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B7 - General Topic 2023 #6 (March)

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Well done Max Ragnar on Kimberly. There are lots who don’t get it when it comes to alcohol problems and they use themselves as the gauge for it. Kim has social issues that would stem back many years and she has developed ways to cope, by isolation at times and booze other times. I also bet she doesn’t reveal her inner self even to her friends so it’s hard to get really close. With booze she doesn’t feel all those issues. Sorry if I am just repeating bits that you said as well Max Ragnar. It’s all seems familiar to me though.

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“ I want to do with you 4 children “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤪🤪 … At least we find out that the “ thing “ between Grisha and Alsu is cameras orientated , Grisha knows exactly what’s going on and Alsu has definitely her lover(s)/ funk buddies outside .. BUT … in comparison to any other , she does things on cameras and despite being absent at times , she provides entertainment and she’s not indifferent like the stupidity of Zhanna and Serafima which is an RLC disgrace … The only issue I can tell is that she’s hiding the guys off cameras while she could easily bring them in the villa .. it is the new RLC villas generation , only the “ crazies “ Elettra and Taylor had the “ balls “ to not care and bring the outside fun inside .. but then they got hammered because they were acting like sluts .. pff ..  

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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

I have another opinion about drinking , personally for 6 months I drink zero alcohol during November to April and I can drink - and I do - really much and without affections from April to October .. and I can drink easily really a lot... better we can say a bad habit when she doesn’t want to stop when she starts “ feeling “ it .. but I always love to watch her 😊 

Yer not an alchy.  You are able to be responsible and abstain.

And probably a hell of a lot of fun when you do! But I don't see you acting like these lunatics. FYI, I've never ever been to a 'party' like these people have, people so drunk they are taking clothes off, etc. I wouldn't want to be there with them, honestly.

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Just now, Max Ragnar said:

Yer not an alchy.  You are able to be responsible and abstain.

And probably a hell of a lot of fun when you do! But I don't see you acting like these lunatics. FYI, I've never ever been to a 'party' like these people have, people so drunk they are taking clothes off, etc. I wouldn't want to be there with them, honestly.

I have been , done and seen such things dozens of times .. with Scandinavians , Germans , Austrians , French , English , all at a villa drinking , swimming naked , the rooms occupied late at night for sex and sleeping  reasons 😂🤣 .. It is just the tourism way of life on an island and many cultures involved .. but it is just moments being young and trying , it is all allowed except drugs and injections .. yes , some of them they will make 1-2 joints but till there .. all under control , it is life at its wildest times ,  being single , learning , experiencing .. I totally justify the actions of any of these people , knowing that I might do worse having the chance .. but was ( still am ) able to balance the job with the fun and have made it in a good level at nearly 46 years old .. I think all of these people they are just like any of us with the “obligation “ at times to exaggerate for camera reasons ..i don’t Blake them as they try , I prefer so much whatever we see than ( don’t want to repeat .. ) that overrated tenants who are hiding all to protect their personal image or show things that will embarrass them if they look into them 20 years from now .. always supporting people who ( after choosing to be exposed in the world ) aren’t hiding and share than the people who believe bad consider that they are the center of the world because they can have their legs open on cameras… 

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6 minutes ago, ddhm said:

it is the new RLC villas generation , only the “ crazies “ Elettra and Taylor had the “ balls “ to not care and bring the outside fun inside .. but then they got hammered because they were acting like sluts .. pff ..  

I honestly can't stand watching sluts. I subscribe for "real life' cams. Normal people, or near normal as people who would appear 24/7 for us and the world.

Venera and Lion, Adela and Axle types. I like Leora because she can appear wholesome which makes her nudity and sex special instead of sloppy and slutty. Just my preference.

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3 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I have been , done and seen such things dozens of times .. with Scandinavians , Germans , Austrians , French , English , all at a villa drinking , swimming naked , the rooms occupied late at night for sex and sleeping  reasons 😂🤣 .. It is just the tourism way of life on an island and many cultures involved .. but it is just moments being young and trying , it is all allowed except drugs and injections .. yes , some of them they will make 1-2 joints but till there .. all under control , it is life at its wildest times ,  being single , learning , experiencing .. I totally justify the actions of any of these people , knowing that I might do worse having the chance ..

There we differ.  I wouldn't want to do these things and wouldn't have to worry about being sucked in and participating. I might be a voyeur but I am respectable in real life interactions. Was raised to never appear foolish in front of people as your reputation will suffer. Doing what  my parents demanded allowed me to retire early and make more money retired than when I worked full time.

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41 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

if kimb was an alchy she would have been rattling like fuck today, she gets drunk easily but doesnt stop drinking until the others do, or she passes out

The point I'm trying to make is that if a person drinks and doesn't stop until they take off their clothes or pass out or both has a serious problem.  It isn't a ha-ha let's do it again healthy behavior. Doing it once and learning not to do t again is one thing but making a total fucking fool of yourself in front of everyone else over and over is another. 

Maybe the people that like to do it feel its normal behavior. I've never met anyone in over 7 decades that behaved like the the Barcelona people do and  I've been to a lot of parties. A lot. Seen people pass out and be taken home, seen people throw up. Never seen anyone take their clothes off at a 'party'. Europeans must be a different breed.

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1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said:

The point I'm trying to make is that if a person drinks and doesn't stop until they take off their clothes or pass out or both has a serious problem.  It isn't a ha-ha let's do it again healthy behavior. Doing it once and learning not to do t again is one thing but making a total fucking fool of yourself in front of everyone else over and over is another. 

Maybe the people that like to do it feel its normal behavior. I've never met anyone in over 7 decades that behaved like the the Barcelona people do and  I've been to a lot of parties. A lot. Seen people pass out and be taken home, seen people throw up. Never seen anyone take their clothes off at a 'party'. Europeans must be a different breed.

the things some of these girls do to get attention LOL

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