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Martina & Alberto - 2022 #22


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56 minutes ago, tle said:

Martina takes the best naps of any gal on RLC...

and that is saying something, anyone would think she worked a nightshift. :) 

read a bit earlier about people apparently complaining that the apartment is boring or quiet and that nobody is there, presumably these are the same people who were endlessly complaining that when Alberto was always home, saying that he was a lazy work shy looser etc. Never mind that he was paid by RLC to be there, there was a lot more sex going on then because (shock news) both parties were home most of the time. Now that the complainers got what they wanted, him getting a job, they now are moaning that the place is empty. Well fucking Doh!!! 

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this is just me talking and trust me I'm no doctor or anything of the sort. but it is apparent Alberto has become more and more possessive with Martina. and for this forum that's a shame, she is such good eye candy. as he becomes more possessive he will eventually forbid her from being on camera without him. Again so sad.

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Sorry don't feel like that. She still has all the freedom to spend the nights with friends and go to parties. Where do you see restrictions or what are the reasons for your observation ? Would be interesting to understand it. 🤔

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17 hours ago, Moosecini said:

Just MY opinion, but looking at the two of them on the couch right now (22:40 their time), I can't help but feel that if they don't love each other, it's one hell of an act.  Again, just my opinion.

As mentioned, I've been on a bit of a sabbatical and have thought about jumping back into the fray but have been hesitant to do so.  I know I have repeated myself ad nauseum here.  But Moose brings up a point that I know I have commented on before but perhaps bears repeating or reminding.  Don't panic, I don't think I am jumping back in full throttle!

I think love can come in multiple forms and flavors and is something that can be a spectrum of emotions and not just a discreet ON/OFF type of an emotion.  This should be evident by just considering how you love your spouse or significant other but you also love your children or your parents, etc.  You may love a best friend but be "in love" with your spouse.  My point is this is not black or white.

So for Martina and Alberto to make love on cam and be part of this RLC project, they clearly have to have feelings for each other.  It's obvious they are very close and very affectionate and they do in fact care for each other.  There should be no doubt about this.    This is NOT an act.  In the other apartments, what we see is the "fake lesbian shows" which to me indicates that these people are work colleagues and perhaps friends but not really that close.

The fundamental disagreement between factions here is whether "Alberto and Martina are truly committed to each other but have some sort of an open non-exclusive relationship when it comes to sex" ... OR ... whether "Alberto and Martina are close lifelong friends and fuck buddies or Friends With Benefits".  Please note, and this is very important, that these two scenarios are VERY similar to each other and what we see on-cam does not give us a lot of information to determine which of these scenarios is the correct one.   Both scenarios look the same to us on-cam.

So to Moose's point, I do not think they are faking it.  But I also don't think their affection tells us much about what scenario this couple is living under.  I am open to either scenario and what made this fun for me was looking for evidence to see where this is going to go. 

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Lovely to see real love and affection on the sofa in this apartment, plenty of cuddles and licking as well, (admittedly the licking is Pacco the perro cleaning his balls. while being made a fuss of by Alberto)  Martina appears to be out. :) 

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Martina and Alberto had sex today and Alberto walked away after the clean-up on isle #5. Martina did not seem to finish and left the apartment afterwards for a few hours. I think if Alberto could commit himself to giving her an orgasm every now and then, things could be better.

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3 hours ago, philo said:

Martina and Alberto had sex today and Alberto walked away after the clean-up on isle #5. Martina did not seem to finish and left the apartment afterwards for a few hours. I think if Alberto could commit himself to giving her an orgasm every now and then, things could be better.

Normal, ...and Normal.

Now, what would a sexually frustrated young woman with a high libido (mentioned in this forum) do if there was no possibility of release at home. I wonder, I wonder, ?. I know, .... she would engage in a high impact aerobic activity to  burn off all that pent up energy. Maybe a step class at a ladies gym. 💃

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