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Americans only please. The rest may not understand the ramifications of this sort of thing.

This is from a fellow who lives and works in Dearborn!

Can't work in the school system front offices if you don't speak arabic now and need to know many dialects as some Arabs can't understand others Arabic language. Everybody goes back to the homeland for months and expects to get passed on to the next grade it's crazy as I am at ground zero on this.

Kids (assuming girls, can't tell for sure) roaming the hallways in full blown burkas kids attending classes that can't speak or understand English.

All school monies are being moved from the English end of town (irish, polish, Italian etc etc kids) to the east end  (95% arabic) in the attempt to prop up the poorly performing schools .

6th graders are reading at a 3rd grade level , forget math and sciences.

Everybody gets free breakfasts and lunches. after being dropped off in Land Rovers, and the car of choice here  Mercedes or Escalade.

It is very common to have 3 families live in 1 house.

All garages are being converted into living spaces complete with stoves (against all codes) and the city council can't find the nerve to enforce the safety regulations.

Cars end up parked all over the streets affecting snow plowing, garbage pick up, ambulance runs.

I'll send you some pics as I take them.

If this doesn't scare you, you haven't been watching what has happened to our country in recent years.

I  bet you can't guess what this is!

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)Food  Assistance Program:


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Well,  it's part of the instructions for how to apply for food  stamps in the great state of Michigan in Arabic. 

Read  on: I  actually called the Michigan Dept  of Human Services to check this out and it is true.

Have we gone completely nuts!!

Muslim  men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into  the U.S. and  brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow  plural marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government  programs!

Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the United States . 

When President Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians , ( All Muslim ), immigrated here from Palestine . Why? We don't pay  for other persons to immigrate here, and I'm sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established  there. 

So  now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to  “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”! CHECK IT OUT  YOURSELF - Here is the number 1-888-678-8914.

Every  time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional  number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to  learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why  are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for  themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?

Press 3 for Arabic. 

This  is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely , for, as far as  I know, no public announcement or opportunity to vote on this was offered to  the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely  using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.

The  following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page,(as in Food Stamps etc).

You won't have to scroll far before you see the  assistance-letters options for ... (get this) ... English, Spanish, and ARABIC!!!

When  did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing  3 for ARABIC?"

Check  it out for yourself. 

http :// www.michigan.gov/dhs/0,1607,7-124-5453_5527---,00.html 

(When  you get to this web site, just click on the FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS button -  those forms in Arabic are listed as ending in AR!!)

Please  inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is  outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the  tent!


Thank you Obama.  You promised change and you've certainly kept your word!!!!!  It's all negative change but it's change.  It's all part of his plan to turn America into a 3rd world country, and along with the help of the Democrats it working!

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How do you 'like' something you don't actually like.

I 'like' the fact that the information is getting out there, keep it up guys.

The content, it scares the shit out of me.


They're going to pay alright. And they are going to be forced to lie in the streets and pray to Allah too. That serves their stupid asses right. Sheeple. They'll follow their leader right over the cliff onto that pile of rotting corpses.


The Australian government has just announced that they have stopped a muslim from leaving the country because they believe he was going to fight for ISIS. He was removed from the plane and found to be in possession of photographs of murders, decapitations and pro ISIS propaganda. Although his family were not being detained, they chose not to fly.


Now we have a potential terrorist stuck here, that was about to leave. A muslim family stuck here that was about to leave. We could have let them go, cancelled their passports and refused to let them back in.

An added bonus, the wannabe hero would probably have got himself shot. One less terrorist for the world to worry about.

Will our government never learn.


Everything you guys are discussing fits the UK too. We are flooded with incoming immigrants. Legal from any country in the EU. 500 million people have the right to come to the UK! Then we have all the 'illegal immigrants' flooding in from the rest of the world. They don't seek sanctuary from persecution. If they did they would stay in the first safe country they reach. But no they all head to the UK to get free housing, benefits, free schools and free medical treatment.

The UK now has the fastest growing population in the EU. Virtually none of the immigrants speak English. They are totally useless to our economy. They never integrate. They promote their evil thoughts. They subjugate their women, mutilate their children. Wrap them up in veils or burka's. They insist on Sharia Law being accepted above the best most trusted legal system in the world.

Numerous Pakistani men have just been convicted of child abuse (1400 kids for Christ sake!). They singled out only white children, they considered 'trash'.

Our government refuses to accuse them of racial hatred and only gave them single figure prison sentences.

Our government worries about Muslims leaving to go to Syria to fight for ISIS only because they might come back to commit terrorist attacks! It doesn't occur to them to say that if they leave to go to Syria they are committing treason which can carry the death penalty. They don't think that when they leave they can then stop them coming back into the country.

Our government is frozen into complete inertia when it comes to Islam and Muslims. If they don't do something soon the UK will become an outpost for ISIS and all the evil perpetrated in their name.

The Western world must stop preventing ourselves doing what is necessary to beat these people. Evil sadly can only be stopped by strength. Turning the other cheek and looking the other way will not solve the problem. A 5th century religion needs to be eliminated or pushed back into the Arab desert as quickly as possible. We can then help the Israelis to finish the job!!!


Sad to here another once great country is slowly dying.

The death penalty was abolished in all circumstances in the UK in 1998.

In 2004 the 13th Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights became binding on the United Kingdom, prohibiting the restoration of the death penalty for as long as the UK is a party to the Convention. The government has bound the UK so tightly to the European Union, that will never change.

This unfortunately applies to treason as well. In theory you could assassinate the Queen and only get life.

Why do you think so many of us advocate arming ourselves. When the shit finally hits the fan, the elected government won't help, they will actually be the enemy. One can only hope the military would not have been corrupted as well.


I stand corrected! Sadly you are right our government will not protect us. Thank God I am old and wont have to suffer living with the consequences of our weasel government. Then again maybe I will. At the rate of takeover it is only a short time before Imam's decide my fate! The oldest and greatest democracy will be long gone. Oh how I despair for my country.

Londonistan is well established already. The capital city of Great Britainistan!


Mate, it's never too late to change things.

My gorgeous, darling wife is a strong believer in god, not a regular church goer, but definitely a very strong faith. She learnt to live with my sins many years ago and has always had some reservations about weapons. I've always talked about protection and even retribution. She has always told me there are worst things than death.

Now I finally understand what she means and she wants me to get more guns!


Good for your wife. I checked with my church and the Bible does not preach pacifism. It says we MUST fight and protect what we love.

The Devil's religion has to be defeated. I know many millions of Muslims are good, honest and peaceful people but the activists are the ones who are setting the agenda. I have never seen huge numbers of Muslims marching the streets demanding extremists be brought under control. I have never seen a fellow Muslim say that these extremists are sent by the devil and are evil.

The Muslim Council of Britain are virtually silent. They have mosques affiliated to their organisation which preach that women must not travel further than 52 miles without their men! Why 52 miles for fuck sake!

Christianity has a duty to save the world.


Decided it was time to find another home, just in case. These are countries not predicted to have a muslim population of more than.1% in the near future:

Armenia,  Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, French Polynesia, Guam, Japan, Kiribati, Laos, Macau, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, North Korea, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Cape Verde, Lesotho, Sao Tome and Principe, St. Helena , Channel Islands, Czech Republic

Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, San Marino, Slovakia, Vatican City, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,

El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Greenland, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Turks and Caicos Islands, Virgin Islands, Uruguay.

Not too promising, so then a started cross referencing with the 10 happiest countries in the world:

Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, Finland, Austria, Iceland and Australia.

We have a winner - ICELAND!

I might check out countries with a higher muslim population and countries maybe not so happy.

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