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Leora - Home Activities #74

pulo filipe

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36 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

For the same reason I left RLC. I believe that even the most stubborn Malia basher is slowly becoming aware of the important role Malia had for the glamor of Leora and the interest in this apartment for the subscribers. You can read my previous posts in the forum on this topic. I do not want to repeat myself in this regard. But one must also give Leora justice. Alone she is irrevocably on the decline. She makes every effort, unfortunately to her physical and psychological damage, to do justice to her role and the interests of the subscribers. I only hope that everything is okay for her in Prague and not least in her family in Russia. To see her suffer like that or to read about it in the forum breaks my heart, just like when Malia left ..  

Then the apartment can be occupied again with new hopes. Then the subscribers will come back too.

Gerald: I agree with much of your sentiments. Leora is on the decline, but it doesn't seem to bother her, she has to my mind become apathetic and totally disinterested in the project that set her on the road to " stardom ", taking as much from it as she can and giving the absolute minimum in return.

She has to my mind overstretched herself beyond her capabilities, or anyone's capabilities for that matter, she has too many " irons in the fire " between Russia and Prague, along with personal relationships that have to be tended and other commitments that she is undertaking. Something has to be neglected to accomplish this amount, and the obvious thing is the project.

Because of her past glories people still will watch the apartment, more in hope that she will revert to how she was, therefor creating the impression that she is always " busy " entertaining, when in fact much of the time she could be just sitting down texting for hours on end....but it looks good on replay top cameras, especially as I don't believe the competition is always strong enough to prevent her getting that top spot from the other apartments.



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1 minute ago, jimbo4 said:

Gerald: Ich stimme vielen Ihrer Meinungen zu. Leora ist im Niedergang, aber es scheint sie nicht zu stören, sie muss meiner Meinung nach apathisch und völlig desinteressiert werden an dem Projekt, das sie auf den Weg zum "Stardom" gebracht hat, so viel wie möglich davon zu nehmen und zu geben im Gegenzug das absolute Minimum.

Sie hat sich meines Erachtens über ihre Fähigkeiten oder die Fähigkeiten anderer überfordert, sie hat zu viele "Eisen im Feuer" zwischen Russland und Prag, zusammen mit persönlichen Beziehungen, die gepflegt werden müssen, und anderen Verpflichtungen, die sie eingeht. Etwas muss vernachlässigt werden, um diesen Betrag zu erreichen, und das Offensichtliche ist das Projekt.

Wegen ihres vergangenen Ruhms werden die Leute immer noch die Wohnung beobachten, eher in der Hoffnung, dass sie wieder so wird, wie sie war, wodurch der Eindruck entsteht, dass sie immer "beschäftigt" mit Unterhaltung ist, obwohl sie die meiste Zeit nur sitzen könnte stundenlang SMS schreiben....aber es sieht gut aus auf Replay-Top-Kameras, zumal ich glaube nicht, dass die Konkurrenz immer stark genug ist, um zu verhindern, dass sie diesen Spitzenplatz von den anderen Wohnungen bekommt.



Danke für ihre Antwort. Sie beschreibt ziemlich gut die gegenwärtige Situation. Leider fehlt in meinem Beitrag eine wichtige Passage in der ich darüberschreibe daß die gegenwärtige ungünstige Situation um Leora und den Abonnenten meiner Meinung nach nur mit dem Weggang Leoras von den Kameras und RLC zu lösen ist.

