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Leora - Home Activities #74

pulo filipe

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So .. still Leora won’t decide to take a break and make the both ways trip to Russia and sort some of things out ( father , Paul , the dog , anything that might  requires her attention so she can calm down a bit ) .. ok . 

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yesterday tuesday 


Leora woke up 

In the bathroom washing the kitten and beautiful body 

Pink panties and white t-shirt 

weekly cleaning 

On the phone with headphones 


Arrived 23:00 

red pajamas 

In bed 

View history program 

Phone Notes 

Neck Massage Cushion 

To sleep 



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8 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:


I thought over the following 24, 48 hours we could get some kind of confirmation if she made a call. So yeah, the mentions of her Dad and medication (I heard her talk about 1 rather than 2 tablets) makes sense as to why she was so upset. And the Dog thing isn't (thankfully) about Eva. She said to Paul this morning about washing and shampooing her. 

But didn't she essentially dump everything on Paul's shoulders? it is clear that from there to Prague she cannot control her father whether he is taking medicine or not or whether he is follow the treatment or not. I had read a comment where she talked about this with Paul.

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30 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

But didn't she essentially dump everything on Paul's shoulders? it is clear that from there to Prague she cannot control her father whether he is taking medicine or not or whether he is follow the treatment or not. I had read a comment where she talked about this with Paul.

" La Dolce Vita " life of Prague has not only softened her body but her brain also. She has sold her soul for future citizenship in the EU. 

She can play the sympathy card as often as she likes and try to make herself look the victim, but when all is said and done everything and everyone in Russia and elsewhere becomes collateral damage in the never ending pursuit for the betterment of Leora's life.

I don't blame her, but I do wish sometimes she would be more honest with herself as well as with others about things.🙂

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7 hours ago, NewYorkJoe said:


I'll be leaving RLC on Nov 11th which is when my premier membership expires. I really looked forward to logging on daily with anticipation when Malia first joined Leora and watching them become more playful and open up sexually over time. Unfortunately now that Leora is solo her apartment has become boring compared to what it was up until Malia's departure. I would imagine there are many members who have cancelled for the same reason. At this point the only thing that could recreate that spark is if Paul or another female room mate was to join her. Included is a link that illustrates what propelled Leora to #1 up until August 21'. Ciao!

This is part 1 and part 2 is also very good.

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33 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

Das ist Teil 1 und Teil 2 ist auch sehr gut.

Aus dem gleichen Grund habe ich RLC auch verlassen, Ich glaube daß jetzt auch dem hartnäckigsten Malia-Basher langsam klar wird welche wichtige Rolle Malia für den Glanz von Leora und dem Interesse für diese Wohnung für die Abonnenten hatte. Man lese meine früheren Beiträge im Forum zu diesem Thema. Ich möchte mich diesbezüglich nicht wiederholen. Man muß aber auch Leora Gerechtigkeit  gewähren. Allein steht sie unumstößlich auf dem absteigenden Ast. Sie bemüht sich redlich, leider zu ihrem körperlichen ung psychischen Schaden, , ihrer Rolle und den Interessen der Abonnenten gerecht zu werden. Ich hoffe nur daß in Prag und nicht zuletzt in  ihrer Familie in Rußland für sie alles in Ordnung ist. Sie so zu leiden sehen bzw. darüber im Forum zu lesen bricht mir das Herz, genau wie beim Weggang von Malia.. Ich wünsche mir sehr daß sie die Kraft und die Möglichkeit findet  zu ihrem Vorteil bald aus RLC zu verschwinden.  

Dann kann die Wohnung wieder mit neuen Hoffnungsträgerinnen belegt werden. Dann werden auch die Abonnenten wiederkommen.

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