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It Has Begun: Russia Invades Ukraine #3 Begins 3/26/22

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Il y a 8 heures, Ridgerunner a dit :

How much does Putin pay you?

the most incredible thing is your deceit!!! the fact of sharing very real photos, which testify to a real situation in a country, but which do not correspond to your selective ideology, and you accuse people of being poutine agents!!!! you are quite miserable and obtuse, but the question is whether you can understand that the problem of systemic nazism in ukraine is real!!! nobody says that all ukrainians are nazis, but that the nazi celebrations which take place every year in the big cities of ukraine, do not disturb neither the people nor the government!!! do you understand that for many ukrainians, the soldiers of the ss galicia division during the second world war, are national heroes who must be honored every year?!!! do you know that the standard of azov is the same as the das reich division?!!! not seeing the truth makes you sleep better?!!! a bit like some mothers who know that their daughter is raped by their stepfather, but who prefer to be in the dark and look away, so as not to lose the man they love!!!!!😡

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2 hours ago, corboblanc said:

the most incredible thing is your deceit!!! the fact of sharing very real photos, which testify to a real situation in a country, but which do not correspond to your selective ideology, and you accuse people of being poutine agents!!!! you are quite miserable and obtuse, but the question is whether you can understand that the problem of systemic nazism in ukraine is real!!! nobody says that all ukrainians are nazis, but that the nazi celebrations which take place every year in the big cities of ukraine, do not disturb neither the people nor the government!!! do you understand that for many ukrainians, the soldiers of the ss galicia division during the second world war, are national heroes who must be honored every year?!!! do you know that the standard of azov is the same as the das reich division?!!! not seeing the truth makes you sleep better?!!! a bit like some mothers who know that their daughter is raped by their stepfather, but who prefer to be in the dark and look away, so as not to lose the man they love!!!!!😡


Rechtsradikale national denkende Menschen oder Parteien gibt es überall in der Welt. Das ist kein akzeptabler Grund ein autonomes Land als Nachbarn militärisch / terroristisch zu überfallen !!

In Frankreich Madame Le Pen, in Niederlande die Partei um Geerd Wilders, in Deutschland AfD oder NPD, in den USA ebenso. Siehe Bild. Und, und, und .......





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Il y a 3 heures, StarLight28 a dit :


Rechtsradikale national denkende Menschen oder Parteien gibt es überall in der Welt. Das ist kein akzeptabler Grund ein autonomes Land als Nachbarn militärisch / terroristisch zu überfallen !!

In Frankreich Madame Le Pen, in Niederlande die Partei um Geerd Wilders, in Deutschland AfD oder NPD, in den USA ebenso. Siehe Bild. Und, und, und .......





in france you are treated as a fascist if you don't like kebab, absolutely nothing to do with the patriotic party of marine lepen which has nothing to do with nazism!!!!! we are not talking here about gathering a few dozen worshipers of the 3rd reich, it would be impossible in France, the police would intervene immediately!!!! also impossible in France that an army corps have the same standard as an ss division of the 2nd world war!!! we are not talking about 3 or 4 stupid people taking selfies in a cellar, in front of a swastika, but about official family celebrations, which take place every year in the big cities of ukraine, where thousands of people parade in the streets, in honor of the ss galicia and the nazi collaborator sefan bandera, celebrated like a hero!!! there are even monuments in memory of the brave ss soldiers, and statues of stefan bandera!!!!! Do you know another Western country where you can find all this, monuments to the glory of the SS and statues of Nazi collaborators???!!!!
I'm not here to say that all Ukrainians are Nazis, there is more and more protest against these celebrations, but that this phenomenon does exist, it is systemic!!! some Ukrainian candidates from rlc, whose names I won't reveal, are too, I have formal proof of it, but nothing surprising for a country whose war heroes were Ukrainians ss!!!!

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On 4/6/2022 at 4:26 PM, corboblanc said:












       Regardless, none of that is why a fanatic such as Putin ordered a military build up along the border with Ukraine and eventually ordered the Russian military to invade.

Even though some of those matters have been mentioned by pro Russian propagandists as one of multiple excuses they have attempted to perpetuate as having any actual reasons to unprovokely invade another sovereign country by use of military force, it was actually because a fanactic such as Putin who never liked it at all when the former Soviet Union collapsed and Russia not long afterwards, eventually began losing control over governments of countries that were controlled as parts of the Soviet Union.