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55 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

Aus dem gleichen Grund habe ich RLC auch verlassen, Ich glaube daß jetzt auch dem hartnäckigsten Malia-Basher langsam klar wird welche wichtige Rolle Malia für den Glanz von Leora und dem Interesse für diese Wohnung für die Abonnenten hatte. Man lese meine früheren Beiträge im Forum zu diesem Thema. Ich möchte mich diesbezüglich nicht wiederholen. Man muß aber auch Leora Gerechtigkeit  gewähren. Allein steht sie unumstößlich auf dem absteigenden Ast. Sie bemüht sich redlich, leider zu ihrem körperlichen ung psychischen Schaden, , ihrer Rolle und den Interessen der Abonnenten gerecht zu werden. Ich hoffe nur daß in Prag und nicht zuletzt in  ihrer Familie in Rußland für sie alles in Ordnung ist. Sie so zu leiden sehen bzw. darüber im Forum zu lesen bricht mir das Herz, genau wie beim Weggang von Malia.. Ich wünsche mir sehr daß sie die Kraft und die Möglichkeit findet  zu ihrem Vorteil bald aus RLC zu verschwinden.  

Dann kann die Wohnung wieder mit neuen Hoffnungsträgerinnen belegt werden. Dann werden auch die Abonnenten wiederkommen.

Hard words but basically you are not entirely wrong.
Leora has to decide what she wants.
Your health (psyche) has been suffering for 1 year at the moment. The relationship with LB doesn't do her well, even if Leora doesn't want it. I can understand that Leora is looking for friends in Prague because L really intends to stay in Prague. Only these constant outbursts from her are almost unbearable, and I'm really sorry about that.
But apparently leora doesn't want it any other way, then Leora also has to bear the consequences.
I think that CC Leora doesn't care, even if she checks it often. She is simply blinded by everything that is happening in Prague (LB).
Something else struck me ... When Leora was still in Russia, I saw her sad 2-3 times in all these years, in Prague there have been countless times.
Maybe it would actually be better. Leora would leave RLC even if I would be very sad about it, but I think it is best for Leora.
I don't think RLC is doing anything to help Leora either, if there is to be a change, it has to come from Leora
It's all just my opinion, of course

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I find it rather impressive that so many people suggest and share their opinions with the majority of them being obviously one better than the other and of course entirely at the right direction . 

But here , you / we are all trying to “ bring Leora’s mind back on the ground “ when she 

- decided to escape Russia and her whatever routine life in Krasnoyarsk for an unknown destination 

- decided to keep the apartment a “ forbidden “ territory for any of the people she has met in Prague , resulting  in her self isolation and ultimately her loneliness 

- decided to start a new relationship for whatever reason ( sex , male company , chilling with whatever talks ) and she’s the one responsible of still maintaining it , if we say that this guy isn’t a good one ( which I totally disagree , imagine if you have been in the position of this guy , you would have caused a hell of a trouble to Leora’s life if she was treating you like a piece of shit when repeatedly you have shown that you are interested in her ) 

- decided to create this two way life without thinking that ultimately the conflicts would be appearing and the one way of living would affect the other . 

I personally - and deep , sincere  apologies to the hardcore fans - feel no sympathy or i am sad watching the “ fall of an icon “ , Leora is just one more click on my screen as she has always been to relax me , entertain me , make me comment here with guys that could be indeed in real life meet and have a beer and chat till the morning hours. I have no sympathy of her sadness as I have created nothing of it , on the contrary , I think that with my contribution I have helped her for a better future , I have helped her for her growth ( if she was investing in a mature way ) in Prague , I have helped her remain still as a participant in the project by renewing my subscription and allowing RLC to believe that it is happening because of her . 

At the end of the day , a woman who behaves in a total inhuman way ( which normal human being would not take the first plane back home , fuck the money and this fake life just to be with a sick father , by his side and taking care of him - but no , job contracts and subscribers compensations come first .. ) , doesn’t deserve by myself to engage with her emotions when she knows exactly what to do and she’s only “ charmed “ by the smell and color of money .. 


It’s pity when someone that is characterized as “ clever “ doing each and every day more and more things that make her come out as a “ dumb “ . 

It’s extreme noticeable to add as a last  comment that the so called hardcore fans during this difficult emotional rollercoaster of hers have been disappeared with their comments when they obviously know all about her and they have even abandon her protection .. that’s perhaps the most amazing thing that has occurred here .. 

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