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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


When Biden reversed 17 regulations from his insane predecessor on the day of his inauguration, it was met with widespread approval in America and around the world. Biden was successful in sweeping up and patching up shards of his predecessor.

A lot has happened since then that was not foreseeable. In addition, Americans live long beyond their means and are not willing to spend money on climate and environmental protection. For decades, energy has been far too cheap in an international comparison of all industrialized countries. When energy becomes more expensive because of responsibility for the world, the big howling of immature big children begins. Everything is blamed on Biden - as a scapegoat.

Approval or not - all survey data is from hundreds of survey companies. And each of these "institutes" does its own thing. You shouldn't take any of this so seriously. The bill will follow in 2 years - and not in autumn 2022.


Name the 17 regulations that Biden reversed that were popular with the American people. Almost everything in your comment is total bullshit, but that's what I would expect from a former European politician. You defend Biden because he is just like European politicians who are incompetent buffoons. Their only accomplishments are meaningless words that the ignorant brainwashed sheep of Europe accept as real deeds.  Everything blamed on Biden? For four fucking years the news media, Democrats, Trump haters and clowns like you blamed every negative happening in the world on Donald Trump.

1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Name the 17 regulations that Biden reversed that were popular with the American people. Almost everything in your comment is total bullshit, but that's what I would expect from a former European politician. You defend Biden because he is just like European politicians who are incompetent buffoons. Their only accomplishments are meaningless words that the ignorant brainwashed sheep of Europe accept as real deeds.  Everything blamed on Biden? For four fucking years the news media, Democrats, Trump haters and clowns like you blamed every negative happening in the world on Donald Trump.


Lesen bildet. Wie üblich nur US-Rep-NAZI-Hass auf alle welche Demokraten sind. Du hast von Politik und Europa keine Ahnung - wie Deine paar Gesinnungsgenossen hier im Forum und die militanten Reps im US-Land. Verführte  vernünftige Amerikaner wurden von Demokraten mit Biden an der Spitze von einem Dummkopf und dummer US-feindlicher isolierender Non-Politik erlöst !  😁

Gehe schlafen, anstatt immer wieder Dummheiten und Bullshit der US-Rep-NAZI zu verbreiten.


28 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Reading educates. As usual, only US-Rep-NAZI hatred of all who are democrats. You have no idea about politics and Europe - like your few like-minded people here in the forum and the militant reps in the US country. Deceived sane Americans redeemed by Biden-led Democrats from a fool and stupid anti-US isolating non-politics!  😁

Go to sleep instead of continuing to spread US-Rep-NAZI nonsense and bullshit.


It is you who spreads hatred with almost every comment you post on this forum. You are the one who is the enemy of democracy and free speech by continually asking mods to silence people on this thread who you disagree with.

7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

It is you who spreads hatred with almost every comment you post on this forum. You are the one who is the enemy of democracy and free speech by continually asking mods to silence people on this thread who you disagree with.


Unsinn, nichts als Unsinn - mehr hast Du jetzt nicht zu bieten. Verdrehung von Tatsachen. Meinungsfreiheit ist ok, doch miese Beleidigungen übelster Art von Kleingeistern hat mit "Meinungsäußerung" nichts zu tun - das ist kriminell. 

Komme zum Thema, oder schweige.


3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Nonsense, nothing but nonsense - that's all you have to offer now. distortion of facts. Freedom of expression is ok, but lousy insults of the worst kind by small minds have nothing to do with "expression of opinion" - that's criminal. 

Get on topic or keep quiet.


You just can't control your German authoritarian mentality, can you? Always telling people to shut up when they tell you something you don't want to hear. Is that the way of German politicians?

59 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You just can't control your German authoritarian mentality, can you? Always telling people to shut up when they tell you something you don't want to hear. Is that the way of German politicians?


Blah, blah - und nicht mehr.


1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


Blah, blah - und nicht mehr.


And you never did name the 17 Trump regulations that were undone by Biden that the American people wanted undone. 

1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

And you never did name the 17 Trump regulations that were undone by Biden that the American people wanted undone. 


Du bist ein störrisches Kind das mit den Füßen aufstampft. Hier ist was Du kennen solltest.



Seit Mittwochabend ist Joe Biden der 46. Präsident der USA. An seinem ersten Amtstag ebnete er den Weg für eine Abkehr der Trump-Politik.


Es waren am 1. Tag 17 Trump-Entscheidungen die Präsident Joe Biden gekillt hat.


5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


You are a stubborn child who stamps your feet. Here's what you should know.



As of Wednesday evening, Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States. On his first day in office, he paved the way for a reversal of Trump policies.


There were 17 Trump decisions on Day 1 that killed President Joe Biden.


Sorry, but I don't read German and Google won't translate the page.  I am aware that Biden reversed numerous Trump policies on his first day, BUT I ALSO KNOW MOST OF THOSE REVERSALS WERE NOT POPULAR WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So what you said is only a half truth, which is normal procedure for liberal progressive socialist/Marxist liars like you and your left wing news media.

33 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sorry, but I don't read German and Google won't translate the page.  I am aware that Biden reversed numerous Trump policies on his first day, BUT I ALSO KNOW MOST OF THOSE REVERSALS WERE NOT POPULAR WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. So what you said is only a half truth, which is normal procedure for liberal progressive socialist/Marxist liars like you and your left wing news media.


This is utter nonsense again. Biden had announced this action BEFORE the election - and Biden was elected President with a large majority. Because he had promised to wipe out nonsense from Trump immediately!!! finally get it.

Here the page translated into english.


Seit Mittwochabend ist Joe Biden der 46. Präsident der USA. An seinem ersten Amtstag ebnete er den Weg für eine Abkehr der Trump-Politik.


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