He also never liked at all when some of those countries chose to join NATO to assure that those countries would likely never be controlled by a Russian dictatorship again, and he certainly did not like it because the leaders of the Ukrainian government would not formerly agree to never eventually decide to join NATO.

Since the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, other countries that considered themselves as neutral countries have been seriously considering joining NATO.

Putin is a fanatic and thinks Russia should control all of the territories and lands that it once did even though much of those lands are other countries and have been for quite some time.

Putin does not want any other countries to be a part of NATO and particularly any remaining countries that border with Russia. So other excuses that have been being occasionally mentioned in some media outlets, are not the actual reasons he thought their should have been justification to invade another country although there was no actual reason or provocation to. He is like just about all other communist or marxist ideological minded people although it is likely that he is more brainwashed and ruthless than others since he was a former KGB/FSB agent. 

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7 hours ago, corboblanc said:

the most incredible thing is your deceit!!! the fact of sharing very real photos, which testify to a real situation in a country, but which do not correspond to your selective ideology, and you accuse people of being poutine agents!!!! you are quite miserable and obtuse, but the question is whether you can understand that the problem of systemic nazism in ukraine is real!!! nobody says that all ukrainians are nazis, but that the nazi celebrations which take place every year in the big cities of ukraine, do not disturb neither the people nor the government!!! do you understand that for many ukrainians, the soldiers of the ss galicia division during the second world war, are national heroes who must be honored every year?!!! do you know that the standard of azov is the same as the das reich division?!!! not seeing the truth makes you sleep better?!!! a bit like some mothers who know that their daughter is raped by their stepfather, but who prefer to be in the dark and look away, so as not to lose the man they love!!!!!😡

Your attempt to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the systematic killing of Ukrainian civilians by thug Russian soldiers is sick. Russian soldiers are great at fighting unarmed women, children and old men, but they become retreating crying cowards when they face a real army. Glory to Ukraine!!!!!  Death to Putin and I hope he and his evil generals rot in hell !!!!!!

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Putin needs to destroy Ukraine because he can not tolerate a thriving Western style democracy on his border for fear that the people of Russia will see how much better life is for Ukrainian citizens than is life for Russian citizens. The desire for freedom is contagious and Putin fears that the desire for freedom of the Western nations on Russia's borders will infect the Russian people and cause them to demand more political and economic freedom in Russia.

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5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


There are right- wing extremist , nationally thinking people or parties all over the world. This is not an acceptable reason to militarily / terroristically attack an autonomous country as a neighbor !!

In France Madame Le Pen, in the Netherlands the party around Geerd Wilders, in Germany AfD or NPD, in the USA as well. See image. And and and .......





The number of neo-Nazis in the U.S. is so small that they are not even worth talking about, and the vast majority of American citizens consider them to be laughable,crazy, insane fools. 

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There are Nazis in a few countries but they are such a minority as in Russia there are Communist. Putin hates the West and the World he hates freedom of speech, he hates any criticism, he is racist, you do it his way or go to jail or dissappear. He used Polonium on an ex-KGB man living in the UK and a nerve agent Novachok on an ex-colonel of the KGB and his daughter, and a UK citizen died and several were ill.

This Putin fucker is a menace to the world please some body shoot or blow the mother fucker up.


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20 hours ago, corboblanc said:












If the Ukrainian people are the prisoners of an evil repressive Nazi government why did they not greet Russian soldiers as liberating heroes rather than treating them as invading aggressors? Why are the Ukrainian people fighting so hard to kill Russian soldiers if those soldiers are truly liberators and protectors of freedom in Ukraine?

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The number of neo-Nazis in the U.S. is so small that they are not even worth talking about, and the vast majority of American citizens consider them to be laughable,crazy, insane fools. 


Diese US-NAZIs waren nach den Bild-Dokumenten ganz offensichtlich als Helfer von Initiator Trump am Umsturz der US-Demokratie und dem verbrecherischen Angriff auf das Capitol maßgeblich beteiligt. Und nun ??

Die schwache US-Justiz wird das hoffentlich ermitteln. Wenn nicht, dann US-Bananen-Republik.



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