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US General Domestic Politics #33 Begins 09/22/21.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Thanks for again demonstrating your insanity.  And who murdered the other 4.1 million people who died from Covid in the rest of the world?

We're not talking about the rest of the world, deflector; we're talking about dead Americans.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The future new immigrants who will be arriving at our southern border will be the EVIDENCE, shit for brains little snowflake.😏 

Yeah.  Jason Miller is making damn sure they show up under that particular bridge.  

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Wonder if they'll call the undercover FBI rioters to testify to explain their actions?  Also, wonder if they'll have Nancy Pelosi testify to explain why she refused to supply the extra security requested by Capitol Police days before the riot?

Bullshit.  You're shitting out of your cocksucker again.

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5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

So you are saying if Hillary Clinton had been president no one in the US. would have died from Covid? So if Trump is responsible for all the Covid deaths in the U.S. who is responsible for the other 4.1 millions Covid deaths around the rest of the world?  You definitely are a very stupid person.

 Not nearly as many.  She would have used the pandemic handbook Obama left.  Trump wiped his fat ass with it.

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May be an image of ocean and sky

As of Tuesday September 14th, 2021, there are now 56 cargo freighters anchored off the coast of California from Oakland to Long Beach in what can only be considered a Manufactured Supply-Chain Halt that will result in food shortages and supply disruption Nationwide in the coming weeks and months.
A local long-haul company Driver that travels the Continental 48 states on a weekly basis has personally seen Chicago freight yards backed up three weeks in a row...now with hardly any movement at all while more and more containers are stacking up without any logical explanation.
The Question to ask Yourself is...WHY???
Why would our Government do such with supplies that Small businesses, Manufacturers, and American Citizens may need to survive in one way or another?!?!
Probably a good idea to make sure you have enough supplies to last several weeks or a couple of months should the inevitable finally happen....They will sink the ships and crash the economy if it means Bringing The People to Their Knees with Submission! 

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