Ridgerunner Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 4 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: The cheap, slow, and bulky drones taking down Russian armored tanks for Ukraine FINANCE.YAHOO.COM The lethal efficiency with which expendable unmanned aircraft dispose of Russian troops... Poland also wanted to allow Ukrainian pilots to fly Polish Migs out of Poland, but according to Rep. Issa and Sen. Lindsay Graham the Biden Administration opposed that. 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 19 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Idealists don't die out. Well intentioned, but war is different today than it was 20 or 30 years ago. Stay home boys - and feed the grandkids. It's not against the Russian army, it's not against Russian people, it's against PUTIN, the bastard. I don't like the USA, that's known here, but the USA has the possibility to put PUTIN out of action via drone with the CIA and weapon power - once and for all. Why is the US so active without it??? Americans hope to make MONEY from the war against Ukraine. Delivering old weapons by plane is not enough. Kill the PUTIN - now !! The US has the ability to do that. Why are they so cowardly??? Sorry, but I have seen numerous videos on tv of Russian soldiers firing on unarmed Ukrainians and airstrikes on civilian targets..
StarLight28 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Tut mir leid, aber ich habe im Fernsehen zahlreiche Videos von russischen Soldaten gesehen, die auf unbewaffnete Ukrainer geschossen haben, und Luftangriffe auf zivile Ziele. Das ist keine Antwort auf meinen Beitrag - sondern "dummes Ridge-Gerede". Russische Menschen sind nicht gleich russische Soldaten, die Befehle erhalten. Ich lese das die Moral der russischen Soldaten schlecht ist. Russische Soldaten wollen die Ukraine nicht überfallen - Arschloch PUTIN befiehlt das. Wie lange noch ??? Deine Videos kannst Du Dir in Deinen "braunen Trump-Arsch" stecken.
Ridgerunner Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said: This isn't an answer to my post - it's "stupid Ridge talk". Russian people are not the same as Russian soldiers who receive orders. I read that Russian soldiers' morale is low. Russian soldiers don't want to invade Ukraine - asshole PUTIN orders it. How much longer??? You can stick your videos up your "brown Trump ass". I thought you wanted civility on this thread. That's civil conversation? Also, Russian soldiers are Russian citizens and human beings. Every soldier in the world knows that you do not fire on unarmed civilians. 2
StarLight28 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 36 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: I thought you wanted civility on this thread. That's civil conversation? Also, Russian soldiers are Russian citizens and human beings. Every soldier in the world knows that you do not fire on unarmed civilians. Das ist dummes Gerede. Du behauptest hier immer wieder in Vietnam als Soldat gewesen zu sein. Vielleicht als Behinderter in einer Schreibstube. Krieg hast DU offenbar nie erlebt. Du bist ein Träumer und amerikanischer Shiter. Krieg heißt "Töten oder getötet werden" - gewaltbereite Zivilisten mit "Molotow-Cocktails" oder Soldaten das ist doch egal. Was macht die USA gegen Putin - das ist die Frage ??? Die USA scheißst sich in die Hose - das ist die Antwort. Das war schon in WK 2 so - viel Material verschießen, aber als Soldaten waren die Amerikaner feige Hunde. In den folgenden Kriegen, Korea, Afghanistan, Irak .... das gleiche Spiel. Ich habe amerikanische Soldaten als Besatzer in Deutschland kennengelernt, da waren sie nicht feige- und haben Taxifahrer und Mädchen gekillt - und wurden unerkannt in die USA abgeschoben und nie verurteilt. Noch Fragen, warum ich die USA scheiße finde ??? Ami sind keine Freunde für mich, sondern geduldete Idioten. Ami go home. Natürlich gibt es Amerikaner mit denen ich gut befreundet bin, einfach nur Menschen, doch die meisten schämen sich für ihr Land !!!
SPYING 1 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said: Poland also wanted to allow Ukrainian pilots to fly Polish Migs out of Poland, but according to Rep. Issa and Sen. Lindsay Graham the Biden Administration opposed that. Fuck joe biden's build back better pertains to making China 🇨🇳 Russia 🇷🇺 Taliban & Iran 🇮🇷 richer & more powerful
SPYING 1 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 Russia’s Financial Exile Could Have Profound Implications | OilPrice.com OILPRICE.COM The West has come down hard and fast with sanctions targeting Russia, but the alliance has...
StarLight28 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 2 Beiträge von 2 politischen Nobodys - die sich hier als "Wichtigtuer" outen. Geht nach Hause und fickt die Alte oder onaniert - aber lasst das Forum hier in Frieden. Die Ukraine ist mehr tapfer, als die Ratte von Putin dachte. Russische Soldaten haben keine Lust gegen Ihr Brudervolk zu kämpfen. "KIll this Ass of Putin" - Feige USA hören nun nicht auf CIA und GPS-Punkte und killen diese Putin-Sau nicht. Warum wohl ??? Die kapitalistische USA will an diesem Krieg viele Dollars verdienen. Die Menschen in der Ukraine ist diesem Scheiß-Staat von USA doch total egal. Ich mag diesen US-Verbrecher-Staat USA nicht, ein Staat von Feiglingen. Wer fragt noch warum ??
StnCld316 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 Russia says it's holding an American WNBA star in custody after discovering vapes and hashish oil in her luggage WWW.MSN.COM Seven-time WNBA All-Star player Brittney Griner, 31, was detained as a "preventative measure," according to Russian news agency Interfax.
Ridgerunner Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: This is stupid talk. You claim to have been a soldier in Vietnam again and again. Perhaps as a handicapped person in an office. YOU obviously never experienced war. You're a dreamer and an American shiter. War means "kill or be killed" - violent civilians with "Molotov cocktails" or soldiers, it doesn't matter. What is the USA doing against Putin - that is the question ??? The US is shitting its pants - that's the answer. That was already the case in WW2 - shooting a lot of material, but as soldiers the Americans were cowardly dogs. In the following wars, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq.... same game. I got to know American soldiers as occupiers in Germany, they weren't cowards there - they killed taxi drivers and girls - and were deported to the USA unrecognized and never convicted. Any questions why I think the USA sucks??? Ami are not friends for me, but tolerated idiots. Ami go home. Of course there are Americans with whom I am good friends, just people, but most are ashamed of their country !!! Thanks for showing people on this forum who and what you really are. 1
Ridgerunner Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 34 minutes ago, StnCld316 said: Russia says it's holding an American WNBA star in custody after discovering vapes and hashish oil in her luggage WWW.MSN.COM Seven-time WNBA All-Star player Brittney Griner, 31, was detained as a "preventative measure," according to Russian news agency Interfax. This may be a fatal mistake by Putin. Now Biden, the Democrats, BLM and ANTIFA will be really pissed off at Putin and Russia.
StnCld316 Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: This may be a fatal mistake by Putin. Now Biden, the Democrats, BLM and ANTIFA will be really pissed off at Putin and Russia. If what holds up in the story is true, the girl should have known there would be consequences if caught taking drugs into a foreign country.
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