SPYING 1 Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 8 minutes ago, Pete1960 said: I would explain it to you, but it's obvious you don't have the intelligence to comprehend it WHO warns new Covid variants could emerge that are fully resistant to vaccines as pandemic drags on WWW.CNBC.COM Reactionary political movements fostered vaccine inequity and "created the ideal conditions for... WHO said the vaccine is useless 🤔 & you know cnbc is a liberal socialist communists media 🤔 1 1
DWI Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 35 minutes ago, tle said: We shouldn't get political and divisive but lets blame our Republican governor and Fox news... Really? So, when someone blames the "Demoncrats" for the Covid spread, and you're a life-long Democrat, I don't have the right to respond to the lies and misinformation being spread by a Republican? So, do you believe that vaccinated and pro-mask wearing "Democrats" are responsible more than the anti-vaccine and anti-mask wearing people for the spread of all Covid cases? You don't believe that Democrats, thoughtful Republicans and Independents have the right to dispute that? I personally believe that unvaccinated and un-masked people are primarily responsible for the spread. When you say its not a political issue, I agree...it shoudn't be. It's an American issue. But do you really believe that the State of Florida is at the forefront of effective state policies to stop the spread of Covid? Come on, get real. 1 1 1
tle Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 6 minutes ago, DWI said: So, when someone blames the "Demoncrats" for the Covid spread, and you're a life-long Democrat, I don't have the right to respond to the lies and misinformation being spread by a Republican? So, do you believe that vaccinated and pro-mask wearing "Democrats" are responsible more than the anti-vaccine and anti-mask wearing people for the spread of all Covid cases? You don't believe that Democrats, thoughtful Republicans and Independents have the right to dispute that? I personally believe that unvaccinated and un-masked people are primarily responsible for the spread. When you say its not a political issue, I agree...it shoudn't be. It's an American issue. But do you really believe that the State of Florida is at the forefront of effective state policies to stop the spread of Covid? Come on, get real. I think you have the right to be as big a hypocrite as you like... Calling out divisiveness in the same breath you spread divisiveness is your privilege, however it's not helpful.... 1
DWI Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 5 minutes ago, DWI said: So, when someone blames the "Demoncrats" for the Covid spread, and you're a life-long Democrat, I don't have the right to respond to the lies and misinformation being spread by a Republican? So, do you believe that vaccinated and pro-mask wearing "Democrats" are responsible more than the anti-vaccine and anti-mask wearing people for the spread of all Covid cases? You don't believe that Democrats, thoughtful Republicans and Independents have the right to dispute that? I personally believe that unvaccinated and un-masked people are primarily responsible for the spread. When you say its not a political issue, I agree...it shoudn't be. It's an American issue. But do you really believe that the State of Florida is at the forefront of effective state policies to stop the spread of Covid? Come on, get real. So, I'm done with this conversation as it came to the responses I expected. I I wll NOT read any more responses to my post...I've spoken my thoughts and that's it. I hope nobody catches Covid no matter what their politics. Goodnight and thanks for listening no matter what your views are, 1
ddhm Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 For all of us that we aren’t Americans , it’s funny to watch people from “ The Greatest Nation Of The World “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 arguing like this is a matter of politics , freedom , vaccines , anti vaccines and so on … We are all human and what applies in the USA it is the same in Europe , in Asia , in Africa , in the whole damn world . No matter if you are white , black , yellow , red and I don’t know what , it’s funny to read that the Democrats and the Republicans decide for what it should or not for the entire world . This is a world problem that luckily reaches its end because the poor nations in Africa brought the Omicron variant and can now be slowly called not O ( Omicron ) but point Zero ( 0 ) . The nature seems to have made the 2 years circle as it’s happening with viruses of the same type . The virus wants to survive and multiply , in order to do that it had to mutate and evolve , therefore it couldn’t be anymore killing in such big numbers and it was mostly happening in Africa since it is the region of the world with the less vaccinated people according to numbers . The virus doesn’t want to kill the host because it then dies also . Therefore , the virus mutated in the current super mega transmissive form and as we now slowly see , it simply causes light symptoms but as we said , it spreads incredibly fast . The more the variations , the more the virus loses its power and deadly infection . Everywhere in the world , the cases see records day by day of infected people but at the same time the deaths are less or the intensive care unit cases have been reduced . Why ? Because the vaccines helped the people who did it and they will help even more when the booster jab is going to be applied at the majority of the planet . By spring or around Easter , the virus slowly will go from pandemic to endemic and then it is up to each country to deal how they will adjust to the new era ( making mandatory yearly vaccines or obliging it to people of +60 years or to people with severe health issues ) . We are all human beings , the virus doesn’t categorize us to countries , language or colors . I wish everyone not to get it and end up with oxygen bottle in intensive care hospital units as some people of this forum have experienced it and of course not see mothers , fathers , children dying and not being able to do anything about it . 3 2 1 2
