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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Oct. 2016) #1


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59 minutes ago, Zinc said:

Yea i fully support party pills here..even K&K should be introduced to it...not just for them but the beautiful guests that they always seem to have...(talking abt the girls only)

This is totally fucked up ! Encouraging the use of drugs !!%*&£ !!!???. Do you introduce pills to the girls you meet so you can finally have some of fun with them ? Go and visit a rehab center, on your way back you might think differently.

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2 minutes ago, smurfy08 said:

This is totally fucked up ! Encouraging the use of drugs !!%*&£ !!!???. Do you introduce pills to the girls you meet so you can finally have some of fun with them ? Go and visit a rehab center, on your way back you might think differently.

I for one would not want to think any girls on RLC had got addicted to drugs to please us viewers. That would be not right

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25 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

It would be a waste of time after gathering Belle and Rebecca together to blow it away with Milena. Maybe Milena knows someone high up at RLC. 

Agree,but from rlc we can expect the best and the worst..we have two young beautiful right now in b2(Reb and Belle) that are open and fun..and then we have Carol e Lola..hope new girls comes to place of this two..and no girl from b1 join the cast of b2..at least Lola it's leaving..that's great..Carol have no ideia when she leaves..just wish rlc don't put Milena in b2..

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Why can't you just accept that some girls like to do drugs? Who says or thinks that they do drugs just to please viewers? Not every girl that comes onto RLC is some innocent child. And whether you want to like it or not, Milena did NOT twist anybody's arm to do whatever drugs they did. 

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8 minutes ago, smurfy08 said:

This is totally fucked up ! Encouraging the use of drugs !!%*&£ !!!???. Do you introduce pills to the girls you meet so you can finally have some of fun with them ? Go and visit a rehab center, on your way back you might think differently.

absolutely no different than going to a bar to pick up a woman,you do know alcohol kills many times more people than all other drugs combined,i have used drugs casually most of my life and most people I know have done drugs and I have never heard of anyone I know ever over dosing its a right of passage for most young people,oh if you go rock climbing or skydiving they can both kill you but nobody says shit about it but let it be drugs omg  you know sometimes having fun comes with some risk,so you should probably keep you morality to yourself and should not be watching a voyer site

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1 minute ago, sulzer25059 said:

I for one would not want to think any girls on RLC had got addicted to drugs to please us viewers. That would be not right

I did not say that. Whatever the situation, the reason, nobody should be encouraged to use drugs.

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5 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Why can't you just accept that some girls like to do drugs? Who says or thinks that they do drugs just to please viewers? Not every girl that comes onto RLC is some innocent child. And whether you want to like it or not, Milena did NOT twist anybody's arm to do whatever drugs they did. 

Hell, a lot of you think the girls are druggies, (Derogartory Comments) addicts, and losers-and call them names-  what attitudes if anything will ever change in here?????

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11 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Anyone worked out the game? I said before I believe Milena is a party organiser and this game does seem to be generating a good atmosphere, much better than at the table.

looks like a combination of password and charades

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Some of you are think these girls are naive and stupid. I cannot speak for the latter but I don't think they would be here if they were as unworldly wise as all that. I think they will have gone to parties with drugs before and maybe they are getting encouraged but I do not think the drug use came as a surprise to any of them. The thinggs that worried me was the girls' failure to spot the state Caro was in and Belle giving in so easily totaking the coke when she clearly wasn't in the mood. But I stress these choices have probably been ones they have made before. I do think it went to far that night with the 3 blokes but apart from that it has been fine.

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