Thestarider Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 Ok her we go, my time to comment on B-2 again, Magnificent Marlene is simply put Friggen Marvelous, then you Mathilda who we could say is the younger sister if Radi, or we might say RADILDA. She will grow to own a nudist resort and will closet eat in the middle of the night. That leaves us with ESMI, "The Once Most Erotic ESMI" so she is the woman next door, that you would be happy to marry and make a good woman out her without question. BUT this is RLC!!! and to be honest, she just doesn't do it for most of the membership anymore. These short baths with Loraine or Kristy are just not enough to keep her fan base happy. The post count is way down in B-2 these days with the exception of a couple posters, and she is no longer the top cam very often, actually less and less. I think she is ready to move on in her life and ready to leave RLC myself. Really that is what she needs to do if she now chooses to just waste the voyeurs time. It is the voyeurs that make RLC, the site it is, with thier wallets and pocketbooks, and this generates the cash flow these participants really enjoy. Might be time for a little reboot of the master bedroom in B-2 ??? Honestly if Marlene is not home, then I find myself watching other apartments most of the time. Klassy Klassic Karol's return will make it even harder to find time to visit B-2. 1
ddhm Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 This “weird “ recent friendship between Loraine and Esmi , let’s see where it leads ..
thinga69 Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 Looks like I'm the last one with hopes that Esmi will surprise us again. Esmi's bate is just a closure of a great cycle of days of teasing. Great teasing by nude or underwear meditations and stretches on her bed with the morning sunlight, sometimes even an edging in the shower or on her bed. But in the last few days we aren’t getting this anymore. Either by sleepovers like Zaba or Loraine or by her pain on her knee. I hope that soon Esmi gets over all this and returns to her former glory and comes back as magnificent as always. I still have hope but it is diminishing every day.
Thestarider Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 Sadly, and I never thought this would happen, I must admit that I find myself more interested Zaba and what is going on in her world before I go to see ESMI doing well whatever. Zaba's little escapade the other night with Kristy and Monica was most unexpected, but extremely enjoyable to watch as well as the night she brought jack hammer home for some great sex not very long ago. I would rate Zaba's adventures a little higher than "The Once Most Erotic Esmi's these days.
thinga69 Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 By hour that they are going out they are going to return really late.
ddhm Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 Loraine with flip flops and Esmi on her high heels and Loraine still taller ..Loraine is simply awesome but that’s it ..And perhaps the influence on Esmi begins , I think that might be one of the few times out for Esmi on a Friday night , if it occurs ..I still hope for a dates night , maybe meeting “ The President “ 😉😇
fugwash Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 The fact that everybody seems to have gone out shopping today suggests to me that the RLC checks came in and thankfully, they didn't default... 🤣 Hopefully Esmi will realize that the big $$$ that allows her to buy lingerie to cover up her pussy is earned during those moments when her pussy is not covered up. It's a paradox, or a pair o' knickers anyway, yuk yuk. 1 1
ddhm Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 27 minutes ago, thinga69 said: Looks like I'm the last one with hopes that Esmi will surprise us again. Esmi's bate is just a closure of a great cycle of days of teasing. Great teasing by nude or underwear meditations and stretches on her bed with the morning sunlight, sometimes even an edging in the shower or on her bed. But in the last few days we aren’t getting this anymore. Either by sleepovers like Zaba or Loraine or by her pain on her knee. I hope that soon Esmi gets over all this and returns to her former glory and comes back as magnificent as always. I still have hope but it is diminishing every day. The Starider posted right , Zabava nowadays and with Monica around is much more “ voyeuristic “ than the continuous - usually no privacy - Esmi moments .. I have no doubt that both sisters will keep on surprising us , Esmi whenever she wishes and wants and Zabava , perhaps more often ..The secret of the two is simply one , “ expect the unexpected “ , perhaps Esmi changes the page in her life and she moves on with possible dating , Loraine by her side might indicate a “ push “ for things on camera ? Who wouldn’t want that and let’s see . I never ever lost hope on both sisters when nearly EVERYONE was against them and I don’t lose faith on them ( Esmi for me and for many reasons being my main attraction ) no matter what .The sisters will always provide , Esmi will do for sure 😇 , the time can be though even tonight or again at Christmas 😂🤣 ..But she will ..
Gerald Knauft Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 44 minutes ago, Thestarider said: Okay, wir gehen, meine Zeit, um B-2 noch einmal zu kommentieren, Magnificent Marlene ist einfach Friggen Marvelous, dann du Mathilda, die wir sagen könnten, ist die jüngere Schwester von Radi, oder wir könnten RADILDA sagen. Sie wird ein FKK-Resort besitzen und mitten in der Nacht im Schrank essen. Bleiben wir bei ESMI, "The Once Most Erotic ESMI", also ist sie die Frau von nebenan, die Sie gerne heiraten würden und ohne Frage eine gute Frau aus ihr machen würden. ABER das ist RLC!!! und um ehrlich zu sein, tut sie es für die meisten Mitglieder einfach nicht mehr. Diese kurzen Bäder mit Loraine oder Kristy reichen einfach nicht aus, um ihre Fangemeinde bei Laune zu halten. Die Anzahl der Posts in B-2 ist heutzutage mit Ausnahme einiger Poster weit zurückgegangen, und sie ist nicht mehr sehr oft die Top-Kamera, eigentlich immer weniger. Ich denke, sie ist bereit, in ihrem Leben weiterzumachen und bereit, RLC selbst zu verlassen. Wirklich, das ist es, was sie tun muss, wenn sie sich jetzt dafür entscheidet, das einfach zu verschwendenVoyeur- Zeit. Es sind die Voyeure, die RLC mit ihren Brieftaschen und Taschenbüchern zu der Website machen, die sie sind, und dies generiert den Cashflow, den diese Teilnehmer wirklich genießen. Vielleicht ist es Zeit für einen kleinen Neustart des Hauptschlafzimmers in B-2 ??? Ehrlich gesagt, wenn Marlene nicht zu Hause ist, dann beobachte ich die meiste Zeit andere Wohnungen. Die Rückkehr von Klassy Klassic Karol wird es noch schwieriger machen, Zeit für einen Besuch bei B-2 zu finden. Wer zu spät geht, den bestraft die Brieftasche ! 1
fugwash Posted August 19, 2022 Posted August 19, 2022 I see the sisters being very similar. I think neither one of them expected to be here, and they're not the typical RLC camgirl type. Remember Zaba crying on her bed, caressing her blue and yellow streamers after a pro-Ukraine rally? I think they came to RLC under less than perfect circumstances and were both very worried about what they got themselves into, but slowly slowly they are enjoying their life and their friendships with the other girls, and that's helping to open them up. No question, Zaba getting dildoed by Monica the other night was absolutely amazing. Even Monica and Kristy were looking at each other in disbelief that Zaba was DTF lol. 🤣
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