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B7 - General Topic 2022 #12 (October / November)

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What is the matter with Samson he is a fucking joke, he's a pile of muscles with a pair of eyes, nothing more than that, and yet he manages to get girls into his bed, I never see somebody fucks all the time with wide open mouth, I'd like to see a fly get in his mouth exactly when he comes, wow! It could be an unforgettable moment.

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22 minutes ago, joyer said:

What is the matter with Samson he is a fucking joke, he's a pile of muscles with a pair of eyes, nothing more than that, and yet he manages to get girls into his bed, I never see somebody fucks all the time with wide open mouth, I'd like to see a fly get in his mouth exactly when he comes, wow! It could be an unforgettable moment.

The answer to your question is in it.

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22 hours ago, moules said:

 I looked at replay again.  They are on the couch in the living room, drinking, until about 00:00.  There are frequent messages on the phones. They then bring empty bottles and glasses from the living room to the kitchen, and resupply the wine.  While on the couch, there is very little touching.  Samson did leave the couch at about 23:00 to take a shower.  Perhaps he was anticipating something later.

With a new supply of wine, they go down to Samson's room.  Kassandra takes two steps inside the door and pulls down her pants, and then admires her butt in the mirror.  She then gets on the bed, and takes off her top.  Samson and Ailey enter the room.

The speed of the three of them becoming nude or nearly nude is what is surprising, given the relative lack of a prior relationship.  (True, Sammy had fucked Ailey once before.)   It was as if RLC had said we want you to party starting around 00:00. 

I will reply to my own post.  I do not think it was coincidence that soon after Kassandra and Ailey left a befuddled Samson wondering what had gone wrong, that Tim and Tani began their sex romp in B-4.  For participants competing for a high cam score, it is imperative that they not be sharing the stage.  If Samson had been more successful in seducing his two villa-mates, then Tim and Tani would have started at about 02:00  rather than an hour earlier.

And even RLC's best plans sometimes crash and burn.  For example, the night that Radi and Tweety visited K&R in B-5.  Tweety decided she didn't want to be part of the plan, whatever it was, and fled to the other bedroom.  There was a quick burst of text messages, and Plan B was set in motion.  This involved Radi becoming a cinematographer and filming K&R having sex.  When K&R were done, Radi waved good night to them and went to the other bedroom where Tweety was sleeping.  If I recall correctly, this night occurred several days after an orgy of sorts occurred in Radi's bed in B-4, with K&R, Radi, Tweety, Cecelia ?, Olivia? in which K&R did a fuck show while the others watched, followed by everyone piling on the bed.

And there was the night of Martina's and Nelly's spontaneous and top-of-the-charts sex in B-4.  IIRC, their sex occurred simultaneously with an orgy elsewhere in B-4.  Not what RLC would have ever planned.


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8 hours ago, joebirch said:

Samson, please stop working out, stop fucking  bitches and if you occasionally do, please do it with your mouth close….custom satisfaction must be a priority 🙄

And stop kissing like a dog slobbering

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