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B4 - General Topic 2022 #37 (April)

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1 hour ago, MrFlexxy said:

What you essentially just said, is you want Holly to be fake and put on shows and yet you're happy with Emsi, which is basically identical to what Holly is doing, apart from she never masturbates (which is fine, I think Emsi is great), it'll be interesting to see what you say about her in a few months time 😉. I think the issue is often you'll portray whatever Holly is doing as bad, weather that's your intention or not, it's how it comes across, when she's just living her life and dealing with her issues, like we all are.

Holly became a top 5 ever favorite because she was what she joined to be , a GOV .She would enjoy her life , party , be the girl that people would tune in to watch taking a shower , be naked , get fucked , masturbate , whatever , you simply didn’t know what to expect .Holly was a Girl On Vacation and I enjoyed her as a tenant and as a girl of course .


Nowadays  Holly isn’t a GOV for me , she’s a businesswoman , she’s using RLC for free rent , she shares her bed with a very good friend of hers and she’s staying with RLC so as not to have the expenses she would have if she had a normal life and an apartment in Barcelona . She’s not a GOV anymore , at least the way I PERSONALLY have it in my mind, what can i do ? Should I stay silent to satisfy the Holly supporters because she doesn’t PERSONALLY satisfies me as a tenant ? The girl Holly , I WILL ALWAYS ENJOY WATCHING .But I watch RLC to see people , characters , personalities , incidents , I don’t miss watching nice girls , this I watch everyday in my daily life as part of my job .So , my complain is Holly the tenant and not Holly the girl . 

Esmi and Zabava I have repeatedly said that they have been facing an incredible family drama and I don’t “ touch “ them with comments because I simply don’t see them as RLC employees , at least Esmi .They are both victims of the most stupid thing the human race can do and for me , I give my applause to RLC who provides for them . If Esmi was a GOV with the meaning of the word i have in mind  , she would have been under the same posts from me , indeed a bad tenant .But i don’t see her like this . 

In any case , I don’t know why we aren’t allowed to criticize and comment in any way we think here and need to be hammered because an opinion isn’t at the same page as the majority , we are speaking about a free to speak world but when the comments aren’t pleased for someone , the poster is being hammered .Careful here , of course a poster will be hammered and can this please be at the maximum level , but this needs to happen when people just say anything negative without justifying their opinion ..I ALWAYS justify my thoughts and have arguments when I speak about a tenant , if my posts aren’t in favor , I am sorry , but it is what I believe and whoever thinks differently it is fine by me and I respect his / her opinion and not attacking against it because I disagree . All opinions are appreciated and respected as long as they are presented with justified and reasonable arguments .

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1 hour ago, Pete1960 said:

Just so you know, when you post an essay like this, I read the first sentence then ignore the rest

Everyone is famous here with his/her own way , thanks for being sincere 😂😇😇😊😉

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40 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Holly became a top 5 ever favorite because she was what she joined to be , a GOV .She would enjoy her life , party , be the girl that people would tune in to watch taking a shower , be naked , get fucked , masturbate , whatever , you simply didn’t know what to expect .Holly was a Girl On Vacation and I enjoyed her as a tenant and as a girl of course .


Nowadays  Holly isn’t a GOV for me , she’s a businesswoman , she’s using RLC for free rent , she shares her bed with a very good friend of hers and she’s staying with RLC so as not to have the expenses she would have if she had a normal life and an apartment in Barcelona . She’s not a GOV anymore , at least the way I PERSONALLY have it in my mind, what can i do ? Should I stay silent to satisfy the Holly supporters because she doesn’t PERSONALLY satisfies me as a tenant ? The girl Holly , I WILL ALWAYS ENJOY WATCHING .But I watch RLC to see people , characters , personalities , incidents , I don’t miss watching nice girls , this I watch everyday in my daily life as part of my job .So , my complain is Holly the tenant and not Holly the girl . 

Esmi and Zabava I have repeatedly said that they have been facing an incredible family drama and I don’t “ touch “ them with comments because I simply don’t see them as RLC employees , at least Esmi .They are both victims of the most stupid thing the human race can do and for me , I give my applause to RLC who provides for them . If Esmi was a GOV with the meaning of the word i have in mind  , she would have been under the same posts from me , indeed a bad tenant .But i don’t see her like this . 

In any case , I don’t know why we aren’t allowed to criticize and comment in any way we think here and need to be hammered because an opinion isn’t at the same page as the majority , we are speaking about a free to speak world but when the comments aren’t pleased for someone , the poster is being hammered .Careful here , of course a poster will be hammered and can this please be at the maximum level , but this needs to happen when people just say anything negative without justifying their opinion ..I ALWAYS justify my thoughts and have arguments when I speak about a tenant , if my posts aren’t in favor , I am sorry , but it is what I believe and whoever thinks differently it is fine by me and I respect his / her opinion and not attacking against it because I disagree . All opinions are appreciated and respected as long as they are presented with justified and reasonable arguments .

