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Leora - Home Activities #68

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Even if he is the only allowed “ peasant / visitor “ in the Kingdom , as always a great thing to happen , the only time that Leora acts , behaves and does human behavior things , that is socializing in her apartment , being able to talk with someone in front  of cameras , not hiding behind privacy  things and so on.


Whatever anyone thinks , for my personal taste this is the most human and real Leora we see when this guy is in the place . Welcome to the guy ( that no one understands why he is considered stupid / douche / asshole or any other negative adjective .. ahh , yes , call it jealousy .. ) 

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16 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

These two need to get shit faced drunk tonight, then it will be worth our time watching. If not just another boring movie night !!!

Not with her wearing her panties under the shorts it won’t.

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Leora is a tough read at times.  She invited the guy over. She is not wearing a bra. She's wearing shorts.  She initiates most of the conversations (and carries the conversations).

On the flip side, they are sitting opposite each other.  Watching a game show/reality television program isn't what I would call foreplay. She isn't preparing dinner (or as yet, offered him a beverage). Maybe they will eat out, or get food delivered.   ...and unless previously discussed, why is BT (boy-toy) recently making appearances and not when Malia was in town (he is not that new an acquaintance).  If romance was to come, they'd be on the same couch (unless she wants him only for his equipment).

And it's Saturday night!!  Something has to be up (and not just his wiener).


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