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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #41


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Juste je rentre et leora était au téléphone avec Paul mais je n’ai pas pu enregistrer la communication

SG il Ya eu quelque chose de nouveau que tu pourrait me dire en PM ou les grande ligne

Sortie de Léora 13 h 12


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18 minutes ago, patou said:


I just got home and Leora was on the phone with Paul but I couldn't record the communication

SG there was something new that you could tell me in PM or the outline

Leora exit 1:12 p.m.

Thank you

Only listened to the early call so far, he has an appointment and she wants him to shave and get a haircut because 'I Love my Paul* like that'.

* Obviously didn't say Paul, but on CC he's Paul.

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il y a 21 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Jusqu'à présent, il n'a écouté que l'appel précoce, il a un rendez-vous et elle veut qu'il se rase et se fasse couper les cheveux parce que "j'aime mon Paul* comme ça".

* Évidemment, je n'ai pas dit Paul, mais sur CC, c'est Paul.

Merci SG oui sur le forum c’est Paul

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23 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

Do not forget he is a reservist and if he left and then got caught .... he could be shot or go to prison.

Don't know about that Blue just when you think you have Leora and her plans with Paul & Eva figured out

She has a habit of throwing  a surprise curve ball and you don't see it coming

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