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US General Domestic Politics #34 Begins 09/27/21.

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8 hours ago, O_U812 said:


Every dollar that government takes from corporations in the form of taxes is one less dollar they have to pay into stockholders pension funds, to build new factories, to hire new employees, or giver pay raises to current employees.

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9 hours ago, O_U812 said:


Wait until someone explains what is actually in those bills and how much it will cost them personally to pay for them and then see how much support they have. Also, I don't trust anything broadcast on MSNBC nor do I trust the poll results of the far left group that did this poll. The name of the group that conducted the poll was "End Citizens United/Global Strategy Group/ALG Research". That sounds like some far left organization that George Soros  would fund.

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6 hours ago, golfer06 said:

earth to ridge. they won't pass 1 bill without the other.

And if they do pass the $3.5 trillion bill in the House the so called moderate Democrats in the House are toast in the 2022 election. Which means the Democrats are guaranteed to lose the House to the Republicans in 2022. Plus,the $3.5 trillion bill is DOA upon arrival in the Senate. :cool:

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6 hours ago, golfer06 said:

possible shutdown & 3.5 trillion bill that isn't law & in fact hasn't been written yet have nothing to do with each other. 3.5 trillion bill would be an investment in the future. default would damage the economy by allowing $ to be flushed down the toilet.

So Republicans are suppose to help pass a $3.5 trillion spending bill that will be written by Democrats after the bill is passed?  That sounds like Washington D.C. Nancy Pelosi type logic. It's like making out and signing a $3.5 trillion dollar check and then allowing the Democrats to write in who the check will be paid too. Why would the Republicans oppose that,right?  LMAO

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6 hours ago, golfer06 said:

the author seems to think that the $ will be simply given away. wrong. it is an investment that will result in a better economy which will generate more tax revenue from everyone. 

Government does not invest money. Government spends money.  You also left out that the spending will result in higher prices and fewer private sector jobs for everyone.

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6 hours ago, golfer06 said:

the senators read the bill that doesn't exist yet that they are not going to vote for? here is a suggestion. get on board with the concept of improving the country & then suggest ways to do that instead of obstructing everything. the country needs help. investment in the future is badly needed. the problems that need to be dealt with are not going away by ignoring them. if republicans have better answers they should start working together with dems to make things better. if the price tag is too high then figure out how to do it cheaper. if you shop for coffee & maxwell house is $8 but the store brand is $5 but still does the job then buy that. republican plan is to buy no coffee at all & then blame the dems for not going to the store. bottom line is that they all are supposed to be working for us. dems aren't perfect but they are trying. republicans aren't trying & don't care.

So they're voting to pass a bill in the House that doesn't yet exist? How is that possible?

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50 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

the government grew too big then gave all of the $ to big business. they put it under the pillow & helped no one.

Such a simple mind. You are just one big left wing walking talking totally indoctrinated propagandist. Businesses create wealth. Government creates nothing.  How many products do Americans have in their homes that were created by government compared to those that were created by private businesses?

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