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B7 - General Topic 2023 #4 (February)

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Il y a 1 heure, Mark Thompson a dit :


 The most important thing is the molesting !!!!!!!!!!!! on an seriously impaired to unconscious woman ...



Only if she feels that way (which she might, we don't know). That decision is only hers to make, not mine, not yours nor anyone else's.

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49 minutes ago, Epikouros said:

Only if she feels that way (which she might, we don't know). That decision is only hers to make, not mine, not yours nor anyone else's.

I can't stand this insane pretzel logic ...

so an adult gets raped ? beat up ? maybe robbed or slandered  but decides not to do anything about it ... not to mention this person could have been  impaired, drugged  unconscious ??  and unwilling to get into trouble for the possible consequence  ( RLC could wield such pressure  - women in poverty?, passport or immigration issues, threats of violence  to them or family  -this is Pimps and criminals  people ) Who knows ) 

the point many of us with care and conscience are saying from the abundantly clear evidence that Moron perpetrated is still WRONG  regardless of what Lilith says are can't or wont say ( and luckily she did not get physically harmed or fully raped ) 

It is wrong ! and RLC is not surprising,  putting you NEW GUY on the Forum and other plants to try and change, manipulate the Narrative 

 to just comment and not voice upwards to RLC  and cancel ones subscription ( and why because of another level of porn industry abuse of women and men  - the hypocrisy is sickening ) but they would never get a penny of mine  and nor have they 

so again welcome to REAL LIFE   but don't you dare try and deflect and deny that this episode sucks, is wrong on many levels and Moron and RLC will get their Karma card punched real good one day 

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