Welcome to think what you want bud, we all see things differently. It's just that over the last few weeks you've said stuff about Holly that's been factually incorrect and passed it off as opinion. The party the other week for Fior's birthday for example, can't remember how you specifically said it, but it was along the lines of "she could have at least gone to the party and faked being a friend for a while before going out" when she was at the party for hours before going out with Lorraine. Just seems like you want to paint her in a bad light with everything you say, if that's not the case, I apologise 🙂

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23 minutes ago, MrFlexxy said:

Benvenuto a pensare quello che vuoi, tutti noi vediamo le cose in modo diverso. È solo che nelle ultime settimane hai detto cose su Holly che sono state effettivamente errate e le hai fatte passare per opinioni. La festa dell'altra settimana per il compleanno di Fior, ad esempio, non ricordo come l'hai detto nello specifico, ma era sulla falsariga di "poteva almeno andare alla festa e fingere di essere un'amica per un po' prima di uscire" quando era alla festa per ore prima di uscire con Lorraine. Sembra proprio che tu voglia dipingerla in cattiva luce con tutto ciò che dici, se non è così, mi scuso  🙂

La dipinge con cattiva luce perche' non scopa piu' davanti le telecamere come nei soggiorni precendenti, come lo fa' anche con le altre ragazze che non scopano sulle telecamere. questo e' il suo concetto di GoV, per tutti il resto, Holly non fa' nulla di diversi dei soggiorni precedenti, forse, coinquilini sbagliati. 

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4 minutes ago, menouscope2015 said:

Message for RLC: If Radi doesn't want to stay in B4 anymore, AND you want to keep her, then move her elsewhere and give the room to someone else ... 


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2 hours ago, ddhm said:

Aren’t we all doing the same ? I am bitching about Leora because if it was any other person , RLC would have kicked her out as it has done with other tenants who had similar attitudes like her .Leora is a joke , that’s my opinion and I don’t change it till I see anything  else from her apart from the lonely , isolated and imprisoned life she has in her new living city . I praised  Leora in the past and almost for her first year in Prague ,she had a normal life , a boyfriend , a dog , she had a life .In Prague she has a life and she’s hiding it for her own reasons .You seem to like the way she presents her life  to you as a viewer , I respect your preference , I have mine , end of story .

Of course I post what I would like to see but this doesn’t mean that this is what I am asking the girls to do . Who am I to control the actions of the girls ? And that’s why I am not watching them and I watch the ones that satisfy my viewer’s preferences .This doesn’t prevent me to criticize negative what I don’t watch or praise enormously what I like watching , where is the problem with that ? Aren’t all of these opinions ? What are we doing here in this forum ? I criticize but I respect and don’t insult either a tenant or anyone , I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours , if my comments or posts make you angry , frustrated or don’t come in agreement , you can always ignore , not read them and laugh with them , it is very simple .

I am not RLC to get rid of the girls but in order to give to the audience what they want , you need to bring  yourself to a tenant’s position and think “ what am I doing here ? What am I participating for ? What have I signed for ? Is it a site to show my private life 24/7 as much as I can or hiding , getting the payroll and just walk in a free rent apartment to profit for the future ? “ In order to satisfy the customer , you need to become the customer ..and in my opinion RLC many times has no idea what being the customer who pays is .


I watch when I am pleased and I never tune in to things I check at the thumbnails that don’t satisfy me .But that’s different on not saying anything if I don’t like ( AGAIN , FOR MY OWN PERSONAL PREFERENCES ) what’s being broadcasted .

Who are the audience? Is it just the people who want to see what you want to see? Or is the audience people with various tastes and things they'd like to see. You alone are not the audience, you are not the only person with a subscription. 

And I would ignore you but when several people quote your monologues what's the point. In regards to your monologues I think you should be forced to create a thread for them.

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Ok. Radi wants to get out from B4 and move somewhere else. She ever thought that even if RLC agrees to move her they doesn't have a place for her to go?

Or she wants to go to B5? Or maybe Radi knows that someone from B2 are soon leaving the project and this is a way to show RLC that she could live there?

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1 hour ago, thinga69 said:

Ok. Radi wants to get out from B4 and move somewhere else. She ever thought that even if RLC agrees to move her they doesn't have a place for her to go?

Or she wants to go to B5? Or maybe Radi knows that someone from B2 are soon leaving the project and this is a way to show RLC that she could live there?

There were places that came available since Radi made her request to relocate, it's just RLC not listening. I don't  think she has any interest in B5, it almost looks like she is avoiding that apartment. 

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Just now, jetlag8 said:

There were places that came available since Radi made her request to relocate, it's just RLC not listening. I don't  think she has any interest in B5, it almost looks like she is avoiding that apartment. 

Yep. But I was saying that right now there isn't a place for her.

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29 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Yep. But I was saying that right now there isn't a place for her.

That's true, it's to bad she was not moved earlier as all the villa problems could have been avoided.

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