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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #16


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I would totally agree with the sentiment that Martina has outsmarted RLC.  Anyone who has been paying attention will understand that her "Real Life" is no longer in the apartment. Her life is where ever and with whom ever she spends her nights. Coming home only to "shower, shit and shave" as the men used to refer to this behavior, is a clear indicator that she has all but packed up her clothes and moved out. 

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Martina is not the first RLC actor to figure out "the game" and take advantage of it. As I see it, when RLC is "outsmarted" it is at the subscribers expense. For that reason, and that reason alone, I'm calling for RLC to shut down this apartment. Yes, I will miss it...but I have never been comfortable with being ripped off. I would not stand for being ripped off by a friend or a family member, so I'm certainly not going to abide with being ripped off by an RLC actor. Close down this shit apartment RLC....PLEASE! 

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by the way, I don't want to go into all the replay but did someone know what happen in the last few hours, the moment she enter the apartment and the moment she went out ? She eat, take a nap , wake up, get dress and out ? Is that it ? Alberto is use to have an oil change before Martina went out all night, are you telling me that Alberto didn't have it ? 

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5 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

So seeing Alberto naked noticeably more often isn’t cutting it for you?  😀

There was a time when other apartments got to a point where there was more going on off camera than on and those apartments were terminated. Some of them I really enjoyed. The difference in those apartments was that the husband/partner did not approve. In order for the Martina/Alberto apartment to be taken off line, Alberto would have to break a glass or something. Hector and Susan was one that comes to mind where the house guest Pablow and Susan were going off camera to fuck and her husband Hector, had lost control in his effort to keep things under wraps. RLC shut them down after it was clear what was happening even though many on the forum were denying anything was going on. When Pablow and Susan locked themselves in the bathroom to fuck and Hector, the husband, caught them and tried to break the door down, then RLC took action. At that time RLC was tolerating a lot of physical spousal abuse without any sanctions but when someone started to break property, then they had to go. Someone in the Martina/Alberto needs to break a mirror or something and that will be the end of it. RLC has tolerated women being beaten and have looked the other way. But, when property is damaged...Time to go. (other examples...Vanessa and Thomas, Carla and Mario).

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Let me be clear...I'm not pissed because of what Martina is doing...I'm pissed because she is doing it off camera and my subscription is paying for her lifestyle and enabling her ability to do it. 

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13 minutes ago, philo said:

I hope others will join in the call for shutting it down. Here's the logic: if you are not seeing anything anyway, then what will you be missing when it's gone?

The other option, which is in your power, is to cancel your subscription and spend your money on something you feel gives you the proper return for your investment...

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4 minutes ago, tle said:

The other option, which is in your power, is to cancel your subscription and spend your money on something you feel gives you the proper return for your investment...

Another thing that I often resist, is when someone wants to tell me how to spend my money.

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5 minutes ago, philo said:

I hope others will join in the call for shutting it down. Here's the logic: if you are not seeing anything anyway, then what will you be missing when it's gone?

Would you please take your fist out of your ass.  Martina and Alberto are an extremely popular couple and have been for the past 6 years, almost the longest on RLC.  They fuck often and only when they want. Not when you want.  It just so happens that she has been on her period for the past few days.  Alberto does not fuck Martina when she is on her period, out of respect to her and her comfort.  Maybe you like to fuck your girl when she is on her period.  It' can be a bit messy.

I don't know why you are talking about violent performers.  And that they should be thrown off RLC if they are violent.  Alberto would never hurt Martina and you are ignorant if you think Alberto would hurt Martina, on or off cam which seems to be your other bone of contenton.  Every other room in RLC have activities outside their apartments.  Get use to it.  It is summer in Barcelona and the pandemic has subsided.  Young people, including Martina, party and they party hard, but not at home.  They party at clubs and bars and the parties often start at 11PM and go on and on and on.  Now stop your belly aching and enjoy them as long as they stay on RLC.  Martina will get her education and Alberto will progess in his landscaping job and they will get off of RLC because of their abilities and intelligence, not because of your incessant ranting and raving to discredit and discourage them.

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7 minutes ago, philo said:

Another thing that I often resist, is when someone wants to tell me how to spend my money.

I just felt sorry for you for feeling like you were wasting your money...

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I really don't care if anyone joins or not. I have been here long enough to know that even a single voice can bring about needed change. My evidence for this is my continuously and single handedly pointing out the hypocrisy of the RLC tag line, "The private lives of other people live 24/7". The finally changed it to something more accurate to avoid the discrepancy.   

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