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US General Domestic Politics #34 Begins 09/27/21.

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17 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And everyday Joe Biden keeps inviting thousands more "dreamers"into the U.S.  So why do Democrat politicians take so much campaign money from corporations? Why did the U.S.Chamber of Commerce endorse Joe Biden in the 2020 election? 

you are an idiot making shit up to fit your agenda. i't getting old.

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17 hours ago, happyone said:

Good for her


In a statement, the Arizona Democrat warned that delaying the vote only reduced trust within the party

“What Americans have seen instead is an ineffective stunt to gain leverage over a separate proposal,” Sinema said. “I do not trade my vote for political favors — I vote based only on what is best for my state and the country. I have never, and would never, agree to any bargain that would hold one piece of legislation hostage to another



Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema calls her party's two-track legislative approach an 'ineffective stunt'

The left (Progressives) in the Democratic Party are fucking up everything they touch--again.

the articles vanished before i could read them but will you be happy when republicans continue to do absolutely nothing but obstruct anything that might actually help anything?

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17 hours ago, happyone said:

"While I have great respect for the Speaker, I believe her decision to again delay a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill is wrong," said Rep. Murphy.

Along with a group of Members, I've been working around-the-clock to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill, legislation we helped craft back in April with my Senate colleagues. But a small far left faction of the House of Representatives undermined that agreement and blocked a critical vote on the President's historic bipartisan infrastructure bill."

the progressive caucus is not small. also what republicans want to label as far left is actually mainstream policy that is badly needed & backed by a majority of the people including republicans.

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16 hours ago, happyone said:

so far that is a correct statement-from the article --and it is working--that loophole is not being addressed to increase taxes.

For private equity firms, keeping their tax rate at the lower capital gains level is their top priority in Washington and has been for years.


it's not helping. private equity firms don't build the economy. they drain everything & leave everyone else to clean up the mess.

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16 hours ago, happyone said:

Maxwell house is terrible and most store brands are also--so I wouldn't buy either one--- 🤣  so the Republican plan does work in this case--they don't buy the bad brands---they offer an alternate brand that tastes better. 

republicans do nothing & blame others for not doing anything! wake up! and by the way maxwell house is good but is no better than most store brands which are also good. (probably made by the same company)

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12 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

The Democrats will need to get all the illegal aliens who cross the southern border into the U.S. registered to vote in order to save their asses in the 2022 election.:biggrin:

good idea. that will help to counteract the effects of the newest qtrumplican voter suppression laws.

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12 hours ago, happyone said:

With that English "The Blue States has been"--we know who the illiterate is in this post!!!!

did you read donny traitor's tweetstorms before twitter banned him? i word doesn't change the fact that he's correct.

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11 hours ago, happyone said:


It is not bullshit---you just cannot accept the truth of the matter---here is what Pelosi said and tried to explain away her statement.--it was intentional misdirection.

The fact is why do you have to pass a bill before the American public gets to know what is in the bill----because once passed, most of the American public assume it is too late---but if presented before it is passed, a lot more Americans would actually get to express their concerns and maybe the bill would be altered.  After all, Congress is supposed to represent the people---but if we do not have a say in what is being legislated, then the people really don't matter and it is all about political power and exerting government will on the people--


she is trying to put a bill together that will pass without republican support & since manchima hasn't made clear what is acceptable yet she is simply looking for a handshake agreement that the ultimate bill will be passed. everything else from foamy, ridge, mcturtle, etc is simply distraction. let's see what happens as the bills (BOTH) are badly needed.

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11 hours ago, happyone said:


I guess you never read anything or can remember facts---just keep accusing others to justify your ignorance.


Edouard Philippe defended President Emmanuel Macrons' new tax break for the wealthiest, saying it is needed stem the increasing flow of the richest leaving France.


let them leave if they can do better elsewhere. same thing for our whining 1% that wants to call everyone else unpatriotic (i wonder who leads that charge) while paying a lower tax rate than most ordinary people. no more need to buy our leaders. then maybe they would actually do their jobs.

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