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They all know each other....

Guest chillifingers

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Guest chillifingers

It's a fact, although I can't divulge how or why I know this, but all the RLC participants not only know of each other, but have also agreed between themselves how this whole charade is played out. They are acting more as cooperative partners than an owner led business. I will probably be axed for revealing this information on here as I know they patrol this site regularly. Some of them are not even real couples. I have probably revealed too much already but you need to know this.

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You know, people say shit on the internet all the time.  Anyone who has spent more than five minutes on the internet knows this.

Now...you can say any shit you want to, but that's all it is without some kind of verifiable evidence.  So, I'm sure you'll understand...and won't be too surprised...if I include your contentions with all the rest of the shit I've seen on the internet.

Tell you what...I'll make it real simple for you.  Show me how Alina knows and colludes with Diana, since they live in two different cities.  Or, maybe, how Diana knows and colludes with Isabel, since they live in different countries and speak different languages.

So, dude...put up or forever be known as the guy who talks shit.

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Guest chillifingers

You know, people say shit on the internet all the time.  Anyone who has spent more than five minutes on the internet knows this.

Now...you can say any shit you want to, but that's all it is without some kind of verifiable evidence.  So, I'm sure you'll understand...and won't be too surprised...if I include your contentions with all the rest of the shit I've seen on the internet.

Tell you what...I'll make it real simple for you.  Show me how Alina knows and colludes with Diana, since they live in two different cities.  Or, maybe, how Diana knows and colludes with Isabel, since they live in different countries and speak different languages.

So, dude...put up or forever be known as the guy who talks shit.

as you wish. I can't reveal any more, so I guess I will forever be the guy who talks shit. Until others discover as well. They clearly do not plan every minute of their days together, but there is an overall plan, to which they have all subscribed. It all originates in Ukraine, that's the link between all the couples and the place they all connect back to. Enough said, believe or not.

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You know, people say shit on the internet all the time.  Anyone who has spent more than five minutes on the internet knows this.

Now...you can say any shit you want to, but that's all it is without some kind of verifiable evidence.  So, I'm sure you'll understand...and won't be too surprised...if I include your contentions with all the rest of the shit I've seen on the internet.

Tell you what...I'll make it real simple for you.  Show me how Alina knows and colludes with Diana, since they live in two different cities.  Or, maybe, how Diana knows and colludes with Isabel, since they live in different countries and speak different languages.

So, dude...put up or forever be known as the guy who talks shit.

as you wish. I can't reveal any more, so I guess I will forever be the guy who talks shit. Until others discover as well. They clearly do not plan every minute of their days together, but there is an overall plan, to which they have all subscribed. It all originates in Ukraine, that's the link between all the couples and the place they all connect back to. Enough said, believe or not.

As I said...until you show evidence instead of just saying stuff, you won't be believed.

Look...I'm not trying to get on your case or anything, but that's just the way it is.  On any forum that I've been a member of...and I've been a member of a lot of forums...that's just the way it is.  If you are going to try to pass something off as fact, you have to be prepared to bring on the evidence to back it up.  Otherwise you might just as well not say anything.

So...what's the connection between Ukraine and Spain?

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Now...you can say any shit you want to, but that's all it is without some kind of verifiable evidence.  So, I'm sure you'll understand...and won't be too surprised...if I include your contentions with all the rest of the shit I've seen on the internet.

So brilliantly said.

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Guest chillifingers

The connection is obvious. There is a sizeable Russian/Ukrainian community originating from Ukraine now based in Barcelona and surrounding areas. They know each other and are notoriously secretive about their links. Some have returned to Ukraine. There is also a strong connection between the Russian based couples and Ukraine (friendships, family ties, and so on).

That is all I will say. I leave you to make your own minds up and do further investigations. But I know what I know. That is all.

I will leave this forum as it will not be long before someone from RLC gets "on my case".

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We know, as a FACT, that many of the couples know each other.

Lina & Mark and Maya & Stephen are friends, and L&M probably recruited them after Elena & Arthur left. Same apartment complex. Alma & Stefan introduced their friends, Isabella & Marcello, to their apartment. A substantiated rumor suggests that Leora & Paul got their apartment via Lina & Mark, via a family connection. Nora & Kiko had many friends and visitors; never once did the other Barcelona couples appear.

At one time, either Manelet (?) or Corboblanc (?) produced an advertisement written in Spanish advertising this RLC apartment opportunity in Barcelona.

None of this necessarily proves chillifingers' assertion. Nor does it disprove it.

But then, Truth has no monopoly on CamCaps. It shares this site with smoke & mirrors, and the fog of war.


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I think it is an interesting development. I guess any couple considering going into RLC might like to discuss the situation with other couples who have experienced life in the apartments.

In many ways this news (assuming it is news rather than storytelling) is irrelevant to we fans. I find it hard to believe that each couple are not real couples. If this is the case then each of the participants should be nominated for an Oscar! Surely no-one could pretend (or act) 24/7. Most of the couples show a good degree of love and affection towards each other (even Rusian!). If not love they show anger, frustration, contempt for each other. Surely this could not be simply 'acted'.

I love the conspiracy theory and would welcome more information if this is possible. As I have said I am not particularly interested in the structure of the RLC company but hey keep the news coming if you can!

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Isn't it all just guess work at the moment? for all we really know all the apartments could be just mock-ups in some industrial warehouse complex somewhere like some of the college dorm porn sites.  We all watch the cams, there have been several times when cams have been out of sync, times when you can hear background construction work going on from several apartments at the same time and times when water has been off to all suits. just so you all know im a conspiracy theorist so I loving this topic lol.

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Isn't it all just guess work at the moment? for all we really know all the apartments could be just mock-ups in some industrial warehouse complex somewhere like some of the college dorm porn sites.  We all watch the cams, there have been several times when cams have been out of sync, times when you can hear background construction work going on from several apartments at the same time and times when water has been off to all suits. just so you all know im a conspiracy theorist so I loving this topic lol.

Speculation is one thing.  Heck, I speculate as well.  But when you start throwing your speculation around as incontrovertible fact...as the OP did...then you'd better be prepared to back it up.  Just saying, "I know this is true, but I can't tell you how I know.", won't cut it.

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