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It Has Begun: Russia Invades Ukraine #2 Begins 3/5/22

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23 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Ich dachte, du wolltest Höflichkeit in diesem Thread. Das ist Zivilgespräch? Außerdem sind russische Soldaten russische Bürger und Menschen. Jeder Soldat auf der Welt weiß, dass man nicht auf unbewaffnete Zivilisten schießt.

Was soll das Gerede ? Krieg ist Krieg - wenn Putin diesen Überfall auch als "Friedensmission" deklariert. Verführte junge russische Soldaten wurden in ein Manöver geschickt und mit Lüge von Putin waren sie plötzlich im Krieg gegen Freunde und wurden plötzlich von Ukrainern beschossen. Sterben oder sterben lassen. Nicht russische Soldaten sind die Täter - sondern der widerliche Kriegsverbrecher von Putin, der sein Volk verführt. Kill the Putin ! CIA-USA wissen den Putin-Standort in jeder Minute. Warum killen die USA das Schwein nicht ??

Die USA will an China vorbei die Weltherrschaft erreichen. Europa ist da nicht verteidigungswürdig sondern nur nützlicher Idiot für die USA. Das ist Klartext .


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8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Wrong, I have not threatened any member here in the forum with death or wished someone dead in their sleep and called others inbred. That's just primitive and disgusting - that's the way Ridge and Spying are - they provoke and tell fairy tales about their true identity and their vita. These are stupid 15 year olds +/- who want to make themselves important here and want to spread slapstick???

This dummy from spying has posted 70,000 posts here in 4 years, only rarely received an answer because everything was cheap plagiarism from the media. The boy is apparently unemployed and busy 24 hours a day finding stupid stuff on the internet and posting it here. Maybe well, since such an individual cannot multiply. 😁


We are. admittedly in a dramatic situation. Putin has long been underestimated by the West. Stupid US presidents have come out as complete idiots. Bush Sr. after the fall of the wall, he whistled loudly that the West had won and Russia had lost. The statement of a stupid asshole !!! 

Every novice diplomat gives the other side the feeling of having won after a diplomatic "success". Bush Sr. the father of war criminal Bush Jr. And Obama's idiot describes Russia as a "European regional power" - and then comes Putin-snooty Trump. Idiots as US Presidents as far as you can see. Pooh devil!!!

The CIA always knows everything!?? The CIA knows where Putin is every second? A "decapitation blow" would be possible for the USA without Putin's rat being able to press the nuclear button. But the USA has completely different goals - despite NATO, the USA doesn't give a damn about Europe, their goal is China and world domination. Europe is just a useful idiot - and an economically annoying competitor.

20 years ago, before Putin, it would have been possible to integrate Russia into NATO - the USA was against it - why? Please turn on your brain!!!!


The reason the world is in the mess it is in right now is because of politicians like you.

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Biden and European leaders secretly want Ukraine to surrender to Russia and to allow Putin to set up a puppet government in Kyiv and then hope the people of Europe and the U.S. in a few months will forget about Ukraine just like they have forgotten about Afghanistan after the U.S. surrender to the Taliban.:sad:

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