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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #7


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3 hours ago, ddhm said:

L'explication est très simple 😊 L'amour de sa vie, le chien de sa vie, les fans de sa vie qui ne l'ont jamais laissée tranquille et étaient là pour la soutenir même quand les choses tournaient mal et devenaient folles pour elle … Et quand les choses étaient stupides ou pas gentil, un petit ami temporaire, les plus gros spectacles de faux massages de l'histoire avec une fille qui lui utilisait la compagnie et si elle n'était pas là, elle l'aurait complètement perdu… et de nos jours, de l'argent, plus d'argent et encore plus d'argent 💵  … et quand les lumières s'éteindront et qu'il faudra vivre comme chacun d'entre nous, elle se demandera quelles erreurs elle a commises , pourquoi la vie est difficile et les choses ne marchent pas quand tous les problèmes mensuels sont résolus.

 Ce sera bientôt le temps des comptes mensuels, l'ennui d'être dans une maison où personne ne regarde et ne plaît pour être nommée et autoproclamée "Déesse" est sur elle et son partenaire, une vie sans amis, une vie qui quand vous avez +40 ans, la compagnie des autres est lentement nécessaire car il est normal que les relations de longue date soient supportées par la « fatigue » et la « répétition »…

 Les amours de sa vie sont là et l'argent coule, mais rien ne dure éternellement. .. mais en tant qu'être humain, j'espère qu'elle s'échappera et qu'elle vivra heureuse pour toujours, mais la vraie vie n'est pas un conte de fées avec le «aimé heureux pour toujours», elle se dirigera seule et son mec et elle le fera ne se souviennent que de ceux qui ont essayé de l'inviter chez eux, de ceux avec qui elle était en contact, de ceux qui lui avaient promis de quitter la Russie pour un avenir meilleur ailleurs .

 c'est pas posible rlc ne contrôle pas les appartements car les abonnements doive chuter vue les appartements merdique .

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4 hours ago, ddhm said:

The explanation is very simple😊The love of her life, the dog of her life, the fans of her life who never left her alone and were there to support her even when things went wrong and crazy for her …And when things were stupid or not nice, a temporary boyfriend , the biggest fake massage shows in history with a girl who kept him company and if she wasn't there, she would have completely lost him… and nowadays, money, more money and more money💵  … and when the lights go out and we have to live like all of us, she will wonder what mistakes she made , why life is hard and things don't work out when all the monthly problems are solved.

 It will soon be time for monthly accounts, the boredom of being in a house where no one is watching and pleasing to be named and self-proclaimed "Goddess" is upon her and her partner, a life without friends, a life that when you are +40 years old, the company of others is slowly necessary because it is normal for long-standing relationships to be affected by “fatigue” and “repetition”…

 The loves of his life are there and the money is flowing, but nothing lasts forever. .. but as a human being i hope she will escape and live happily ever after but real life is not a fairy tale with the 'happily ever after loved one' she will head alone and her guy and she will only remember those who tried to invite her to their house, those with whom she was in contact, those who promised to leave Russia for a better future elsewhere.

With respect for your opinion, I think people have to realize and accept that Leora lives her life as she feels suits her.

You ( we ) have no right to judge her life, we can by all means criticize her and or Paul for not performing to individual expectations, but always realizing that the choice is ours whether we watch or not, or continue with our subscriptions to RLC …..Nobody has a gun to our head.. 

What is the point in criticizing her PERSONAL life when she does not live it through conventional means, but as it suits her.

Being an introvert she is more than happy most of the time with her own company, not being answerable to anyone else for what she chooses to do, which is to exhibit herself for her own pleasure and financial reward.

Compare what “conventional” people contribute to society. They would do an “acceptable “ job perhaps in an office or shop, or work shift work in a factory making automobiles or other such mundane jobs with very little job satisfaction or reward and giving very little one to one individual pleasure to the rest of humanity, whereas Leora gives her all to bring pleasure to thousands on a daily basis, thousands of men and women who for whatever reason get the ultimate pleasure from watching her.

Yes! Paul has restricted her and she is to many people not the force she was, but that is as I said a separate matter to her contribution to society.

Many of us when we are on our deathbed and reflect on our contribution to life will end up with far less credits than Leora, who has in spite of constant criticism maintained for the most part some measure of kindness and empathy with things in life and, at the same time given generously to animal charities and above all provided immense pleasure to thousands.

Her credits far outweigh her debits !

Can you/ we say the same? ……..Possibly not!

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55 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

With respect for your opinion, I think people have to realize and accept that Leora lives her life as she feels suits her.

