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RLC is getting serious about violating their terms & conditions

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acabo de mirar mis " puntos braille " y coinciden con las tres ultimas letras de mi numero personal de identificacion ,son el mismo . solo falta el numero final , pero imagino que con eso ya saben quien eres , ha! salen de forma aleatoria en cualquier parte de la pantalla .

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totalmente de acuerdo , acabo de ver videos de la amiga de nora en reallifefan subidos a firedrive y estan activos ¿ por que en este foro no pasa eso ? aun siendo miembro de pago y habiendo grabado los videos si lo suben alguien me lo bajo , muchas veces se corta se para y te pierdes lo mejor ademas de que no puedes estar 24 horas delante del ordenador .

parece ser que el problema es que estos señores facturan 1500 euros/dia o lo que es lo mismo 45ooo euros mes una cifra nada despreciable quizas tendrian que ser menos prepotentes , no sea que les muera la gallina de los huevos de oro .

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uploaded me parece una gran plataforma , me di de alta por 9 euros/mes va super bien ,bajan los enlaces a mas de 2 mb/seg muy rapido , cosa que no pasa en otros ,gigapeta estube dado de alta y me bajaban a 30kbs una mierda y rapidgator igual a 50 kbs me hicieron hacer un trace router y todo desde servicio al cliente pero nada , seguia igual uploaded va muy bien , y si es gratis cualquiera va bien , a caballo regalado no le mires los dientes ,

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I jump back to the original subject after tens of postings on everything else. I don´t find many videos on CC pages nowadays. Have the couples become more passive or has RLC succeeded in blocking most of the video postings?

I collected some figures. At CC pages, there have been over 500 000 views on Alma&Stefan videos (which I find very strange), 320 000 views on both Nora&Kiko and Alina&Anton (both very understandable), 240 000 views on Leora&Paul and over 100 000 views on each of the others. Nora and Kiko are gone now  :-[, Alma and Stefan are gone as concerns voyers´ interests  ???. What if RLC succeeds in blocking the rest of the videos? I have not seen this problem onboard at motherless.com and reallifecamfan.com yet, maybe that will follow?

I guess they think such blocking would bring more paying members to RLC. I strongly disagree. The problem with RLC is not their fee - I find that reasonable. We do not need videos for avoiding the fee. We need videos because even as paying members we cannot follow the RLC couples often and long enough to see anything interesting. The possibility of sharing videos is an essential part of this hobby - free sharing, which leaves UL and such out. If we don´t get videos, we will not be satisfied with just chatting but will lose our interest both in CC and in RLC.

My theory: no videos, no CC/RLC. The more free ready-to-watch videos, the more members for RLC.

Absolutely agree. I came across RLC accidentally, then found this site, then joined RLC. If not for this site, I would not have joined to begin with. And without this site, I would have missed the majority of what goes on in the apartments, just because I have a life away from my PC.

Very short sighted, IMO.

To your first question, it is not only this site that will be impacted by the new code they built into the video streams, all sites will be impacted. RLC can now determine who the member was that made the recording and ban them. Many people are still posting, but it's usually one and done. They then get banned once RLC uses the braille coding to identify them.

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I didn't notice the circles on the video someone posted of Sofia & Roman. Maybe I just missed them, but otherwise it looks like someone might have solved that problem already.  Whether they'll share the solution is another question I suppose.

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OK, so I'm no programmer by any means, but I hope this little tidbit helps those of you who know what you are doing.  I have Firefox installed on my android tablet with flash player installed, the Braille dots show up black as can be, with no distortion or blending like on a P.C., and makes them very easy to see location and frequency.

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Ya lo dije hace tiempo que esos puntos no aparecen por casualidad, si no que están ahí por algo. Y curiosamente, desde que aparecieron, ha sido cuando hemos visto la avalancha de usuarios con cuentas bloqueadas, cosa que antes no pasaba, al menos de esta forma tan masiva. ¿Casualidad?, no lo creo. Esos puntos son codigos ocultos que solo lo pueden descifrar ellos, para captar al emisor de esa imagen/video publicado.

"Video has an additional hidden watermark with user ID. Recording, distribution or publication are strictly prohibited".

Pues eso.

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