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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #9


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The apartment now works for the likes of people who constantly give the negative emojis to people who state their voice in this forum .. Leora is making these people happy and they defend her in any way when it is gradually and daily more and more obvious that this is the most “ groundhog “ apartment in all of RLC .. I mean , this couple doesn’t even engage in frequent sex , I honestly believe that this is the most downgraded period for Leora’s RLC presence since she joined this job … 


READY FOR THE HAMMERING from the “known / unknown “ by simply expressing what most people want to say but they don’t 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪

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11 minutes ago, ddhm said:

 I honestly believe that this is the most downgraded period for Leora’s RLC presence since she joined this job

100%  It's her life, her rules but really boring as of late. Remember when performing for the cams excited her?

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20 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

100%  It's her life, her rules but really boring as of late. Remember when performing for the cams excited her?

As I have said in the past , there’s no point for me to watch IN EUROPE the life they had IN RUSSIA … this is Europe , life works in whatever field .. people go out , theaters , cinema , they have friends , they gather for Saturday evenings , dinners , board games .. individually watching movies or tv series  , sex teasing in the couch , endless possibilities for so many concepts .. on the contrary , what we see ? A guy being the vampire the whole night in front of a monitor , a girl watching her laptop till late hours before sleeping only to wake after 12:00 pm and spend 2-3 hours per day out of the apartment only to be inside again for another groundhog routine day … But this routine people LOVE to watch… and whoever of us is criticizing what we see , we are the bad people … If this is RLC , then , something is completely wrong with the people running the site and even more , people who appreciate and enjoy watching two young people doing the ABSOLUTE ZERO apart from eat , wake up , front of the monitor , constant masturbation and jerking / REPEAT .. 

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11 minutes ago, ddhm said:

If this is RLC , then , something is completely wrong with the people running the site and even more , people who appreciate and enjoy watching two young people doing the ABSOLUTE ZERO apart from eat , wake up , front of the monitor , constant masturbation and jerking / REPEAT .

RLC owners/manager lack brain cells but people are willing to pay for this shit. This is how owners get rich from equally dumbass fools that will even pay to watch undercover sex and plastic tits and duck lips.

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Just now, dougiestyle4u said:

RLC owners/manager lack brain cells but people are willing to pay for this shit. This is how owners get rich from equally dumbass fools that will even pay to watch undercover sex and plastic tits and duck lips.

I am only watching this apartment because it appears on the list .. I am not interested in the sex of these tow because for my standards , it is terrible .. Leora’s masturbations I have seen more than I can say letter by letter spelling “ r-e-p-e-a-t-e-d-l-y  “ … my wish was , is and will always be to see NORMAL LIFE of two people in Europe , in Prague .. I would like to see guests , spontaneous moments from the couple , Paul waking up in the morning with a hard on ( like we all men have ) and Leora rewarding him .. I would like to see them choose a movie and binge watching , I would like to see them hugging and kissing .. guests at home so we can see how the couple will host , other people in general so we get away with boredom and groundhog times .. if this is too much , then EVERYONE’S life on this forum should be a copy of Leora and Paul because then this is what people should do .. and that’s why they reward them watching ..


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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

I am only watching this apartment because it appears on the list .. I am not interested in the sex of these tow because for my standards , it is terrible .. Leora’s masturbations I have seen more than I can say letter by letter spelling “ r-e-p-e-a-t-e-d-l-y  “ … my wish was , is and will always be to see NORMAL LIFE of two people in Europe , in Prague .. I would like to see guests , spontaneous moments from the couple , Paul waking up in the morning with a hard on ( like we all men have ) and Leora rewarding him .. I would like to see them choose a movie and binge watching , I would like to see them hugging and kissing .. guests at home so we can see how the couple will host , other people in general so we get away with boredom and groundhog times .. if this is too much , then EVERYONE’S life on this forum should be a copy of Leora and Paul because then this is what people should do .. and that’s why they reward them watching ..


You would like to see "real life" couples and people - WHAT A CONCEPT. When RLC first started this is what they offered and it was quite the voyeur tease. Times change, subscribers want fake ass shit so the good voyeur days of RLC are history and never coming back which is too bad. Actually Leora and Paul have the occasional sex in front of the cams for intentional showing and part of their "performance" contract. Actually funny to watch them repositioning themselves for the viewers benefit - 🤣.

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