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VHTV Forum Discussion

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On 7.12.2023 at 07:28, dougiestyle4u said:

Nun, nur ein paar Kommentare zu VHTV und dem VHTV-Forum. VHTV-Bereiche oder -Wohnungen scheinen sich im Alltag mit Cam-Shows, langweiligen Teilnehmern, wiederkehrenden Teilnehmern, vorhersehbaren Sexaktivitäten und im Grunde genommen nichts Aufregendem zu verhalten, um sich damit herumzuärgern. Sogar Henry und Mira sind ausgestorben. Sicherlich haben sie Besuch, aber dann gehen sie kurz darauf wieder weg. Die Dinge sind so schlimm, dass es sogar im VHTV-Forum ruhig war und weniger Leute posteten. Einige regelmäßige Forumsteilnehmer posten einfach Bilder, weichen häufig vom Thema ab, beschweren sich darüber, dass VHTV schlechter geworden ist, und manche scheinen einfach nur negativ auf einige Beiträge zu antworten. Früher war das VHTV-Forum ziemlich aktiv, aber jetzt bleiben einige Wohnungen tagelang ohne Kommentare, das Forum hat möglicherweise nur 5 oder 6 Beiträge innerhalb einer Stunde und die wenigen Wohnungen, die stark gepostet wurden, sind jetzt ziemlich ruhig. Sogar die Wachhunde des VHTV-Forums sind ruhig, verstecken sich aber immer noch im Hintergrund, ohne etwas zu posten, sondern erscheinen nur, wenn sie Ihren Beitrag kritisieren, Ihren Beitrag als rot markieren oder Ihren Beitrag löschen möchten.

Für mich ist das VHTV-Forum nur noch eine Hülle seiner selbst. Wenn Sie dies kommentieren, erhalten Sie eine Antwort von VHTV mit der Aussage, dass Sie falsch liegen und dass das Forum recht aktiv ist und Millionen ihre VHTV-Seite und das Forum ansehen. Was für ein Witz. 

Die Leiter des VHTV-Forums oder die Wachhunde haben zu viele Mitglieder verjagt, mich eingeschlossen. Ich besuche schnell ein paar Wohnungen und das Forum und poste selten etwas.


Das ist doch wie in den meisten Ehen. Erst himmelhoch jauchzend - 3 mal Sex am Tag, dann nur noch alle 3 Tage oder 1 mal im Monat  ...... totale Routine oder Lustlosigkeit kehrt ein. Bei vielen Wohnungen die länger als 1 Monat die gleichen Mieter hat ist genau so zu sehen.

Dauermieter wie Mira & Henry und andere sind Beispiel dafür. 1 bis 3 Monate Wechsel und nicht nur Kandidaten neu mischen !!


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  • 2 weeks later...

VHTV’s next move is going to be increased manufactured entertainment. Tenets will be incentivized and motivated from within their marketing department. Much of the “new” content will be glazed with some degree of encouragement from the home office. 

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

VHTV’s next move is going to be increased manufactured entertainment. Tenets will be incentivized and motivated from within their marketing department. Much of the “new” content will be glazed with some degree of encouragement from the home office. 

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Welcome back Amy, glad you're back

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5 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Welcome back Amy, glad you're back

Hi there! I guess I never really went away. I’ll follow this story to its end to some degree or another. I’m certainly don’t care to spend much of my time on it. The parts that I enjoy are usually pretty quick to digest and move on from. I could care less about the content of VHTV. It’s truly awful in so, so many ways. Almost all of the tenants are sub-par in just about every way imaginable, many are just plain unattractive to even look at. The majority of the people in jabbath’s forum are jaded, surfeit, and withered. That’s their real problem that they cannot see. In truth, for them, it’s not VHTV, it’s them. The secret lives of women and the sheer beauty of their sexuality is no longer a mystery and when one gets to the point, he is truly lost. They are chasing a mirage, when the real problem comes from within. As for me, I guarded myself from that fate. I saw the writing on the wall when Stella joined. If anyone wants to know when I changed my outlook on VHTV, that was one of the main points. Now, I’m just a voyeur of voyeurs and I enjoy watching the things they and VHTV do. Their next moves are going to be utterly ridiculous and hilarious. 

Anyways, hope all is well with you and yours. Take it easy. ❤️

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Never forget this and laugh at what VHTV actually became. There is context to why I said what I said in my comment. I was essentially making the point that if I were a tenant I would make a spectacle in order to get the most views that I could in order to make as much money as I could. VHTV then tried to say that this kind of thing would make me a camwhore and it wasn’t what their website was dedicated to feature. Watch what VHTV does next and then join me as I laugh even more. It’s going to be hilarious!


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And for the record, my goodness CamCaps is so much better to navigate than the utter shit pile that the VHTV forum is.  Jabs forum is basically just a running chat that makes navigating things in the past basically impossible. Try scrolling up and up and up and watch as it zaps you into the woods. God forbid someone creates a topic that he disagrees with. What a pile of shit! 

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On 1/24/2024 at 8:56 AM, Jonno said:

What you expect when VHTV #1 super fan is guaranteed to be top of the table.  Bellend.  

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It’s the small price that VHTV is willing to pay to get him and the other forum leaders and operators to waste their lives for them. He makes for a very good pet. Too bad it comes at the expense of anyone else who sees through the bullshit and dares to think differently. The main reason that the VHTV sucks is because it’s only allowed to be in the shape of Jabs sandbox. 

It’s hilarious that they still make some of the moments operators pay a sub. I guarantee to you that Sparks never had to pay. He couldn’t even afford a CamCaps membership. I know cause I paid for his membership when he was here. Image doing work for VHTV and still having to pay for a sub. 😂 

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“We motivate models a little to be more active, they will see that they are really being followed, that someone likes this content, and we will not offend active users” - Alex666, the new VHTV marketing guy!

That’s from the new marketing guy, who is on a quest to make the jaded fools happy again and somehow save VHTV from what they did to voyeurism by throwing gas on their garbage fire. He is basically going to do all sorts of things in the background to “motivate” the current group of sloths, who to be honest are used to the “enough to get by on” life and are easily contented to earn pennies with pussy in the cam tricks, to create more content and he thinks that somehow if the talent sees that the audience likes what they see, it will cascade into more amazing content. He’s trying to thread the needle because they aren’t quite ready for full fledged paid content, strong arm tactics, or other enticements. Also, Jabs has a new VHTV ass to kiss up too. I can only image what the “I’ll be back” Sparkles thinks about this development. 😂🤣😂 This is going to be hilarious! 

That would basically make you a camwhore person who work at the camera. Not the type of participants we're dedicated to feature at Voyeur House TV.” - James

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James threw his dogs some bones yesterday and is promising to care about VHTV again. 🤣 Can only imagine what him and Alex, aka Satan, are planning to do to entice the sloth tenants to crank it out for the desparate camjohns. 🤪 They really could use more recycled, tattoo ridden, drugged out, lazy, phone addicted, CB cammer, street dweller types. Can never have enough of those! 😁

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