dougiestyle4u Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 32 minutes ago, jimbo4 said: 😂 Dreaming never did anyone any harm @dougiestyle4ubut sadly that is all it will be mate. If Leora's and Paul's daily routine stays the same then they will soon ride into the sunset. Can't take anymore of Paul - everything that he does makes my skin crawl. Paul has soured Leora's sweetness. Either Leora leaves in the near future or she will come up with something "new and exciting" for her followers mark my words - lol.
pulo filipe Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 beautiful couple sleeping in bed Eva Leora Paul Good dreams zzz 😴 1
pulo filipe Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 yesterday was a beautiful afternoon Paul exit Leora In bed in nice black pajamas Masturbation And anal sex with mr black In the bathroom washing the black Mr in the sink and in the bath washing the beautiful body with foam weekly cleaning In apartment Eat Watch movie on laptop In bed Leora Eva Paul To sleep  1
jimbo4 Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 2 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said: If Leora's and Paul's daily routine stays the same then they will soon ride into the sunset. Can't take anymore of Paul - everything that he does makes my skin crawl. Paul has soured Leora's sweetness. Either Leora leaves in the near future or she will come up with something "new and exciting" for her followers mark my words - lol. The horse (Malia ) has bolted, Leora made her choices, which was to have Eva returned to her along with Paul so they could continue their introverted lifestyle. They are not going to change now are they, Why would or should they, Leaving Paul aside, if she were to get up from bed, not shower or comb her hair and wore rags it would still not affect the viewing figures. She knows her audience and plays them like an old fiddle, I admire her for it but won't be subjected to it. When it suits she will put less effort into entertaining, and more effort into herself and Paul's needs and happiness ( and why not ) It used to take her quite a while to make herself up to go out or even to give a show, but by the time I left RLC in November she had cut that time and effort down dramatically to the point that most days the makeup was the absolute minimum and the effort was laughable but understandable. why would she bother to make herself desirable when the plank in front of her wouldn't recognise beauty or sex appeal if it bit him. Therefor things became dutiful,dull, predictable and frankly quite embarrassing to watch a grown man fumble around like a first time virgin schoolboy, but when alone she was and possibly is still better than 95% of the other tenants. She will be like an old boxer who's legs have gone, everyone will know barring him, and like him she will continue, the difference being that the body is still fit but the fighter ( Paul ) in the other corner is a spoiler and makes her look bad, which will eventually drain the will from her, so she will cut down on her training, find it difficult to make the weight and eventually be beaten by peers who were not fit to lace her boots in her prime. Like Marlon Brando said in On the Waterfront " I had class, I could have been a contender "  2
Anode Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 6 hours ago, jimbo4 said: The horse (Malia ) has bolted, Leora made her choices, which was to have Eva returned to her along with Paul so they could continue their introverted lifestyle. They are not going to change now are they, Why would or should they, Leaving Paul aside, if she were to get up from bed, not shower or comb her hair and wore rags it would still not affect the viewing figures. She knows her audience and plays them like an old fiddle, I admire her for it but won't be subjected to it. When it suits she will put less effort into entertaining, and more effort into herself and Paul's needs and happiness ( and why not ) Auparavant, il lui fallait un certain temps pour se maquiller pour sortir ou même pour donner un spectacle, mais au moment où j'ai quitté RLC en novembre, elle avait dû réduire ce temps et ses efforts au point que la plupart des jours, le Le maquillage était le minimum absolu et l'effort était risible mais compréhensible. pourquoi prendrait-elle la peine de se rendre désirable alors que la planche devant elle ne reconnaîtrait pas la beauté ou le sex-appeal si elle le mordait. C'est pourquoi les choses sont devenues consciencieuses, ennuyeuses, prévisibles et franchement assez embarrassantes de voir un homme adulte tâtonner comme un écolier vierge pour la première fois, mais lorsqu'elle était seule, elle était et est peut-être encore meilleure que 95 % des autres locataires. Elle sera comme une vieille boxeuse dont les jambes ont disparu, tout le monde saura lui barrer la route, et comme lui elle guérit, la différence étant que le corps est toujours en forme mais le combattant (Paul) dans l'autre coin est un spoiler et la fait avoir l'air mauvaise, ce qui finira par la vider de sa volonté, alors elle réduira son entraînement, aura du mal à faire du poids et finira par être battue par des paires qui n'étaient pas aptes à lacer ses bottes à son apogée. Comme le disait Marlon Brando dans On the Waterfront « J'avais la classe, j'aurais pu être un prétendant » C'est Paul qui fou le bordel dans cette appartement depuis qu'il est la, l'appartement est sans vie ,et je dirais que c'est volontaire de la part de Paul 1
cupid30 Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 4 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said: If Leora's and Paul's daily routine stays the same then they will soon ride into the sunset. Can't take anymore of Paul - everything that he does makes my skin crawl. Paul has soured Leora's sweetness. Either Leora leaves in the near future or she will come up with something "new and exciting" for her followers mark my words - lol. Got to agree with you there, even when they were in Russia I couldn't bear to watch Paul!! As I've mentioned before, what irritates me the most is how lost he is whenever they have sex, like he has no clue what to do, and after he cums or leora has an orgasm, he just lays there clueless, like a boy that was just molested!! 1 2
pulo filipe Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 beautiful girl Leora In bed under the blanket with the phoneÂ
pulo filipe Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 Leora in the bathroom brushing teeth and taking care of her beauty Paul In the bath washing the body sitting Good afternoon 😘
jimbo4 Posted January 25, 2023 Posted January 25, 2023 1 hour ago, cupid30 said: Got to agree with you there, even when they were in Russia I couldn't bear to watch Paul!! As I've mentioned before, what irritates me the most is how lost he is whenever they have sex, like he has no clue what to do, and after he cums or leora has an orgasm, he just lays there clueless, like a boy that was just molested!! He has the look of someone being punished as opposed to pleasured. 2 2
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