Nicholas Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 After noticing what's been posted here recently, I had to look at the thread topic listing of M&A again to make sure that I may have not visited a different thread from what I intended. 2 3
Adalbert Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 You are totally right here. From what I've seen now is that Martina might have only mild symphtoms just a heavy cough like a bad cold. Hope that this will be all.. 2
valdemar Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 COVID diagnosis did not change their smoking habits. 2
nagachilli2 Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 17 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: For the last time, vaccinated people can catch covid-19 so why in the fuck, Am I going to take an experimental vaccine that can't CURE covid-19, If someone wants to be vaccinated I have no issues with their decision, but I'll decide what's best for me 4
Adalbert Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 4 hours ago, valdemar said: COVID diagnosis did not change their smoking habits. They have not given up smoking in the past with similar colds. Since there symptoms are now similar, they will not do it now, but perhaps limit it a bit. But agree would be a good time to stop...🤷♂️ 2
redfan Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 17 hours ago, ddhm said: За всички нас, че не сме американци, е смешно да гледаме как хора от „Най-великата нация на света“ 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 спорят така е въпрос на политика, свобода, ваксини, антиваксини и така нататък… Всички сме хора и това, което важи в САЩ, е същото в Европа, в Азия, в Африка, в целия проклет свят. Без значение дали си бял , черен , жълт , червен и не знам какво , смешно е да чета , че демократите и републиканците решават какво трябва или не за целия свят . Това е световен проблем, който за щастие достига своя край, защото бедните нации в Африка донесоха варианта на Омикрон и сега може бавно да се нарича не О (Омикрон), а точка Нула (0). Природата изглежда е направила кръга от 2 години, тъй като това се случва с вируси от същия тип. Вирусът иска да оцелее и да се размножи, за да направи това, трябваше да мутира и да се развива, следователно не можеше вече да убива в толкова големи количества и се случваше предимно в Африка, тъй като това е регионът на света с по-малко ваксинирани хора според цифрите. Вирусът не иска да убие хоста, защото след това умира също. Следователно вирусът мутира в сегашната супер мега трансмисивна форма и както сега бавно виждаме, той просто причинява леки симптоми, но както казахме, се разпространява невероятно бързо. Колкото повече са вариациите, толкова повече вирусът губи своята сила и смъртоносна инфекция. Навсякъде по света случаите се регистрират всеки ден на заразени хора, но в същото време смъртните случаи са по-малко или случаите на интензивно отделение са намалени. защо ? Защото ваксините помогнаха на хората, които го направиха и ще помогнат още повече, когато бустерът ще бъде приложен на по-голямата част от планетата. До пролетта или около Великден вирусът бавно ще премине от пандемия към ендемия и тогава всяка страна трябва да реши как ще се приспособи към новата ера (правяне на задължителни годишни ваксини или задължаване на хората на +60 години или към хората със сериозни здравословни проблеми). случаите виждат записи всеки ден на заразени хора, но в същото време смъртните случаи са по-малко или случаите на интензивно отделение са намалени. защо ? Защото ваксините помогнаха на хората, които го направиха и ще помогнат още повече, когато бустерът ще бъде приложен на по-голямата част от планетата. До пролетта или около Великден вирусът бавно ще премине от пандемия към ендемия и тогава всяка страна трябва да реши как ще се приспособи към новата ера (правяне на задължителни годишни ваксини или задължаване на хората на +60 години или към хората със сериозни здравословни проблеми). случаите виждат записи всеки ден на заразени хора, но в същото време смъртните случаи са по-малко или случаите на интензивно отделение са намалени. защо ? Защото ваксините помогнаха на хората, които го направиха и ще помогнат още повече, когато бустерът ще бъде приложен на по-голямата част от планетата. До пролетта или около Великден вирусът бавно ще премине от пандемия към ендемия и тогава всяка страна трябва да реши как ще се приспособи към новата ера (правяне на задължителни годишни ваксини или задължаване на хората на +60 години или към хората със сериозни здравословни проблеми). Всички сме хора, вирусът не ни категоризира по държави, език или цветове. Пожелавам на всички да не го получат и да се озоват с кислородна бутилка в отделенията за интензивно лечение, тъй като някои хора от този форум са го преживели и разбира се да не виждат майки, бащи, деца да умират и да не могат да направят нищо по въпроса. As always,after a long and irrigating post,my good friend DDHM,managed to synthesize and formulate the essence of everything!Congratulations friend,it's a pity that not everyone manages to reach this thing,but the reassuring thing is that a lot of people understand it.I hope they are more!!! 1
A Gid Scots Laddie Posted December 30, 2021 Posted December 30, 2021 alberto kissing and hugging martina in the kitchen I presume he doesn't think he'll catch it
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