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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #37


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13 minutes ago, bubbleobillo said:

They work for the same employer, so it's probably just a way of supporting a fellow employee for both of them and exchanging thoughts and ideas about what they share in common ground as similarly-placed hires

I have no idea if they chat with each other. But if they have never dated it is clear that, apart from having things in common, there is no real bond of friendship.


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il y a 43 minutes, pulo filipe a dit :

Leora doit être allée au travail ou se promener

Avec des amis du salon


et y dormir

tout ce qui est normal

Léora Part un jour et revient le lendemain

Cela ne vaut pas la peine de se plaindre

Léora C'est une belle fille😍


Bonjour Pulo

 Je suis d'accord sauf quand elle aime Paul et qu'elle dit que c'est son seul homme de sa vie on le respecte et on ne va pas voire ailleurs même s'il se trouve loin et peut être qui ne le sais pas

Elle a tous les droits de faire ce quelle veut mais j'ai des principes mais aussi elle peut être aller dormir chez une copine ? de toute façon on ne le sera pas

c'est mon point de vue

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una reflexion....si el LB es ucraniano como se ha dicho aquí, y dado el sentido patrio que están demostrando tener,¿ no es lógico pensar que estará en su pais defendiéndolo?.

¿ no podría haber ido la Reina a la frontera con Polonia a recoger a Malia?

Que no duerma en casa, no quiere decir que necesariamente tenga que ir a pasar la noche con LB.

solo es una reflexión

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por otro lado, estos últimos días, ella ha estado muy pendiente de el teléfono y de la Tablet, es de suponer que con las sanciones a Rusia, sus intereses se han visto aceptados, tendrá cosas que resolver y querrá hacerlas sin que estemos todos pendientes de sus conversaciones y hagamos traducciones libres de lo que esta pasando.

démosle un poco de tregua, es un momentos critico, para ella, y para el resto de el mundo.

es otra reflexion

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1 hour ago, Brokk! said:

The thing is simpler than that. Have you ever thought that Leora doesn't want to be friends with Kitty? It is true that she follows her on Instagram but it is not mandatory that they have to be friends, they simply follow each other on Instagram and that's it.

Very possible what you say , but what’s the point of following someone on Instagram if you don’t consider this person a “ friend “ ( obviously the term friend is for the social media explanation ) .. she doesn’t follow Linda for example . 

My point is simple , isn’t it “ fake “ stating that you like something on Instagram by someone , having the chance easily to meet this person that you showed your “ like “ and not doing it ? Anyway , maybe I see it from a wrong aspect that I can’t understand it at the moment . Of course , they are maybe seeing one another off cameras 😁

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4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Very possible what you say , but what’s the point of following someone on Instagram if you don’t consider this person a “ friend “ ( obviously the term friend is for the social media explanation ) .. she doesn’t follow Linda for example . 

My point is simple , isn’t it “ fake “ stating that you like something on Instagram by someone , having the chance easily to meet this person that you showed your “ like “ and not doing it ? Anyway , maybe I see it from a wrong aspect that I can’t understand it at the moment . 

It may be that Leora likes the content that Kitty posts but doesn't want to have anything to do with it on live. If they were friends I guess they wouldn't have much trouble seeing each other at one or the other's house, Kitty also has two dogs so Leora wouldn't even mind staying with Kitty. But it is clear that Leora does not want to give Kitty much confidence.

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11 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

It may be that Leora likes the content that Kitty posts but doesn't want to have anything to do with it on live. If they were friends I guess they wouldn't have much trouble seeing each other at one or the other's house, Kitty also has two dogs so Leora wouldn't even mind staying with Kitty. But it is clear that Leora does not want to give Kitty much confidence.

I can tell you that I have been told that Kitty doesn’t like Leora’s on cameras attitude ( I mean masturbations in terms of giving a show mostly and not because she just felt the need to do it ) , she prefers a more real life approach let’s say . Of course Kitty in the past used to be very playful and being very generous to her fans also with dancing and masturbating a lot on the couch , on the kitchen table , on the floor in the LR , etc , in general being different of what she has said of how she’s seeing Leora’s RLC presence .

Of course her current stay ( Kitty’s ) is a complete different one than her last one in which she was forced to quit the project , but this current stay is also different for Leora than of what we have seen while she was in Russia . 

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

I can tell you that I have been told that Kitty doesn’t like Leora’s on cameras attitude ( I mean masturbations in terms of giving a show mostly and not because she just felt the need to do it ) , she prefers a more real life approach let’s say . Of course Kitty in the past used to be very playful and being very generous to her fans also with dancing and masturbating a lot on the couch , on the kitchen table , on the floor in the LR , etc , in general being different of what she has said of how she’s seeing Leora’s RLC presence .

Of course her current stay ( Kitty’s ) is a complete different one than her last one in which she was forced to quit the project , but this current stay is also different for Leora than of what we have seen while she was in Russia . 


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