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Leora - Home Activities #79

pulo filipe

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3 hours ago, ddhm said:

It's always just my opinion. I am not saying that is correct but I am always here and very kind to discuss any opinions ☺️

 " but I am always here "   Now, I understand, you have quit your place of employment, so that you can be here expressing your opinions 24/7/365. 

Please enlighten the rest of the posters in Leora's thread. Where it is that one signs up, to gather that income. So that one can support their personal expenses, by making repetitive posts here.😇😊


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45 minutes ago, scutus said:

 " but I am always here "   Now, I understand, you have quit your place of employment, so that you can be here expressing your opinions 24/7/365. 

Please enlighten the rest of the posters in Leora's thread. Where it is that one signs up, to gather that income. So that one can support their personal expenses, by making repetitive posts here.😇😊


Exactly … I am happy finally that you understood … shadow knows indeed 😂🤣😂🤣👏👏👏


By the way , I am more than impressed that you know how my life is and about work and all this .. it is funny to see the reactions now of you and your friends when you and your friends for years are responsible for the degrade of quality of this thread and the loss of so many valuable posters and also Russian translators . Karma is a bitch , I am here to state the things that few dare because you made them disappear . As I will praise with all of my will , I will keep on seeing this apartment as the reality that it is now , a complete  big 0 and a joke  . The more you and your friends come after me , the more you prove me right .. it is a pity that you can’t see the obvious .. 


please , laugh free 😂🤣😂🤣😎

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8 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

You forgot about your glorious 1st Amendment "Freedom of Speech" 

But then, many but not all of you guys forget about it when it applies to other people's freedom of speech and opinions, but are quick to embrace it themselves when it suits.

Many good men and women worldwide have put their lives on the line over the years to preserve those principles in democracies like the US and Great Britain, and strangely enough it's usually those who never had the balls to serve and preserve personally but enjoy the results of the blood sweat and tears of those that did who tend to puff out their chests and crow the loudest.

This is just a response to your statement regarding "land of the free etc" and in no way directed toward you personally Howard, but the main hypocrites on here who know who they are but naturally would be in denial ... Pathetic nonentities!

No society is perfect.  Knuckleheads, by a majority, voted for a president with obvious dementia (of course the libs did steal the election with their funny balloting).  As I said, no society is perfect.

But...more people wish to migrate to the US then any other country for its political ethical, moral, and altruistic values (no matter how flawed some may see them).   But heck with that - it's the viewing bating demographic RLC craves for. Ka-ching!

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12 hours ago, ddhm said:

She had her best friend next to her at all times , the guy who is known as Paul . She had a dog that she was more than her own life that she loved at her last apartment . 

She had a life obviously that didn’t fit her or satisfied her or there have been given many explanations here since more than two years of why she decided to change it . I think if you are willing to change your life so as to move in another continent , in another country , try and adapt , live and socialize with different people , culture , traditions , it means that despite having these two ( her best friend and boyfriend at that time and her beloved dog ) , she preferred  to sacrifice it for a new life. Can it be that Russia was her prison as she couldn’t breathe the western cosmopolitan lifestyle ? Can it be that the political things and limitations that Russia as a country has , made her escape Russia ? Can it be that the way her life was with Paul didn’t allow for more social contacts ? Who are we to know ? ( at least I don’t because I am not watching her since 2013 .. ) . Do you think she hates people and  she doesn’t want to be next to them ? Then where is she vanishing for hours everyday ? Where has she been sleeping whenever she hasn’t been at home dozens of times ? Are those friends of hers that she trusts enough so as to sleep at their own places ? And if after 27-28 months in another country she trusts people outside of the apartment but not enough to have them inside her own place , what’s the point of living such a life ? 

I believe that there’s no single person here who doesn’t want to see a happy , healthy , excited , passionated  , full of energy and endless smiles Leora , I for sure want to see this woman who was captivating the audience only with a single move . What I see now , is a woman that can’t sleep at nights , she is afraid in such a scale that she has her lights on in the living room so as the apartment looks occupied while she’s there , she has troubles sleeping , eating , she has mood changes , she freaks out , she often has been seen with health issues . Do you think then that it is nice to pass all of these alone ? Yes , we aren’t Leora , but , would you like to have people next to you that you trust and feel better at times or have this kind of life ?  If you think that the way her life in Prague is with such emotions , I do then wonder if this is then the life that we should all have .  

what i can say its that her choice and no one even u can tell her how to live her life, not everyone are like masha and want to be surrounded with a fauna

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6 minutes ago, Howard said:

No society is perfect.  Knuckleheads, by a majority, voted for a president with obvious dementia (of course the libs did steal the election with their funny balloting).  As I said, no society is perfect.

