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Leora - Home Activities #72

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1 hour ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I don't believe it's punishment, there's no reason. But i have seen often in the past that she either loses interest for a short while, or her mood affects her. And yes, it can depend on what things are like 'outside'. But this is what i have said, how she can do so much sometimes, that when she doesn't, it's more noticeable. How she can play 4,5,6 times in as many days then go quiet out of nowhere. Not that long ago she went 9 days in between. This is how as i said, she can back herself into a corner, when she does so much, it can then become expected of her. But then she can do one out of nowhere.

When she backs herself into a corner she should remember to stay there.   :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I think she looks mentally tired tonight, like her erratic sleep pattern is maybe catching up on her. She just doesn't look entirely settled somehow. 

I thought she sounded a bit 'off' when she came home, to Paul her tone was slightly down. But there was nothing in the call that seemed wrong and she had a good chat with her mate on Skype. Maybe she's just having a quiet time but she seems not quite there tonight, and if she can't sleep properly, it will affect her in time. I just hope it's not down to someone pissing her off yet again.

Not mood for masturbations , tired since quite some time .. who knows ? She might be getting pleased by her guy outside and therefore not the ultimate mood for her addiction 😉

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Il y a 5 heures, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Je pense qu’elle a l’air mentalement fatigué ce soir, comme si son rythme de sommeil erratique la rattrapait peut-être. Elle n’a tout simplement pas l’air entièrement d’une manière ou d’une autre.

Je pensais qu’elle avait l’air un peu « off » quand elle est rentrée à la maison, pour Paul, son ton était légèrement baissé. Mais il n’y avait rien dans l’appel qui semblait faux et elle a eu une bonne conversation avec son compagnon sur Skype. Peut-être qu’elle passe juste un moment tranquille, mais elle ne semble pas tout à fait là ce soir, et si elle ne peut pas dormir correctement, cela affectera son esprit avant longtemps. J’espère juste que ce n’est pas àquelqu’un qui l’énerve encore une fois.

Bonjour Gutquad , Pulo, Brokk

Merci pour vos commentaires

Je n’ai rien vu hier juste pendant l’heure du déjeuné ou elle se préparait

J’ai pu lire quelle est rentré vers 20 h 30, moi vu sa préparation je me suis dit qu’elle devrait rentrer vers minuit ou plus mais ce n’était pas le cas

 La soirée était calme elle à eut Paul au téléphone, son amie russe sur Skype, et peut être loverboy pas sur

La telle eu Paul depuis


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Bonjour Gutquad, Pulo, Brokk

Merci pour vos commentaires

Je n'ai rien vu hier juste pendant l'heure du déjeuné ou elle se préparait

J'ai pu lire quelle est rentré vers 20 h 30, moi vu sa préparation je me suis dit qu'elle devrait rentrer vers minuit ou plus mais ce n'était pas le cas

 La soirée était calme elle à eu Paul au téléphone, son amie russe sur Skype, et peut être loverboy pas sur

La telle eu Paul depuis


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6 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I don't believe it's punishment, there's no reason. But i have seen often in the past that she either loses interest for a short while, or her mood affects her. And yes, it can depend on what things are like 'outside'. But this is what i have said, how she can do so much sometimes, that when she doesn't, it's more noticeable. How she can play 4,5,6 times in as many days then go quiet out of nowhere. Not that long ago she went 9 days in between. This is how as i said, she can back herself into a corner, when she does so much, it can then become expected of her. But then she can do one out of nowhere.

In the last place in Krasnoyarsk she once went around twenty days with nothing.

Let her get on with it, she will get over it eventually...Her petulance has never been one of her most redeeming features. 😁

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2 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

In the last place in Krasnoyarsk she once went around twenty days with nothing.

Let her get on with it, she will get over it eventually...Her petulance has never been one of her most redeeming features. 😁

20? Blimey! Bet she forgot how to! 😆

Oh, i have no doubt she will find her mojo again, soon enough....

It's always in the last place you look.


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Bonjour Gutquad , Pulo, Brokk , Jimbo

Je suis navré de ne pas pouvoir communiquer avec vous tout les soir et c’est vraiment dommage j’aurais aimé ça, mais je suis trop fatigué et hier c’était journée examens et j’en n’ai marre et aussi c’est vrai Léora me tresse un peut aussi car elle ne sait pas ce qu’elle veut.

Mais tout sa c’est la vie


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4 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

20? Blimey! Bet she forgot how to! 😆

Oh, i have no doubt she will find her mojo again, soon enough ....

It's always in the last place you look.


In her bank account !!

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