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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #49

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39 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

By some! Like we all have Whippets on pieces of string apparently.

How to scare a Londoner - Say hello on a bus or the tube! 😆

My Da used to like Tripe, far as i'm concerned though, there's never been a better word for a type of food! Fucking awful!

Hence the saying what a load of old tripe

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1 hour ago, scutus said:

That it would be. You are 100% on target. I have had friends that made that their sobering up meal. After closing down the bars.  I personally never got intoxicated enough to try it. 

But, I am not sure that I would like your Black Pudding either !  😊

Black Pudding is yummy fry in a tiny bit of oil 3 minutes either side.

Then try sweet bread which is not bread.

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1 hour ago, scutus said:

That it would be. You are 100% on target. I have had friends that made that their sobering up meal. After closing down the bars.  I personally never got intoxicated enough to try it. 

But, I am not sure that I would like your Black Pudding either !  😊

Ugh, anything that starts off as a vat of congealed pigs blood, is a no-go as far as I'm concerned. :sick:

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4 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

I'm glad I'm an adult and get to choose what goes in. (My ol' man would eat anything, stuff that would gag a maggot)

Did he ever eat Mountain Oysters.  :biggrin:  

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