But...more people wish to migrate to the US then any other country for its political ethical, moral, and altruistic values (no matter how flawed some may see them).   But heck with that - it's the viewing bating demographic RLC craves for. Ka-ching!

Sorry to interfere , but as i have said  maybe to you too once , the only reason that people decide(d) -  ( and not so much nowadays ) - to move in the US is the chance of a better financial life , nothing else . In a country that still racism is a problem , the use of guns  and the thousand of deaths per year and also the idea that the Americans lack knowledge of what the rest of the world thinks about them and that the US will always go and make a war for its country’s interests ( oil , natural sources ) with the excuse that the nation is under danger 😂🤣 , well , it isn’t as you think it is . 

Have a look what’s going to be soon in Bolivia and the way that is coming due to the most valuable natural resource that exists in its soil , that is the primary material for the batteries needed for the electric cars .. Anyway , OT and will not say anything more on this . 

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Just now, Nenemoh7 said:

what i can say its that her choice and no one even u can tell her how to live her life, not everyone are like masha and want to be surrounded with a fauna

We are judging and criticizing what we ( don’t ) see inside the apartment , I see a complete zero of happenings in this place and as an RLC subscriber and given the chance that this platform here , CC , allows so as to express my thoughts , for any person who praises the 3,500th masturbation of Leora , i have all the right in the world to comment what I don’t like . If you think that I ask Leora how to live her life , then you understand it wrong . I criticize the zero happenings of this apartment according to the way that  Leora and with the contract that she has signed with RLC has chosen to do ( better say not do ) . If she wants a different life , she can quit and allow this apartment for people who won’t hesitate to live an as normal life as possible in front of cameras. 

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

Exactly … I am happy finally that you understood … shadow knows indeed 😂🤣😂🤣👏👏👏


By the way , I am more than impressed that you know how my life is and about work and all this .. it is funny to see the reactions now of you and your friends when you and your friends for years are responsible for the degrade of quality of this thread and the loss of so many valuable posters and also Russian translators . Karma is a bitch , I am here to state the things that few dare because you made them disappear . As I will praise with all of my will , I will keep on seeing this apartment as the reality that it is now , a complete  big 0 and a joke  . The more you and your friends come after me , the more you prove me right .. it is a pity that you can’t see the obvious .. 


please , laugh free 😂🤣😂🤣😎

      If the obsession of jealousy of that woman that you obviously possess was considered as any indicator, I'm certain that most visitors of these threads would agree that the quality of these threads have been being deminished to certain extents because of such nonsense as someone such as yourself constantly visiting these threads to post mostly comments of negativity that are mostly the same ridiculous comments of repetition that occurs as often as daiIy.

For anyone to do so is ridiculous and reveals that whoever does so must possess a phsychological issue and it is obvious that yours is an obsession of jealousy of a woman who lives her life the way she chooses to, and not the ways that you wish that she did.

The reality is, that woman will not change the way she chooses to live to make someone else feel better enough to possibly refrain to any extent from repetitiously commenting negatively by making derogatory and disparaging comments in regards to the way she chooses to live her life, by living her life the way that someone else thinks ahe should.

Since it is her life after all, I happen to agree with her thinking that if indeed she does, and chances are that she more than likely does, and if she happens to think that anyone who does, and especially anyone who constantly and continuously does enough to reveal an obsession in regards to such matters, might as well go bury their head in the ground because she will live her life the way she chooses to and not the way someone elses wishes she did, I happen to agree with her on that as well.

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52 minutes ago, Howard said:

No society is perfect.  Knuckleheads, by a majority, voted for a president with obvious dementia (of course the libs did steal the election with their funny balloting).  As I said, no society is perfect.

But...more people wish to migrate to the US then any other country for its political ethical, moral, and altruistic values (no matter how flawed some may see them).   But heck with that - it's the viewing bating demographic RLC craves for. Ka-ching!

O dear another Trump supporter...

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