You ( we ) have no right to judge her life, we can by all means criticize her and or Paul for not performing to individual expectations, but always realizing that the choice is ours whether we watch or not, or continue with our subscriptions to RLC …..Nobody has a gun to our head.. 

What is the point in criticizing her PERSONAL life when she does not live it through conventional means, but as it suits her.

Being an introvert she is more than happy most of the time with her own company, not being answerable to anyone else for what she chooses to do, which is to exhibit herself for her own pleasure and financial reward.

Compare what “conventional” people contribute to society. They would do an “acceptable “ job perhaps in an office or shop, or work shift work in a factory making automobiles or other such mundane jobs with very little job satisfaction or reward and giving very little one to one individual pleasure to the rest of humanity, whereas Leora gives her all to bring pleasure to thousands on a daily basis, thousands of men and women who for whatever reason get the ultimate pleasure from watching her.

Yes! Paul has restricted her and she is to many people not the force she was, but that is as I said a separate matter to her contribution to society.

Many of us when we are on our deathbed and reflect on our contribution to life will end up with far less credits than Leora, who has in spite of constant criticism maintained for the most part some measure of kindness and empathy with things in life and, at the same time given generously to animal charities and above all provided immense pleasure to thousands.

Her credits far outweigh her debits !

Can you/ we say the same? ……..Possibly not!

I could but I don't Bragg about it😇

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

With respect for your opinion, I think people have to realize and accept that Leora lives her life as she feels suits her.

You ( we ) have no right to judge her life, we can by all means criticize her and or Paul for not performing to individual expectations, but always realizing that the choice is ours whether we watch or not, or continue with our subscriptions to RLC …..Nobody has a gun to our head.. 

What is the point in criticizing her PERSONAL life when she does not live it through conventional means, but as it suits her.

Being an introvert she is more than happy most of the time with her own company, not being answerable to anyone else for what she chooses to do, which is to exhibit herself for her own pleasure and financial reward.

Compare what “conventional” people contribute to society. They would do an “acceptable “ job perhaps in an office or shop, or work shift work in a factory making automobiles or other such mundane jobs with very little job satisfaction or reward and giving very little one to one individual pleasure to the rest of humanity, whereas Leora gives her all to bring pleasure to thousands on a daily basis, thousands of men and women who for whatever reason get the ultimate pleasure from watching her.

Yes! Paul has restricted her and she is to many people not the force she was, but that is as I said a separate matter to her contribution to society.

Many of us when we are on our deathbed and reflect on our contribution to life will end up with far less credits than Leora, who has in spite of constant criticism maintained for the most part some measure of kindness and empathy with things in life and, at the same time given generously to animal charities and above all provided immense pleasure to thousands.

Her credits far outweigh her debits !

Can you/ we say the same? ……..Possibly not!

I think being a “ public “ person , it is inevitable and unquestionable to suffer “ criticism of personal life “ . To be honest , if she really cared , she would have abandoned this way of life  too long ago , but here she is , always , despite any criticism suffered ( however she’s undeniably the most “protected “ on whatever she does in comparison to other colleagues of hers in the same business and company ) , she keeps on , I would translate it like what matters the most is her own well being and she doesn’t have to answer or be questioned by anyone ..


To go a bit further more with my thoughts , I think all this criticism comes as a way that the majority here likes / adores / enjoys ( or have done in the past .. ) this woman and they only want to see her happy , successful , healthy , smiley and simply living a life that it will offer her only the best of experiences and moments .. and this criticism and commenting comes as an oppose that the way her life currently runs won’t be offering any of the things mentioned above .. Who are we to know ? Who are we not to know ? But we are who we are with our personal experiences and things we have lived in life , we say what we say according to the things that WE have lived and WE believe that it will turn not in the best of interests of her .. caring , advising , trying to post opinions and thoughts in a mean of communication like this forum in which the person we are referring to repeatedly reads , it looks for me like people want the best and that this girl is simply happy for what she has offered , otherwise they wouldn’t comment , post , expressing thoughts , they would stay indifferent because this person wouldn’t mean anything . 

I don’t think that there’s ANYONE not loving / caring / admiring / feeling amazed and wonderful with the girl Leora but I think there are many ( who don’t even post now or express thoughts ) that don’t appreciate the chosen / decided  life of the girl Leora , I happen to express my thoughts , right or wrong , it is thoughts .. but this is how I see it , as we comment for a celebrity when we are with friends and judge any action in our LR , kitchen , bedroom before we sleep , it just happens the same here .. but this doesn’t mean that there’s empathy , hate or dislike to the girl Leora , why should it be ? 

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