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7 minutes ago, ddhm said:

The way I see Tweety’s presence the last 2-3 weeks , it is like trying to find a more independent role and just enjoy her times and not being this “ locked and limited “ in her things .. I think not having privacy is hurting her , she could now be an amazing tenant by herself . She tries to be equally fun and serious with her behavior to the others , she seems to have solved the Holly issue but she’s clearly now on a more GOV path role than when we first met her and I believe with privacy she could explode with her presence .

Perhaps, but something has happened between Radi and Tweety, they have not been the same since last Wednesday in B5, they have not bothered with each other since that night.

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16 minutes ago, poncherello said:

In 5 minutes Daniel and Rus arrive and we are full. I thought the tub was ready for Hollyh and Loraine

They are really long these 5 minutes, still no Daniel or Rus in the bathtub
It's still strange to always be wrong when talking about the possible behavior of these guys 🤣

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9 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Sono davvero lunghi questi 5 minuti, ancora niente Daniel o Rus nella vasca da bagno
È ancora strano sbagliarsi sempre quando si parla del possibile comportamento di questi ragazzi 🤣


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28 minutes ago, MrFlexxy said:

I do get what your saying about a quiet stay from her, but making out all day that she doesn’t care about the people and went off to do her own thing in afternoon just seems strange. And yes, she does have her own voice, but she’s not the landlord, she doesn’t get to say who can come or not 

I think we can agree that Tweety’s change of RLC GOV concept approach recently has also changed  Holly at the same time more or less . You can remember her participating some weeks ago in Kylie’s birthday , sleeping with them in the same bedroom and then all of a sudden she shut many of the others  down .It can indeed be that they brought Daniel without letting her know some weeks ago and she got pissed off ( I have a different opinion always about her and Daniel but that’s not for the time being ) and this then maybe she changed with her thoughts .. I think the tenants in the apartment can speak their mouth of things they wish or not , it is their own place even if they share it and I don’t think they will disrespect her if she has such a wish .She can explain if this is the problem ( as I said I have another opinion ) and that’s it . If Holly was a girl that she wasn’t hanging around from the beginning with the others , I could understand but now the change of attitude is incredibly clear .The same goes for Tata for example , so I can maybe explain better what I mean .

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4 minutes ago, henrik theis said:

Lorraine og Holly non è più løb ud af døren. Så Radi ikke kom med. Og Holly har afvist alle Tweetys tilnærmelser i løbet af dagen. Gad vide hvad der sker

I have seen Tweety's affectionate attitudes but not Holly's rejects, it seemed to me that they pleased her but she did not reciprocate

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