F219 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:16 AM, jayp1220259 said: did lola and rebecca fuck last night? Expand NO
jayp1220259 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:18 AM, F219 said: NO Expand okay thanks
legrandrobert Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:16 AM, moos54 said: Parce que cette fille à de bonnes manières tout simplement, ce n'est pas une question du fait qu'elle se cache des caméras ou quoi que ce soit, sinon elle ne se léverai pas pendant les douches et ne mettrait pas ses soins pour le corp complétement dénudé Elle est juste respectueuse de la vie en communauté et préfére ne pas salir partout, moi je la respecte beaucoup pour cela, d'ailleurs Carolina fait exactement pareil et personne ne s'en plaint :-) Because this girl just good manners, it's not an issue because it is hidden cameras or anything, otherwise it will not lift during showers and would not put his care for corp completely bare It's just respectful of community life and prefer not to mess around, I respect her a lot for that, besides Carolina is exactly the same and no one complains :-) c'est un peu elles qui se font mater h24 donc je pense qu'elles ont un peu le droit a la parole non ? Expand Arrêtons ce débat inutile, j'ai une opinion et tu en as une autre. Tu ne plieraspas et moi non plus. Je te respecte et j'espère que toi de même.
BBsq69 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 OK I've just seen Jasmine go to the BaR to change her panties off camera on the toilet. So yeah she has pretty big lack of respect for the whole project. Whatever you see she cannot have been under any illusion that RLC was for voyeurs and to me that just sticks 2 big fingers up at the paying customers. Fine, I am not going to accuse people of defending her because she's so hot but if that was Aida or Layla, you would be complaining the fuck out of her. Even at the party she spent about 5 minutes dancing and went to bed very early. 1
moos54 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:19 AM, legrandrobert said: Arrêtons ce débat inutile, j'ai une opinion et tu en as une autre. Tu ne plieraspas et moi non plus. Je te respecte et j'espère que toi de même. Expand ouais complètement d'accord et oui je te respecte aussi pour cela, je ne suis pas du genre a gueuler parce qu'untel n'est pas de mon avis ;-), et justement je trouves cela sympa que chacun est sa propre vision de la chose même si cela ne fait pas avancé le débat ;-)
F219 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:19 AM, BBsq69 said: OK I've just seen Jasmine go to the BaR to change her panties off camera on the toilet. So yeah she has pretty big lack of respect for the whole project. Fine, I am not going to accuse people of defending her because she's so hot but if that was Aida or Layla, she would be complaining the fuck of her. Even at the party she spent about 5 minutes dancing and went to bed very early. Expand She has been on her period. Maybe she needed a little privacy for that. Damn...
happyman88 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:18 AM, F219 said: NO Expand I'm really glad to read that F219. I fell asleep while Lola was packing, through sleep deprivation following Saturday's bonanza and awoke to find everyone in bed sleeping and have been wondering what I might have missed despite scrolling through endless posts around that time. You've made my day
stash Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 I am happy if Jasmin stays in B2 because she seems to get along with Caroline very well and the others seem fine with her. They are part of a similar bunch of young women. If she goes back to B1 she is still hot to watch but have less space to move around and she will stay more on her bedroom. She is terrific as she is and I don't think she is going to change into Irma though you never know :)
legrandrobert Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:23 AM, moos54 said: ouais complètement d'accord et oui je te respecte aussi pour cela, je ne suis pas du genre a gueuler parce qu'untel n'est pas de mon avis ;-), et justement je trouves cela sympa que chacun est sa propre vision de la chose même si cela ne fait pas avancé le débat ;-) Expand Attendons simplement pour voir la suite, RLC nous réserve peut-être des surprises. 1
moos54 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:19 AM, BBsq69 said: OK I've just seen Jasmine go to the BaR to change her panties off camera on the toilet. So yeah she has pretty big lack of respect for the whole project. Whatever you see she cannot have been under any illusion that RLC was for voyeurs and to me that just sticks 2 big fingers up at the paying customers. Fine, I am not going to accuse people of defending her because she's so hot but if that was Aida or Layla, you would be complaining the fuck out of her. Even at the party she spent about 5 minutes dancing and went to bed very early. Expand think with your brain and don't with you're second brain in your short ^^
F219 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:23 AM, happyman88 said: I'm really glad to read that F219. I fell asleep while Lola was packing, through sleep deprivation following Saturday's bonanza and awoke to find everyone in bed sleeping and have been wondering what I might have missed despite scrolling through endless posts around that time. You've made my day Expand Yeah, as soon as she was done packing they went to bed quickly.
F219 Posted October 17, 2016 Posted October 17, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 10:24 AM, stash said: I am happy if Jasmin stays in B2 because she seems to get along with Caroline very well and the others seem fine with her. They are part of a similar bunch of young women. If she goes back to B1 she is still hot to watch but have less space to move around and she will stay more on her bedroom. She is terrific as she is and I don't think she is going to change into Irma though you never know :) Expand She has been interacting with Milena. B2 needs just the 3 right now.
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