


Biden is unfit to be president. It was obvious when he was running that he lacks the physical stamina and mental acuity for the job

It’s that simple. The buck really does stop with the President. The world has always seen Biden’s incapacity, and now the American people can see it too.

How can we not blame him as the rest of the world does for the obvious un-responsible withdraw from Afghanistan.


He himself said "The buck stops with me"



"After 20 years, I've learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces," the president said.


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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

they taliban doesn't need to send terrorists here. we already have the proud boys, 3 percenters, & other assorted insurrectionists. or as you would call them picniccers.

Why did you leave out BLM and ANTIFA who were responsible for the looting, burning and rioting in our cities in the summer of 2020?

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Call it what it is — the GOP hate rally                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


The so called “Justice for J6” rally, referred to by Scott Dworkin as the “GOP hate rally” and by Meidas Touch as the “domestic terrorist rally” is unfolding in front of the Capitol as we speak. A “yuge” crowd of 200 or...

You can and the left can call it a GOP hate rally--but hardly 200 idiots represent all of  Republicans or the Republican Party, nor do the

idiots that rioted on 1/6/2021.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Call it what it is — the GOP hate rally                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


The so called “Justice for J6” rally, referred to by Scott Dworkin as the “GOP hate rally” and by Meidas Touch as the “domestic terrorist rally” is unfolding in front of the Capitol as we speak. A “yuge” crowd of 200 or...


The headline of this article demonstrates how the DAILYKOS is not a real news source. The headline is so biased and opinionated that it is laughable for anyone to consider this real news reporting.

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