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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2022) #9

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Is Leora still caring for her plant? I would love to see another one.


A Fruit Salad Tree is a fruit tree that grows up to 6 different fruits all on the 1 tree. They are multi-grafted trees...


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2 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

I didn't see her as attractive in the first apartment. Only watched because she was female, naked and did things to herself which was unusual to be able to watch.  Then she filled out. Visual is a big deal with men, much more than with women.

After, what, nine years of watching her she has become a one way acquaintance whose life is interesting and to me many times frustrating.

Last night I began in June 2013 in the archives.  Leora was very volatile with Paul as with Loverboy. She was shy. Many were frustrated with both of them and then viewed them as a Kitty-Paul this will never work relationship. Also Malia appeared and Leora had discovered she loved to tease and perform in front of the camera. It was interesting to read every post.

Beauty and attraction is in the eye of the beholder, Ash.

Absolutely. That's why I want to hear what the attraction is. You explained a bit. And I don't see her as not sexy, but just on rlc  many of the woman are sexier to me. And more importantly, many of the men are way sexier than Paul. I'll tell you though, her masturbating didn't do much for me at all, but watching her have real sex, even with Paul, is quite hot

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2 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

👿 Hi Ash'

Good to see you again,

Never be afraid of stating your opinion on this forum Ash' and never bother about those that might think differently, your opinion is as valid as anyone else's. 

Say what's on your mind girl and shame the devil ! 👿😉

Hey Jim! I don't think I've ever been accused of having my opinions on here. That said, I don't want to get into a big disagreement with people over a difference of opinion.

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34 minutes ago, jugghead said:

When has anyone ever taken you to task? I haven't heard of it. If it had happened, that person would be drawn and quartered.


Hey jugg, I appreciate the friendship of you and my other buds and buddettes on here, but big disagreements arent too many on rlc., and its happened more when I was posting mostly on VH forums. I like to come on these forums for some fun and make people happier for the most part.

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