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Leora - Home Activities #81


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1 hour ago, The Earl said:

Everyone should make up their own mind.
I can understand you very well it is really very annoying these changes of mood of Leo today and tomorrow it is like a different one.
Unfortunately, the situation will not change as long as LB keeps boiling it until it is soft or maybe the other way around.
If Paul doesn't manage to come to Prague we will see it that way again and again. Unfortunately, I have the assumption that it will always go on as it is at the moment.
In my opinion leo is not stupid but what has been going on lately makes me doubt leo's intelligence .....

This continuous playing in two fields of Leora does not lead to anything good, for herself and for us. Unfortunately it is clear that her outings with LB have too much influence on the progress of the apartment, it is now too obvious to deny it.

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Everyone’s problem here is that we judge each and every choice Leora makes .. It’s all her choice , she’s a 30 years old woman and she should be aware of all consequences . 

The women has built a two way life since the summer of 2020 and it’s like now she has to cut herself in two in order to serve both life paths . Even if she could clone herself   , she wouldn’t be able to control things the way she has messed all up . 

And what we also do ? We judge her choices . I don’t understand why every day in and every day out we judge Leora’s boyfriend negative , what’s going on guys ? Why ? What has he done ? Let her breathe , let her have it the way she wants . She wants it like this , let her have it . Let her phone privately like she talks to the prime minister , secretly , let her meet him whenever she wants , let her finally have her life with him , her choice , her decision . You keep on saying she will always do whatever she wants , whenever she wants .. she does with him and  you don’t like him . A guy we have never seen , nobody likes him , insane . And all this why ? Because he makes Leora sad ?? Really ? Does he ? Isn’t Leora making herself sad because she’s an immature 30 years old woman that she thinks that the world spins around her ? 

She has chosen not to bring people and visitors and this place is for her too much . A prison with benefits that daily she abandons so as to breathe freedom . But whose choice is that ? Have we forced her ? Have we chosen to make it ? Even more , have we decided to keep on till Leora’s takes the last cent from her RLC contract , invest it at whatever  she has in mind and one day live happily ever after ? 

All of the apartments have tenants that even if living alone ( Maya  in the past , Masha now ) , they had to find ways in order to socialize so as not to freak out , get mad and lose it . Maya found a guy and she brought  home ( but she also had her dog while alone and she was even living in a country that was her “ home “ )  , Masha we see . But no , Leora has chosen to live all her life outside , faking things inside the apartment , doing differently in the apartment and otherwise outside . Who can live alone and inevitably don’t get bored ? Why they have many girls together in the Barcelona apartments ? Why she chose to have a roomate for this long time ? How many masturbations , showers , dancing , cooking , and whatever else she will do more before people here will get more and more bored seeing the same things ? One more year ? 6 months ? How can this life continue the way she has chosen ? Therefore , let her have it . There are many as it seems that they still like what they see, even if this makes Leora everyday lose more and more of her old greatness. 

She’s now sick , who chose to sit outside in the balcony and smoke with 4-5 degrees last week ? Who chose to smoke even last night when her health isn’t at best ? Who chooses all ? The woman is running a life that mathematically leads her to even worse things than what we see . The solution is so simple and as long as she doesn’t do , nothing will change . If she doesn’t embrace , if she doesn’t synchronize , if she doesn’t decide to live a normal life and continue this double life , nothing will change and she will demolish  even more . She is into  a very dangerous game  with everyone she has around , people that do care , people that still have faith on her , she can so easily whatever she has built  lose it instantly the more she continues this self destruction with her choices . 

The problem is that it seems that she has no idea of what’s going on . She’s lost in this double life , she believes she controls all but even here she has lost much of sympathy , her real life is struggling with stress , anxiety , she can’t sleep at night , she is all the time with a phone not to lose even a message , this is a Titanic Leora and what do we do ? We don’t allow to make her own choices .. she wants no visitors , here it is . She wants the guy , here it is . Let her have it all the way she wants . The woman believe she’s invisible and nothing and no one can beat her and have it all under control . Everyday that passes , we that we watch from the screens , we see the free fall she’s having . 

Leora’s life , Leora’s choices , Leora’s consequences . Whoever here  feels sad about her , unhappy or affected with her current state and complete mess that she is , think if she would even care for anyone here …When you think you are a God but you are just one more human being and you don’t remain humble , when you play with other people lives and emotions , this is what happens . 


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la Reina,, no tiene amigos, tiene gente que se mueve a su antojo, cuando alguno de ellos, no responde a sus caprichos; se enfada y todo el mundo lo paga.

ella es un ser solitario, con una meta fijada, usara a quien le haga falta y sea necesario.

no esperen milagros, no los habrá, seguirá con estos altibajos, hasta el final

lo que importa, son los ingresos; importa el fin, no los medios

¡El espectáculo debe de continuar!

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